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MapGuide Open Source 2.1 正式发布

2009-11-28 21:56 399 查看
距离MapGuide Open Source 2.1 beta发布时隔半年后,MapGuide Open Source 2.1正式版终于发布了。


Ajax Viewer中可以在图例窗口中改变图层的是否可选择

具体请访问OSGEO 网站 http://mapguide.osgeo.org/node/137
下载请到 http://mapguide.osgeo.org/download/releases/2.1.0

We are pleased to announce that the MapGuide Open Source project team has released MapGuide Open Source 2.1.0. Release Notes Documentation Downloads
Along with the many bug fixes, this release has many improvements in performance, scalability and stability; an improved error reporting system; raster re-projection; and CS-Map as the coordinate system library.
Thanks to the ever growing team of developers who are contributing to make the MapGuide Open Source project a more self-sustaining project. many improvements in performance, scalability and stability (count the closed tickets...) an improved error reporting system, including service specific tracing raster re-projection multiple labelling improvements GDAL raster support no longer crashes server CS-Map as the coordinate system library Fusion 2.0, including support for generic OpenLayers layers optional enhanced handling of rendered line widths [3830] AJAX viewer enhancements: basic map commands now have cursors. ability to toggle layer selectability from the legend pane support for Task Pane URLs with query string parameters
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