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Giving something up for your spouse

2010-01-13 14:32 239 查看
Sometimes in marriage you have to give something you love or hold to up in order to make your spouse happy, and make your marriage successful. 尽管许多人不明白,为什么放弃了的东西会令你的婚姻更好地工作,但对你们之间的关系的健康造成重大影响。 While many people do not understand why giving something up would make your marriage work better, it has significant effects on the health of your relationship.

婚姻如何工作的:婚姻是一个联盟,您合并两个不同的人,性格,兴趣等,并设法让他们一起工作。 How marriage works: Marriage is a union where you combine two different people, personalities, interests, etc. and try to make them work together. 有时候,理想啮合,等真的很容易,与其说其他时间。 Sometimes the meshing of ideals, etc. is really easy, other times not so much.

然而,在每一个婚姻有,将会是一些意见分歧。 However, in every marriage there are going to be some differences of opinions. 一些较大的比别人好。 Some bigger than others. 有些人不会很大问题,和其他人可以成为是否婚姻工程的决定因素。 Some are not going to matter very much, and others can be a deciding factor in whether or not the marriage works.

为什么我们有时不得不放弃的东西了:生活中有时候的东西,使我们高兴的是没有好服务全国。 Why we sometimes have to give something up: There are times in life when the thing that makes us happy is not serving the whole well. 例如,丈夫喜欢***谁可能会看到一些在周末休闲***没有什么不对。 For example, a husband who loves to gamble may see nothing wrong with some recreational gambling on the weekends. 但是,如果***违背了他妻子的素质,她认为这是对他们的资金浪费,使用时,它可以创建一个在婚姻大打一架。 However, if gambling goes against the moral fiber of his wife, and she sees it as a wasteful use of their money, it can create a big fight in the marriage. 这意味着,他不得不问自己,如果他的娱乐价值的价格是他的婚姻? This means that he has to ask himself if his recreation is worth the price of his marriage? 有时候,我们必须做些事情,因为这将加强我们的关系,这样做的。 Sometimes we have to give something up because it will strengthen our relationships to do so.

例如: Examples: 有无数的例子,一些常见的包括: There are countless examples, some common ones include:

***:谁在看***许多男人会发现,他们的妻子由它不是很高兴,而且会导致她的不安全感。 Pornography: Many men who look at pornography will find that their wives are not very pleased by it, and that it can cause insecurities in her. 因此,它成为了问题你是否愿意放弃。 So, it becomes the question of whether or not you are willing to give that up. 你喜欢哪个更多? Which do you like more?

吸毒:有许多种类,购物,酒,食品,运动等,当你有瘾往往需要远离你的能力有牢固的关系成瘾,从而放弃它们可以增强你的婚姻。 Addictions: There are addictions of many kinds, shopping, alcohol, food, exercise, etc. When you have an addiction it often takes away from your ability to have strong relationships, and thus giving them up can strengthen your marriage.

男孩女孩晚上或夜间:这可能需要远离家人相聚的时间,或者您花的时刻在一起,一对夫妇。 Boys night or girls night: This can take away from family time, or the moments you spend together as a couple.

如何改善和帮助的关系: How it improves and helps the relationship:

这让你的配偶来得重要。 It leaves your spouse feeling important. 如果你放弃一些东西对你很重要,以加强你的婚姻有效地告诉你是你的配偶,“我爱你超过_______________." If you give up something important to you in order to strengthen your marriage you are effectively telling your spouse, "I love you more than _______________." 如果他们都质疑你对他们的爱是,这个姿态是想说卷的他们,因为他们可能是非常肯定的对你的感受不管它是你放弃了他们。 If they are at all questioning your love for them, this gesture is going to speak volumes to them, because they are probably very certain about how you feel about whatever it is you give up for them.

它表明你的承诺关系。 It shows your commitment to the relationship. 当你愿意作出改变它表明你是致力于使您的婚姻的工作,并显示您的友好关系是对你很重要。 When you are willing to make changes it shows that you are committed to making your marriage work, and shows that your relationship is something that is important to you.

它激励着其他积极变化。 It inspires other positive changes. 如果你放弃一些东西对你很重要,以使您的婚姻更好,有一个很好的机会,你的配偶将回应。 If you give up something important to you in order to make your marriage better, there is a good chance your spouse will respond in kind. 这是一个无论你做一件好事,他们做一些回报不错。 This is a matter where you do something nice, and they do something nice in return. 它只能提高你的婚姻。 It can only improve your marriage.
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