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授权许可: GNU自由文档许可证

翻译人员: mhmdanger





1 Introduction 简介

2 Target Audience 目标读者

3 System Logs 系统日志

3.1 Authorization Log 身份验证日志

3.2 Daemon Log 守护进程日志

3.3 Debug Log 调试日志

3.4 Kernel Log 内核日志

3.5 Kernel Ring Buffer 内核环形缓冲器

3.6 Messages Log 消息日志

3.7 System Log 系统日志

4 Application Logs 应用程序日志

4.1 Apache HTTP Server Logs Apache HTTP 服务器日志

4.2 CUPS Print System Logs 公共Unix打印系统日志

4.3 Rootkit Hunter Log

4.4 Samba SMB Server Logs SMB服务器日志

4.5 X11 Server Log X11 服务器日志

5 Non-Human-Readable Logs 非人类可读日志

5.1 Login Failures Log 失败登录日志

5.2 Last Logins Log 最近登录日志

5.3 Login Records Log 登录记录日志

6 System Logging Daemon (syslogd) 系统日志守护进程(syslogd)

6.1 Configuration of syslogd 配置

6.2 Echoing Messages to syslogd With Logger 用logger向syslogd发送消息

6.3 Log Rotation 日志轮替

7 Additional Tips 其它技巧

7.1 Just the Beginning 前面部分

7.2 Just the End 尾部

7.2.1 Real-Time Tail 实时

8 Resources 资源

8.1 Local System Resources 本地系统资源

8.2 WWW Resources www资源

Introduction 简介

One of the things which makes GNU/Linux a great operating system is that virtually anything, and everything happening on, and to the system may be logged in some manner. This information is invaluable to using the system in an informed manner, and should be one of the first resources used in trouble-shooting system, and application issues. The logs can tell you almost anything you need to know, so long as you have an idea where to look first.


Your Ubuntu system provides vital information concerning events, operation, and other functions in various system log files. These log files are typically plain ASCII text in a standard log file format, and the majority of them are located in the traditional system log subdirectory
. Many of these log files are generated by the system log daemon,
on behalf of the system, and certain applications, while some applications generate their own logs by writing directly to log files located in the


This guide discusses several of these system log files, describes their content with examples, and further presents examples on extracting useful information from these system log files with such command-line utilities as
. This guide will also discuss the system logging daemon,
, its configuration, and the concept of log rotation. Additional information will be provided in the Resources section of this guide.


Target Audience 目标读者

This guide is for anyone with sufficient experience using the GNU/Linux command-line, and particularly experience in executing command-line utilities, and editing system configuration files with a preferred console-based text editor. 本指南适合所有的具有丰富的GNU/Linux 命令行经验,丰富的命令行实用程序使用经验,以及能够利用基于控制台的文本编辑器来编辑系统配置文件的用户。

System Logs 系统日志

This section of the guide addresses so-called system logs, or logs which deal primarily with the functioning of the Ubuntu system, and not necessarily with additional applications added by the System Administrator, or users of the system. Examples of such logs include the logging of authorization mechanisms, running system daemons, system messages, and the all-encompassing system log itself, or syslog as it is known. (not to be confused with the actual
daemon which we'll cover later).


Authorization Log 身份验证日志

The Authorization Log tracks usage of authorization systems, that is, all of the Ubuntu mechanisms for authorizing users which prompt for user passwords, such as the Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) system, the
command, remote logins to
, and so on. The Authorization Log file may be accessed at
. This log is useful for learning about user logins, and usage of the sudo command on your Ubuntu system, for example.


You may examine the log, from its most recent rotation point, (if applicable) one page per screen, using a command such as the following from a terminal prompt:


less /var/log/auth.log

Press the SPACE BAR to advance to the next page, or the ENTER key to advance one line at-a-time. The b key will scroll backwards one full page, and the q quits the


Specific information may be accessed from the Authorization Log by using such commands as
, and
. For example, to see only information in the Authorization Log pertaining to
logins, you might use a command such as the following at a terminal prompt:


grep sshd /var/log/auth.log | less

Daemon Log 守护进程日志

The daemon log exists at
and contains information specific to running system, and application daemons such as the Gnome Display Manager daemon, (
) the Bluetooth HCI daemon, (
) or the MySQL Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) daemon, (
). This log is useful for gaining information about running daemons, and for trouble-shooting problems with a particular daemon.


You may examine the log, from its most recent rotation point, (if applicable) one page per screen, using a command such as the following from a terminal prompt:


less /var/log/daemon.log

Specific information may be accessed from the Daemon Log by using such commands as
, and
. For example, to see only information in the Daemon Log pertaining to the MySQL daemon, you might use a command such as the following at a terminal prompt:


grep mysqld /var/log/daemon.log | less

Debug Log 调试日志

The debug log exists at
and provides detailed, debug messages from the Ubuntu system, and applications which log to
at the DEBUG level. These messages are useful for debugging issues with everything from hardware drivers, to server daemons.


You may examine the log, from its most recent rotation point, (if applicable) one page per screen, using a command such as the following from a terminal prompt:


less /var/log/debug

Specific information may be accessed from the Debug Log by using such commands as
, and
. For example, to see only information in the Debug Log pertaining to the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), you might use a command such as the following at a terminal prompt:


grep ACPI /var/log/debug | less

Kernel Log 内核日志

The kernel log at
provides a detailed log of messages from the Ubuntu Linux kernel. These messages may prove useful for trouble-shooting a new, or custom-built kernel for example.

内核日志记录于/var/log/kern.log中,它提供了详尽的Ubuntu Linux内核运行状况信息。这些信息对于一个新的或是定制内核的问题分析与排解是很重要的。

You may examine the log, from its most recent rotation point, (if applicable) one page per screen, using a command such as the following from a terminal prompt:


less /var/log/kern.log

Specific information may be accessed from the Kernel Log by using such commands as
, and
. For example, to see only information in the Kernel Log pertaining to the computer's Central Processing Unit (CPU), you might use a command such as the following at a terminal prompt:


grep CPU /var/log/kern.log | less

Kernel Ring Buffer 内核环形缓冲器

The kernel ring buffer is not really a log file per se, but rather an area in the running kernel which may be queried for kernel bootup messages via the
utility. You may see all kernel bootup messages by using a command such as the following at a terminal prompt:

dmesg | less

You may also use the
utility to examine specific information from the kernel bootup messages such as Plug and Play (PNP) messages by using a command such as the following at a terminal prompt:

dmesg | grep pnp | less

In relation to the Kernel Ring Buffer, the default behavior of the
system initialization script is to use the
command to log all bootup messages to the file
as well. This file may be used as any other log file for examining Kernel bootup messages via commands
, and others.

Messages Log 消息日志

The messages log contains informational messages from applications, and system facilities, and is available at
. This log is useful for examining message output from applications, and system facilities which log to the syslog / sysklog daemon at the INFO level.

You may examine the log, from its most recent rotation point, (if applicable) one page per screen, using a command such as the following from a terminal prompt:

less /var/log/messages

Specific information may be accessed from the Messages Log by using such commands as
, and
. For example, to see only information in the Messages Log pertaining to the Gnome Configuration Daemon (
), you might use a command such as the following at a terminal prompt:

grep gconfd /var/log/messages | less

System Log 系统日志

The system log typically contains the greatest deal of information by default about your Ubuntu system. It is located at
, and may contain information other logs do not. You may wish to consult the System Log when you are unable to locate the desired log information in another log.

Application Logs 应用程序日志

In addition to the myriad of system-specific logs available on your Ubuntu system, you may also access individual logs which may be used by certain applications. If you list the contents of your
subdirectory, you will see familiar names of applications you may have installed, such as
representing the logs for the Apache 2 Hyper Text Transport Protocol (HTTP) server, or
, which contains the logs for the Samba Server Message Block (SMB) server. This section of the guide introduces some specific examples of application logs, and information contained within them.

Apache HTTP Server Logs Apache HTTP 服务器日志

The default installation for Apache2 on Ubuntu creates a log subdirectory:
, and within this subdirectory, are two log files with two distinct purposes:

: Contains records of all access to the HTTP server by clients

: Contains records of all error conditions reported by the HTTP server

With this information in mind, and a command of the tools
, and
basic information gathering from these logs becomes possible.

For example, and in terms of access, if you wished to see log records for every recorded access to your Apache2 server from the client IP address, and display the results as one page per screen, you would simply use a command such as the following at a terminal prompt:

grep "" /var/log/apache2/access.log | less

Or, if you wished to determine if any clients using your Apache2 server were using Mac OS X, a simple command such as the following, typed into a terminal window would suffice:

grep "Mac OS X" /var/log/apache2/access.log | less

On the other side of the coin, suppose you wished to see information from the
. This log can be used to search for instances of the Apache2 server being shut down, by using a command such as the following from a terminal prompt:

grep "shutting down" /var/log/apache2/error.log | less

You may also see all log entries which are considered errors by Apache2 with a command such as the following entered at a terminal prompt:

grep error /var/log/apache2/error.log | less

CUPS Print System Logs 公共Unix打印系统日志

The Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) uses the default log file
to store informational and error messages. If you need to solve a printing issue in Ubuntu, then this log may be a good place to start. You may examine the log, from its most recent rotation point, (if applicable) one page per screen, using a command such as the following from a terminal prompt:

less /var/log/cups/error_log

Specific information may be accessed from the CUPS Log by using such commands as
, and
. For example, to see only information in the CUPS Log pertaining to Full reloads, you might use a command such as the following at a terminal prompt:

grep reload /var/log/cups/error_log | less

Rootkit Hunter Log

The Rootkit Hunter utility (
) checks your Ubuntu system for backdoors, sniffers, and so-called "rootkits", which are all signs of compromise of your system. The log which rkhunter uses is located at
You may examine the log, from its most recent rotation point, (if applicable) one page per screen, using a command such as the following from a terminal prompt:

less /var/log/rkhunter.log

Specific information may be accessed from the Rootkit Hunter Log by using such commands as
, and
. For example, to see only information in the Rootkit Hunter Log pertaining to Warnings, you might use a command such as the following at a terminal prompt:

grep WARNING /var/log/rkhunter.log | less

Samba SMB Server Logs SMB服务器日志

The Server Message Block Protocol (SMB) server, Samba is popularly used for sharing files from your Ubuntu computer to other computers which support the SMB protocol. Samba keeps three distinct types of logs in the subdirectory

: Logs all messages related to Samba's NETBIOS over IP functionality (the network stuff)

: Logs all messages related to Samba's SMB/CIFS functionality (the file, print, etc. sharing stuff)

: Logs messages related to requests for services from the IP address contained in the log file name, for example,

To view all information related to Samba's networking, you could use a command such as the following at a terminal prompt:

less /var/log/samba/log.nmbd

If you wanted only to see information logged about Master Browsers, then you might use a command like this at a terminal prompt:

grep "master browser" /var/log/samba/log.nmbd | less

If you would like to see details related to the SMB functionality of Samba, you can view the appropriate log in its entirety with a command similar to the following at a terminal prompt:

less /var/log/samba/log.smbd

To see only messages related to the start up of the Samba server, a command like the following at a terminal prompt may be used:

grep started /var/log/samba/log.smbd | less

To view all the details on connections from the client system with IP address you could use a command such as the following at a terminal prompt:

less /var/log/samba/log.

X11 Server Log X11 服务器日志

The default X11 Windowing Server in use with Ubuntu is the Xorg X11 server, and assuming your computer has but one display defined, it stores log messages in the file
. This log is helpful for diagnosing issues with your X11 environment. You may examine the log, from its most recent rotation point, (if applicable) one page per screen, using a command such as the following from a terminal prompt:

less /var/log/Xorg.0.log

Specific information may be accessed from the Xorg Log by using such commands as
, and
. For example, to see only information in the Xorg Log pertaining to the freetype font engine, you might use a command such as the following at a terminal prompt:

grep freetype /var/log/Xorg.0.log | less

Non-Human-Readable Logs 非人类可读日志

Some log files found in the
subdirectory are designed to be readable by applications, and not necessarily by humans. Some examples of such log files which appear in

Login Failures Log 失败登录日志

The login failures log located at
is actually designed to be parsed, and output by the
command. For example, to print recent login failures using the
command, simply enter the following at a terminal prompt:


Last Logins Log 最近登录日志

The last logins log at
should not typically be parsed, and examined by humans, but rather should be used in conjunction with the
command. For example to see a listing of logins with the
command, displayed one page per screen with the
command, use the following command at a terminal prompt:

lastlog | less

Login Records Log 登录记录日志

The file
contains login records, but unlike
is not used to show a list of recent logins, but is instead used by other utilities such as the
command to present a listed of currently logged in users. For example, if you wish to see who is currently logged in on the machine you are currently using, issue the following at a terminal prompt:


System Logging Daemon (syslogd) 系统日志守护进程(syslogd)

The system logging daemon, or
(also known as
) is a system daemon, or special application which executes silently, in the background and does good things for your system. Specifically,
awaits logging messages from numerous system, and application sources, and routes the messages to their proper target, be it a standard log file, a First In First Out (FIFO) pipe for use by a log analyzation application, or even across the network to another system's

Messages logged to
usually contain important common elements, such as system hostnames, and time-stamps in addition to the specific log information from a system source, the Linux kernel, or a user application.

Configuration of syslogd 配置

The detailed configuration of
is beyond the scope of this guide, and the reader is encouraged to seek additional information via the Resources section of this guide for information on correctly configuring, and modifying the configuration of
. The file which configures the behavior of the
daemon is
and consists primarily of two fields, the selector, and the action. The selector field consists of a facility, to be logged, such as for example the auth facility which deals with authorization, and a priority, or level to log such information at, such as info, or warning priorities, which would log all messages at the informational priority and higher, or only at the warning level and higher respectively. The action field consists of a target for the log information, such as a standard log file (i.e.
), or the hostname of a remote computer to send the log information to (e.g. @myotherubuntu).

The configuration file is very flexible, and powerful in nature, allowing a seemingly infinite combination of logging to take place to fit the particular requirements your installation may have.

Echoing Messages to syslogd With Logger 用logger向syslogd发送消息

A neat utility exists in the
tool, which allows one to place messages into the System Log (i.e.
) arbitrarily. This is a powerful tool, which you may use in Administrative scripts, such as Perl, or shell scripts to provide them with standard logging capabilities, or you may use it just to place things in the system log as needed. For example, assume your user name is
, and you would like to enter a message into the syslog about a particularly delicious pizza you're eating, you could use a command such as the following at a terminal prompt:

logger This Pizza from Vinnys Gourmet Rocks

and you would find a line in the
file such as this afterward:
Jan 12 23:17:02 localhost buddha: This Pizza from Vinnys Gourmet Rocks

Used in a little more professional manner in shell scripts, you can even specify a tag the messages come from, and redirect the output standard error too. This lets you have excellent error logging in a script, such as in this example snippet:
# sample logger error jive
logmsg="/usr/bin/logger -s -t MyScript "
# announce what this script is, even to the log
$logmsg "Directory Checker FooScript Jive 1.0"
# test for the existence of Fred's home dir on this machine
if [ -d /home/fred ]; then
$logmsg "I. Fred's Home Directory Found"
$logmsg "E. Fred's Home Directory was NOT Found. Boo Hoo."
exit 1

Executing this script as
on the machine
where Fred does not have a home directory,
, gives the following results:
MyScript: Directory Checker FooScript Jive 1.0
MyScript: E. Fred's Home Directory was NOT Found. Boo Hoo.
bumpy@butters:~$tail -n 2 /var/log/syslog
Jan 12 23:23:11 localhost MyScript: Directory Checker FooScript Jive 1.0
Jan 12 23:23:11 localhost MyScript: E. Fred's Home Directory was NOT Found. Boo Hoo.

So, as you can see, we received the messages both via standard error, at the terminal prompt, and they also appear in our syslog!

Log Rotation 日志轮替

When viewing directory listings in
or any of its subdirectories, you may encounter log files with names such as
, and so on. What are these log files? They are 'rotated' log files. That is, they have automatically been renamed after a predefined time-frame, and a new original log started. After even more time the log files are compressed with the
utility as in the case of the example
. The purpose of log rotation is to archive and compress old logs so that they consume less disk space, but are still available for inspection as needed. What handles this functionality? Why, the
command of course! Typically, logrotate is called from the system-wide cron script
, and further defined by the configuration file

This guide will not cover the myriad of ways logrotate may be configured to handle the automatic rotation of any log file on your Ubuntu system, but rather the reader is encouraged to use the Resources section of this guide, and study the requisite manual pages to determine how to configure logrotate for a particular log file, and needs.

attachment:IconsPage/IconNote.png NOTE: You may also rotate system log files via the
instead of using logrotate. Actually, the utility
may produce unexpected results on log rotation which configuring
seems to have no effect on. In those cases, you should check the cron.daily
script in
and read the
manual page to see if
is not in fact doing the rotation in a way that is not what you are specifying with

Additional Tips 其它技巧

Some additional tips for quickly viewing logs manually, (i.e. without a log file analyzer application) which may help you expediently locate the information you require.

Just the Beginning 前面部分

You may look at just the beginning of any log file by using the
command. by default,
shows the first ten lines of any text file, so for example, if you wished to see the oldest entries in your Authorization Log file, a command such as the following could be used at a terminal prompt:

head /var/log/auth.log

If ten lines is not enough, and you need to see the first twenty-five (25) lines, then use
with the
switch as such:

head -n 25 /var/log/auth.log

Just the End 尾部

The compliment to
of course is none other than the
command. Can you guess what
allows you to do? Say you need the last ten lines of the Kernel log for important messages from the kernel of late. A command such as the following entered into a terminal prompt should do:

tail /var/log/kern.log

Again, and as with
, you may get more than the default ten lines of output with
by specifying the
switch as such:

tail -n 30 /var/log/kern.log

to see the last thirty (30) lines of the Kernel log instead.

Real-Time Tail 实时
Another neat use for the
command is to use it for watching a log in 'real-time' by specifying the
switch. For example, if you wished to watch in real-time as clients access your Apache2 server, issuing a command such as this from a terminal prompt would allow you to do so:

tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log

You will see the log spit out, then stop, and as the Apache2 server is accessed, log entries will fly by in real-time! If you have a very busy server, they will fly by too fast for you to read them! You can use the
switch to view any log file in this manner.

Resources 资源

Additional information on system, and application logs, and syslogd is available via the following resources:

Local System Resources 本地系统资源

man dmesg
System manual page for the
kernel ring buffer utility
man faillog
System manual page for the
command (and also the faillog configuration file via
man 5 faillog
man grep
System manual page for the
pattern searching utility
man head
System manual page for the
man klogd
System manual page for the kernel log daemon (
man last
System manual for the
command which shows last logged in users
man less
System manual page for the
paging utility
man logger
System manual page for the
command-line interface to syslog utility
man logrotate
System manual page for the the
man savelog
System manual page for the
log file saving utility
man syslogd
System manual page for the system log daemon (
man syslog.conf
System manual page for the
configuration file
man tail
System manual page for the
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