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openGL note 1 : Command Suffixes and Argument Data Types

2009-12-10 22:43 429 查看



Command Suffixes and Argument Data Types

SuffixData TypeTypical Corresponding C-Language TypeOpenGL Type Definition
b8-bit integersigned charGLbyte
s16-bit integershortGLshort
i32-bit integerint or longGLint,GLsizei
f32-bit floating-pointfloatGLfloar,GLclampf
d64-bit floating-pointdoubleGLdouble,GLclampd
ub8-bit unsigned integerunsigned charGLubyte,GLboolean
us16-bit unsigned integerunsigned shortGLushort
ui32-bit unsigned integerunsigned int or unsigned longGLuint,GLenum,GLbittfield
OpenGL defines the typedef GLvoid. This is most often used for OpenGL commands that
accept pointers to arrays of values.
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