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          <fieldset style="width:500;height:50"><legend>效果显示区</legend>
<!-- Begin

// Compare two options within a list by VALUES

function compareOptionValues(a, b)


  // Radix 10: for numeric values

  // Radix 36: for alphanumeric values

  var sA = parseInt( a.value, 36 ); 

  var sB = parseInt( b.value, 36 ); 

  return sA - sB;



// Compare two options within a list by TEXT

function compareOptionText(a, b)


  // Radix 10: for numeric values

  // Radix 36: for alphanumeric values

  var sA = parseInt( a.text, 36 ); 

  var sB = parseInt( b.text, 36 ); 

  return sA - sB;



// Dual list move function

function moveDualList( srcList, destList, moveAll )


  // Do nothing if nothing is selected

  if (  ( srcList.selectedIndex == -1 ) && ( moveAll == false )   )





  newDestList = new Array( destList.options.length );


  var len = 0;


  for( len = 0; len < destList.options.length; len++ )


    if ( destList.options[ len ] != null )


      newDestList[ len ] = new Option( destList.options[ len ].text, destList.options[ len ].value, destList.options[ len ].defaultSelected, destList.options[ len ].selected );




  for( var i = 0; i < srcList.options.length; i++ )

  { <

    if ( srcList.options[i] != null && ( srcList.options[i].selected == true || moveAll ) )


       // Statements to perform if option is selected


       // Incorporate into new list

       newDestList[ len ] = new Option( srcList.options[i].text, srcList.options[i].value, srcList.options[i].defaultSelected, srcList.options[i].selected );





  // Sort out the new destination list

  newDestList.sort( compareOptionValues );   // BY VALUES

  //newDestList.sort( compareOptionText );   // BY TEXT


  // Populate the destination with the items from the new array

  for ( var j = 0; j < newDestList.length; j++ )


    if ( newDestList[ j ] != null )


      destList.options[ j ] = newDestList[ j ];




  // Erase source list selected elements

  for( var i = srcList.options.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )


    if ( srcList.options[i] != null && ( srcList.options[i].selected == true || moveAll ) )


       // Erase Source

       //srcList.options[i].value = "";

       //srcList.options[i].text  = "";

       srcList.options[i]       = null;




} // End of moveDualList()

//  End -->

<form ACTION="" METHOD="POST" name="myForm">

<table border="0">



    <!-- Multiple Select List with 20 rows size and 70 pixels wide -->

    <!-- Using   for SPACING and alignment -->

    <select multiple size="20" style="width:70" name="listLeft">

      <option value="10">      10 </option>

      <option value="20">      20 </option>

      <option value="30">      30 </option>

      <option value="40">      40 </option>

      <option value="50">      50 </option>

      <option value="A" >       A  </option>

      <option value="B" >       B  </option>

      <option value="F" >       F  </option>

      <option value="X" >       X  </option>




    <input type="button" style="width:90" onclick="moveDualList( this.form.listLeft,  this.form.listRight, false )" 

    name="Add     >>"  value="Add       >>">     <BR>



    <input type="button" style="width:90" onclick="moveDualList( this.form.listRight, this.form.listLeft,  false )" 

    name="Add     <<"  value="Add       <<">     <BR>



    <input type="button" style="width:90" onclick="moveDualList( this.form.listLeft,  this.form.listRight, true  )" 

    name="Add All >>"  value="Add All >>">     <BR>



    <input type="button" style="width:90" onclick="moveDualList( this.form.listRight, this.form.listLeft,  true  )" 

    name="Add All <<"  value="Add All <<">     <BR>




    <select multiple size="20" style="width:70" name="listRight">

      <option value="01">       1  </option>

      <option value="02">       2  </option>

      <option value="03">       3  </option>

      <option value="04">       4  </option>

      <option value="05">       5  </option>

      <option value="D" >       D  </option>

      <option value="G" >       G  </option>

      <option value="K" >       K  </option>

      <option value="Z" >       Z  </option>

      <option value="55">           55  </option>






          <table width="500" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <table width="500" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                    <td bgcolor="#CCCCCC" width="15" height="16"> </td>
                    <td width="96" bgcolor="#000000" height="16">
                      <div align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">脚本说明:</font></div>
                    <td width="389" height="16"> </td>
              <td class="zf">
                <textarea name="textfield" cols="80" rows="10" class="textfield">脚本说明:
<!-- Begin

// Compare two options within a list by VALUES

function compareOptionValues(a, b)


  // Radix 10: for numeric values深圳翻译公司

  // Radix 36: for alphanumeric values

  var sA = parseInt( a.value, 36 ); 

  var sB = parseInt( b.value, 36 ); 

  return sA - sB;



// Compare two options within a list by TEXT

function compareOptionText(a, b)


  // Radix 10: for numeric values

  // Radix 36: for alphanumeric values上海翻译公司

  var sA = parseInt( a.text, 36 ); 

  var sB = parseInt( b.text, 36 ); 

  return sA - sB;



// Dual list move function

function moveDualList( srcList, destList, moveAll )


  // Do nothing if nothing is selected

  if (  ( srcList.selectedIndex == -1 ) && ( moveAll == false )   )





  newDestList = new Array( destList.options.length );


  var len = 0;


  for( len = 0; len < destList.options.length; len++ )


    if ( destList.options[ len ] != null )


      newDestList[ len ] = new Option( destList.options[ len ].text, destList.options[ len ].value, destList.options[ len ].defaultSelected, destList.options[ len ].selected );




  for( var i = 0; i < srcList.options.length; i++ )


    if ( srcList.options[i] != null && ( srcList.options[i].selected == true || moveAll ) )


       // Statements to perform if option is selected北京翻译公司


       // Incorporate into new list

       newDestList[ len ] = new Option( srcList.options[i].text, srcList.options[i].value, srcList.options[i].defaultSelected, srcList.options[i].selected );





  // Sort out the new destination list

  newDestList.sort( compareOptionValues );   // BY VALUES

  //newDestList.sort( compareOptionText );   // BY TEXT翻译公司


  // Populate the destination with the items from the new array

  for ( var j = 0; j < newDestList.length; j++ )


    if ( newDestList[ j ] != null )


      destList.options[ j ] = newDestList[ j ];




  // Erase source list selected elements

  for( var i = srcList.options.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )


    if ( srcList.options[i] != null && ( srcList.options[i].selected == true || moveAll ) )


       // Erase Source

       //srcList.options[i].value = "";

       //srcList.options[i].text  = "";

       srcList.options[i]       = null;




} // End of moveDualList()

//  End -->

<form ACTION="" METHOD="POST" name="myForm">

<table border="0">



    <!-- Multiple Select List with 20 rows size and 70 pixels wide -->

    <!-- Using   for SPACING and alignment -->

    <select multiple size="20" style="width:70" name="listLeft">

      <option value="10">      10 </option>

      <option value="20">      20 </option>

      <option value="30">      30 </option>

      <option value="40">      40 </option>

      <option value="50">      50 </option>

      <option value="A" >       A  </option>

      <option value="B" >       B  </option>

      <option value="F" >       F  </option>

      <option value="X" >       X  </option>




    <input type="button" style="width:90" onclick="moveDualList( this.form.listLeft,  this.form.listRight, false )" 

    name="Add     >>"  value="Add       >>">     <BR>



    <input type="button" style="width:90" onclick="moveDualList( this.form.listRight, this.form.listLeft,  false )" 

    name="Add     <<"  value="Add       <<">     <BR>



    <input type="button" style="width:90" onclick="moveDualList( this.form.listLeft,  this.form.listRight, true  )" 

    name="Add All >>"  value="Add All >>">     <BR>



    <input type="button" style="width:90" onclick="moveDualList( this.form.listRight, this.form.listLeft,  true  )" 

    name="Add All <<"  value="Add All <<">     <BR>




    <select multiple size="20" style="width:70" name="listRight">

      <option value="01">       1  </option>

      <option value="02">       2  </option>

      <option value="03">       3  </option>

      <option value="04">       4  </option>

      <option value="05">       5  </option>

      <option value="D" >       D  </option>

      <option value="G" >       G  </option>

      <option value="K" >       K  </option>

      <option value="Z" >       Z  </option>

      <option value="55">           55  </option>








  <hr width="770">
   <table width="770" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="21">
      <td bgcolor="#CCCCCC" valign="middle">
        <div align="center"><script language=javascript src=buttom.js></script></div>
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