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[译]Cosine similarity

2010-01-03 13:27 766 查看
Cosine similarity [1][2] is a measure of similarity between two vectors of n dimensions by finding the cosine of the angle between them, often used to compare documents in text mining. Given two vectors of attributes, A and B, the cosine similarity, θ, is represented using a dot product and magnitude as


For text matching, the attribute vectors A and B are usually the term frequency vectors of the documents. The cosine similarity can be seen as a method of normalizing document length during comparison.


The resulting similarity ranges from −1 meaning exactly opposite, to 1 meaning exactly the same, with 0 indicating independence, and in-between values indicating intermediate similarity or dissimilarity.


In the case of information retrieval, the cosine similarity of two documents will range from 0 to 1, since the term frequencies (tf-idf weights) cannot be negative. The angle between two term frequency vectors cannot be greater than 90°.


This cosine similarity metric may be extended such that it yields the Jaccard coefficient in the case of binary attributes. This is the Tanimoto coefficient, T(A, B), represented as

余弦相似度的公式在二进制的情况下可以扩展到以Jaccard系数作为除数的值(分母).这是Tanimoto系数(广义Jaccard系数),T(A, B),表示为

原始地址: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine_similarity
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