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使用CQ API使用Email Rule发送邮件注意

2009-11-04 14:57 633 查看

若不使用Email Rule去触发邮件,可在程序中加入Email代码,通过winsock发送邮件。

Dim Response As String, Reply As Integer, DateNow As String
Dim first As String, Second As String, Third As String
Dim Fourth As String, Fifth As String, Sixth As String
Dim Seventh As String, Eighth As String
Dim Start As Single, Tmr As Single

Sub SendEmail(MailServerName As String, FromName As String, FromEmailAddress As String, ToName As String, ToEmailAddress As String, EmailSubject As String, EmailBodyOfMessage As String)

If Winsock1.State = sckClosed Then ' Check to see if socet is closed
Winsock1.LocalPort = 0 ' Must set local port to 0 (Zero) or you can only send 1 e-mail pre program start
DateNow = Format(Date, "Ddd") & ", " & Format(Date, "dd Mmm YYYY") & " " & Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss") & "" & " +0800"
first = "mail from:" + Chr(32) + FromEmailAddress + vbCrLf ' Get who's sending E-Mail address
Second = "rcpt to:" + Chr(32) + ToEmailAddress + vbCrLf ' Get who mail is going to
Third = "Date:" + Chr(32) + DateNow + vbCrLf ' Date when being sent
Fourth = "From:" + Chr(32) + FromName + vbCrLf ' Who's Sending
Fifth = "To:" + Chr(32) + ToName + vbCrLf ' Who it going to
Sixth = "Subject:" + Chr(32) + EmailSubject + vbCrLf ' Subject of E-Mail
Seventh = EmailBodyOfMessage + vbCrLf ' E-mail message body
Ninth = "X-Mailer: EBT Reporter v 2.x" + vbCrLf ' What program sent the e-mail, customize this
Eighth = Fourth + Third + Ninth + Fifth + Sixth ' Combine for proper SMTP sending

Winsock1.Protocol = sckTCPProtocol ' Set protocol for sending
Winsock1.RemoteHost = MailServerName ' Set the server address
Winsock1.RemotePort = 25 ' Set the SMTP Port
Winsock1.Connect ' Start connection

If WaitFor("220") = False Then GoTo closeSock

StatusTxt.Caption = "Connecting...."

Winsock1.SendData ("HELO worldcomputers.com" + vbCrLf)

If WaitFor("250") = False Then GoTo closeSock

StatusTxt.Caption = "Connected"

Winsock1.SendData (first)

StatusTxt.Caption = "Sending Message"

If WaitFor("250") = False Then GoTo closeSock

Winsock1.SendData (Second)

If WaitFor("250") = False Then GoTo closeSock

Winsock1.SendData ("data" + vbCrLf)

If WaitFor("354") = False Then GoTo closeSock

Winsock1.SendData (Eighth + vbCrLf)
Winsock1.SendData (Seventh + vbCrLf)
Winsock1.SendData ("." + vbCrLf)

If WaitFor("250") = False Then GoTo closeSock

Winsock1.SendData ("quit" + vbCrLf)

StatusTxt.Caption = "Disconnecting"

If WaitFor("221") = False Then GoTo closeSock

closeSock: Winsock1.Close
MsgBox (Str(Winsock1.State))
End If

End Sub
Function WaitFor(ResponseCode As String) As Boolean
Start = Timer ' Time event so won't get stuck in loop
While Len(Response) = 0
Tmr = Timer - Start
DoEvents ' Let System keep checking for incoming response **IMPORTANT**
If Tmr > 50 Then ' Time in seconds to wait
MsgBox "SMTP service error, timed out while waiting for response", 64, MsgTitle
WaitFor = False
Exit Function
End If
While Left(Response, 3) <> ResponseCode
If Tmr > 50 Then
MsgBox "SMTP service error, impromper response code. Code should have been: " + ResponseCode + " Code recieved: " + Response, 64, MsgTitle
WaitFor = False
Exit Function
End If
Response = "" ' Sent response code to blank **IMPORTANT**
WaitFor = True
End Function
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