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The Anatomy of an iPad 2

iOS 4


Wireless Connectivity

Wired Connectivity




Location Detection

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

Speaker and Microphone


iOS 4 Architecture and SDK Frameworks

iPhone OS becomes iOS

An Overview of the iOS 4 Architecture

The Cocoa Touch Layer

UIKit Framework (UIKit.framework)

Map Kit Framework (MapKit.framework)

Push Notification Service

Message UI Framework (MessageUI.framework)

Address Book UI Framework (AddressUI.framework)

Game Kit Framework (GameKit.framework)

iAd Framework (iAd.framework)

Event Kit UI Framework

The iOS Media Layer

Core Video Framework (CoreVideo.framework)

Core Text Framework (CoreText.framework)

Image I/O Framework (ImageIO.framework)

Assets Library Framework (AssetsLibrary.framework)

Core Graphics Framework (CoreGraphics.framework)

Quartz Core Framework (QuartzCore.framework)

OpenGL ES framework (OpenGLES.framework)

iOS Audio Support

AV Foundation framework (AVFoundation.framework)

Core Audio Frameworks (CoreAudio.framework, AudioToolbox.framework and AudioUnit.framework)

Open Audio Library (OpenAL)

Media Player framework (MediaPlayer.framework)

Core Midi Framework (CoreMIDI.framework)

The iOS Core Services Layer

Address Book framework (AddressBook.framework)

CFNetwork Framework (CFNetwork.framework)

Core Data Framework (CoreData.framework)

Core Foundation Framework (CoreFoundation.framework)

Core Media Framework (CoreMedia.framework)

Core Telephony Framework (CoreTelephony.framework)

EventKit Framework (EventKit.framework)

Foundation Framework (Foundation.framework)

Core Location Framework (CoreLocation.framework)

Mobile Core Services Framework (MobileCoreServices.framework)

Store Kit Framework (StoreKit.framework)

SQLite library

System Configuration Framework (SystemConfiguration.framework)

Quick Look Framework (QuickLook.framework)

The iOS Core OS Layer

Accelerate Framework (Accelerate.framework)

External Accessory framework (ExternalAccessory.framework)

Security Framework (Security.framework)

System (LibSystem)

Installing Xcode 4 and the iOS 4 SDK

Identifying if you have an Intel or PowerPC based Mac

Installing Xcode 4 and the iOS 4 SDK

Starting Xcode 4

Creating a Simple iPad iOS 4 App

Starting Xcode 4

Creating the iOS App User Interface

Changing Component Properties

Adding Objects to the User Interface

Building and Running an iPad App in Xcode 4

Dealing with Build Errors

iOS 4 Apps on the iPad – Developer Certificates and Provisioning Profiles

the iOS Developer Program

an iOS Development Certificate Signing Request

the iOS Development Certificate Signing Request

an iOS Development Certificate


an App ID

an iOS Development Provisioning Profile

an iPad Device for Development

an App ID with an App

and SDK Version Compatibility

an App onto a Device

An Overview of the iPad iOS 4 Application Development Architecture

Model View Controller (MVC)

The Target-Action pattern, IBOutlets and IBActions



Creating an Interactive iOS 4 iPad App

Creating the New Project

Creating the User Interface

Building and Running the Sample Application

Adding Actions and Outlets

Connecting the Actions and Outlets to the User Interface

Building and Running the Finished Application

Writing iOS 4 Code to Hide the iPad Keyboard

Creating the Example App

Hiding the Keyboard when the User Touches the Return Key

Hiding the Keyboard when the User Taps the Background

Understanding iPad iOS 4 Views, Windows and the
View Hierarchy

An Overview of Views

The UIWindow Class

The View Hierarchy

View Types

The Window

Container Views


Display Views

Text and Web Views

Navigation Views and Tab Bars

Alert Views and Action Sheets

iOS 4 iPad Rotation, View Resizing and Layout Handling (Xcode 4)

Setting up the Example

iPad Screen Resolution

Enabling Rotation

Testing Rotation Behavior

Configuring View Autosizing

Coding Layout and Size Changes

Creating an iOS 4 iPad Multiview Application using
the Tab Bar

An Overview of the Tab Bar

Understanding View Controllers in a Multiview Application

Setting up the Tab Bar Example Application

Configuring the App Delegate

Creating the UITabBarController

Connecting the App Delegate Outlet to the Tab Bar

Creating the Content Views and View Controllers

Associating Content Views with Tabs

Testing the Multiview Application

Creating a Simple iOS 4 iPad Table View Application

An Overview of the Table View

The Table View Delegate and dataSource

Table View Styles

Table View Cell Styles

Setting up the Project

Adding the Table View Component

Making the Delegate and dataSource Connections

Implementing the dataSource

Building and Running the Application

Adding Table View Images and Changing Cell Styles

Creating a Navigation based iOS 4 iPad
Application using TableViews

Understanding the Navigation Controller

An Overview of the Example

Setting up the Project

Reviewing the Project Files

Setting up the Data in the Root View Controller

Writing Code to Display the Data in the
Table View

Creating the Second View Controller

Connecting the Second View Controller to
the Root View Controller

Creating the NIB File for the Second Table

Implementing the Functionality of the Second
View Controller

Popping the View Controller off the Navigation
Controller Stack

Adding the Navigation Code

An iPad iOS 4 Split View and Popover Example

An Overview of Split View and Popovers

About the Example iPad Split View and Popover Project

Creating the Project

Reviewing the Project

Configuring Master View Items

Configuring the Detail View Controller

Connecting Master Selections to the Detail View

Popover Implementation

Testing the Application

Using the UIPickerView
and UIDatePicker Components in iOS 4 iPad Applications

The DatePicker and
PickerView Components

A DatePicker Example

Designing the User

Coding the Date Picker
Example Functionality

Releasing Memory

Building and Running
the iPad Date Picker Application

An iOS 4 iPad Multiple Component UIPickerView Example (Xcode 4)

Creating the iPad PickerView Project

UIPickerView Delegate and DataSource

The pickerViewController.h File

Designing the User Interface

Initializing the Arrays

Implementing the DataSource Protocol

Implementing the Delegate

Releasing Memory

Testing the Application

Working with Directories on the iPad with iOS 4

The Application Documents Directory

The Objective-C NSFileManager, NSFileHandle and NSData Classes

Understanding Pathnames in Objective-C

Creating an NSFileManager Instance Object

Identifying the Current Working Directory

Identifying the Documents Directory

Identifying the Temporary Directory

Changing Directory

Creating a New Directory

Deleting a Directory

Listing the Contents of a Directory

Getting the Attributes of a File or Directory

Working with Files on the iPad with iOS 4

Creating an NSFileManager Instance

Checking if a File Exists

Comparing the Contents of Two Files

Checking if a File is Readable/Writable/Executable/Deletable

Moving/Renaming a File

Copying a File

Removing a File

Creating a Symbolic Link

Reading and Writing Files with NSFileManager

NSFileHandle File Offsets and Seeking

Reading Data from a File

Writing Data to a File

Truncating a File

iPad iOS 4 SDK Directory Handling and
File I/O – A Worked Example

The Example iPad Application

Setting up the Application project

Designing the User Interface

Checking for the Data File on Application

Implementing the Action Method

Data Persistence on the iPad using Archiving with iOS 4

An Overview of Archiving

The iPad Object Archiving Example Application

Implementing the Actions and Outlets

Releasing Memory

Designing the iPad User Interface

Checking for the Existence of the Archive File on Startup

Archiving Object Data in the Action Method

Testing the Application

iOS 4 iPad Database Implementation using SQLite

What is SQLite?

Structured Query Language (SQL)

Trying SQLite on MacOS X

Preparing an iPad Application Project for SQLite Integration

Key SQLite Functions

Declaring a SQLite Database

Opening or Creating a Database

Preparing and Executing a SQL Statement

Creating a Database Table

Extracting Data from a Database Table

Closing a SQLite Database

An Example SQLite based iOS 4 iPad Application

About the Example SQLite iPad Application

Creating and Preparing the SQLite Application Project

Importing sqlite3.h and declaring the Database Reference

Creating the Outlets and Actions

Releasing Memory

Creating the Database and Table

Implementing the Code to Save Data to the SQLite Database

Implementing Code to Extract Data from the SQLite Database

Designing the User Interface

Building and Running the Application

Working with iOS 4 iPad Databases using Core Data

The Core Data Stack

Managed Objects

Managed Object Context

Managed Object Model

Persistent Store Coordinator

Persistent Object Store

Defining an Entity Description

Obtaining the Managed Object Context

Getting an Entity Description

Creating a Managed Object

Getting and Setting the Attributes of a Managed Object

Fetching Managed Objects

Retrieving Managed Objects based on Criteria

An iOS 4 iPad Core Data Tutorial

The iPad Core Data Example Application

Creating a Core Data based iPad Application

Creating the Entity Description

Adding a View Controller

Connecting the View

Adding Actions and Outlets to the View Controller

Designing the User Interface

Saving Data to the Persistent Store using Core Data

Retrieving Data from the Persistent Store using Core Data

Releasing Memory

Building and Running the Example Application

An Overview of iOS 4 iPad Multitouch, Taps and Gestures

The Responder Chain

Forwarding an Event to the Next Responder




Touch Notification Methods

touchesBegan method

touchesMoved method

touchesEnded method

touchesCancelled method

An Example iOS 4 iPad Touch, Multitouch and Tap Application

The Example iOS iPad Tap and Touch Application

Creating the Example iPad Touch Project

Creating the Outlets

Designing the user Interface

Enabling Multitouch on the View

Implementing the touchesBegan Method

Implementing the touchesMoved Method

Implementing the touchesEnded Method

Getting the Coordinates of a Touch

Building and Running the Touch Example Application

Detecting iOS 4 iPad Touch Screen Gesture Motions

The Example iOS 4 iPad Gesture Application

Creating the Example Project

Creating Outlets

Designing the Application User Interface

Implementing the touchesBegan Method

Implementing the touchesMoved Method

Implementing the touchesEnded Method

Building and Running Gesture Example

Identifying iPad Gestures using iOS 4 Gesture Recognizers

The UIGestureRecognizer Class

Recognizer Action Messages

Discrete and Continuous Gestures

Obtaining Data from an iPad Gesture

Recognizing Tap Gestures

Recognizing Pinch Gestures

Detecting Rotation Gestures

Recognizing Pan and Dragging Gestures

Recognizing Swipe Gestures

Recognizing Long Touch (Touch and Hold) Gestures

An iPad iOS 4 Gesture Recognition Tutorial

Creating the Gesture Recognition Project

Configuring the Label Outlet

Designing the User Interface

Configuring the Gesture Recognizers

Adding the Action Methods

Testing the Gesture Recognition Application

Drawing iOS 4 iPad 2D Graphics with Quartz

Introducing Core Graphics and Quartz 2D

The drawRect Method

Points, Coordinates and Pixels

The Graphics Context

Working with Colors in Quartz 2D

An iOS 4 iPad Graphics Drawing Tutorial using Quartz 2D

The iPad Drawing Example Application

Creating the New Project

Creating the UIView Subclass

Locating the drawRect Method in the UIView Subclass

Drawing a Line

Drawing Paths

Drawing a Rectangle

Drawing an Ellipse or Circle

Filling a Path with a Color

Drawing an Arc

Drawing a Cubic Bézier Curve

Drawing a Quadratic Bézier Curve

Dashed Line Drawing

Drawing an Image into a Graphics Context

Basic iPad Animation using Core Animation

UIView Core Animation Blocks

Understanding Animation Curves

Receiving Notification of Animation Completion

Performing Affine Transformations

Combining Transformations

An iPad Core Animation Tutorial

Creating the Core Animation Project

Implementing the Interface File

Drawing in the UIView

Detecting Screen Touches and Performing the Animation

Building and Running the Animation Application

Integrating iAds into an iOS 4 iPad App

Making Money from an iPad Application

iOS iPad Advertising Options

iAds Advertisement Formats

Basic Rules for the Display of iAds

Creating an Example iAds iPad Application

Adding the iAds Framework to the Xcode Project

Configuring the View Controller

Designing the User Interface

Creating the Banner Ad

Displaying the Ad

Changing Ad Format during Device Rotation

Implementing the Delegate Methods




An Overview of iOS 4 iPad Multitasking

Understanding iOS Application States

A Brief Overview of the iPad Multitasking Application Lifecycle

Disabling Multitasking for an iPad Application

Checking for Multitasking Support

Supported Forms of Background Execution

The Rules of Background Execution

Scheduling Local Notifications

Scheduling iOS 4 iPad Local Notifications

Creating the Local Notification iPad App Project

Locating the Application Delegate Method

Adding a Sound File to the Project

Scheduling the Local Notification

Testing the Application

Cancelling Scheduled Notifications

Immediate Triggering of a Local Notification

Getting iPad Location Information
using the iOS 4 Core Location Framework

The Basics of Core Location

Configuring the Desired Location

Configuring the Distance Filter

The Location Manager Delegate

Obtaining Location Information
from CLLocation Objects

Longitude and Latitude



Calculating Distances

Location Information and Multitasking

An Example iOS 4 iPad Location Application

Creating the Example iOS iPad Location Project

Adding the Core Location Framework to the Project

Configuring the View Controller

Designing the User Interface

Creating the CLLocationManager Object

Implementing the Action Method

Implementing the Application Delegate Methods

Releasing Memory

Building and Running the iPad Location Application

Working with Maps on the iPad with MapKit and
the MKMapView Class

About the MapKit Framework

Understanding Map Regions

About the iPad MKMapView Tutorial

Creating the iPad Map Tutorial

Adding the MapKit Framework to the Xcode Project

Declaring an Outlet for the MapView

Creating the MKMapView and Connecting the Outlet

Adding the Navigation Controller

Changing the MapView Region

Changing the Map Type

Testing the iPad MapView Application

Updating the Map View based on User Movement

Adding Basic Annotations to a Map View

Accessing the iPad Camera and Photo Library

The iOS 4 UIImagePickerController Class

Creating and Configuring a UIImagePickerController Instance

Accessing the iPad Camera Roll and Photo Library

Configuring the UIImagePickerController Delegate

Detecting Device Capabilities

Saving Movies and Images

An Example iOS 4 iPad Camera and UIImagePickerController

An Overview of the Application

Creating the Camera Project

Adding Framework Support

Configuring Protocols, Outlets and Actions

Designing the User Interface

Adding Buttons to the Toolbar

Implementing the Camera Action Method

Implementing the useCameraRoll Method

Writing the Delegate Methods

Releasing Memory

Building and Running the Application

Video Playback from within an iOS 4 iPad Application

An Overview of the MPMoviePlayerController Class

Supported Video Formats

The iPad Movie Player Example Application

Adding the MediaPlayer Framework to the Project

Declaring the Action Method

Designing the User Interface

Adding the Video File to the Project Resources

Implementing the Action Method

The Target-Action Notification Method

Build and Run the Application

Accessing a Network based Video File

Playing Audio on an iPad using AVAudioPlayer

Supported Audio Formats

Receiving Playback Notifications

Controlling and Monitoring Playback

Creating the iPad Audio Example Application

Adding the AVFoundation Framework

Adding an Audio File to the Project Resources

Creating Actions and Outlets

Implementing the Action Methods

Updating the Playback Time

Creating Initializing the AVAudioPlayer Object

Implementing the AVAudioPlayerDelegate Protocol Methods

Designing the User Interface

Releasing Memory

Building and Running the Application

Recording Audio on an iPad with AVAudioRecorder

An Overview of the iPad AVAudioRecorder Tutorial

Creating the Recorder Project

Creating the AVAudioRecorder Instance

Implementing the Action Methods

Implementing the Delegate Methods

Designing the User Interface

Releasing Memory

Testing the Application

Detecting when an iPad Headphone or Docking
Connector is Unplugged

Detecting a Change to the Audio Hardware

An Example iPad Headphone and Dock Connector
Detection Application

Adding the AudioToolBox Framework to the

Configuring the Property Listener

Writing the Property Listener Callback

Testing the Application
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