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WebSphere Portal Transfer with XMLAccess, Release Builder and Site Management

2009-10-30 13:53 387 查看

Export from wps01:

Copy ExportRelease.xml from


xmlaccess.bat -in ExportRelease.xml -user wpsadmin

-password wpsadmin -url http://wps01.ibm.com:10040 /wps/config -out wps01_export.xml

Empty Portal Task

Before running import, target server need to empty.

Check <wp_profile_root>/

ConfigEngine/properties/wkplc.properties, make sure wasadmin and wpsadmin password has been configured.

Run < wp_profile_root >/ConfigEngine/ConfigEngine.bat empty-portal

Before import to wps02:

Copy the entire < wp_profile >/PortalServer /deployed/archive
directory from the source to the target machine, because in general, all
deployed WAR files are copied to this directory.

Import to wps02:

Copy wps01 export file to wps02 < PortalServer >/bin


xmlaccess.bat -in wps01_export.xml -user wpsadmin

-password wpsadmin - url http://wps02.ibm.com:10040 /wps/config


Create delta xml

Stop websphere portal server before you run release builder.

Go to
wps01 < PortalServer >/bin

releasebuilder.bat -inOld wps01_release01.xml -inNew wps01_release02.xml
-out differences_wps01.xml

Import delta changes

Copy differences_wps01.xml
to wps02 < PortalServer >/bin


xmlaccess.bat -in differences_wps01.xml
-user wpsadmin

-password wpsadmin - url http://wps02.ibm.com:10040 /wps/config

Prompt user id and password

If you try to include xmlaccess into your script and don't want user id and password in your script, use -askforCredential parameter in xmlaccess, like: xmlaccess.bat -in wps01_export.xml - url http://wps02.ibm.com:10040 /wps/config -askForCredential

An example of export portlet, label, page and theme/skin

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



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* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or

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* DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. The following [enclosed] code is

* sample code created by IBM Corporation. This sample code is

* not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you

* solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of

* your applications. The code is provided "AS IS", without

* warranty of any kind. IBM shall not be liable for any damages

* arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have

* been advised of the possibility of such damages.








<!-- sample for exporting a page with portlet -->

<portal action="locate">

<web-app action="locate" domain="rel" objectid="1_CGAH47L00OSAD0I4C9Q0QF3000" uid="vgn-ext-templating.war.webmod">

<portlet-app action="locate" domain="rel" name="Application Name not available for this Application" objectid="2_CGAH47L00OSAD0I4C9Q0QF3004" uid="vgn-ext-templating.war">

<portlet action="export" domain="rel" name="ContentRegionPortlet.$cloned.3_0773GMK41GJ870I2KEJSP910B2" objectid="3_0773GMK41GJ870I2KEJSP910B2"/>

<portlet action="export" domain="rel" name="ContentRegionPortlet.$cloned.3_0773GMK41GJ870I2KEJSP910B1" objectid="3_0773GMK41GJ870I2KEJSP910B1"/>

<portlet action="export" domain="rel" name="ItemRegionPortlet.$cloned.3_0773GMK41GJ870I2KEJSP910R0" objectid="3_0773GMK41GJ870I2KEJSP910R0"/>

<portlet action="export" domain="rel" name="ContentRegionPortlet.$cloned.3_0773GMK41GJ870I2KEJSP910B3" objectid="3_0773GMK41GJ870I2KEJSP910B3"/>

<portlet action="export" domain="rel" name="ContextEditPortlet" objectid="3_CGAH47L00OSAD0I4C9Q0QF3007"/>

<portlet action="export" domain="rel" name="ItemRegionPortlet.$cloned.3_0773GMK41GJ870I2KEJSP910V0" objectid="3_0773GMK41GJ870I2KEJSP910V0"/>



<content-node action="export" uniquename="cot.dpm.openData" export-descendants="true"/>

<skin action="export" domain="rel" objectid="K_CGAH47L008BID0IK0Q079H0046" uniquename="wps.skin.Sample"/>

<theme action="export" defaultskinref="K_CGAH47L008BID0IK0Q079H0046" domain="rel" objectid="J_CGAH47L008BID0IK0Q079H0041" uniquename="ibm.portal.theme.Sample">



ConfigEngine clean and protect password

When your working with ConfigEngine, you will need Portal and WAS Admin
password. SO instead of passing that information on command line you can
set, password of WAS Admin as value of WasPassword property and
password of portal admin as value of PortalAdminPwd password. Once your
done executing your script dont forget to remove the password from the
config files using two steps process.

First clean up the
work directories created during the config process by executing


Remove password from
wkplc.properties and wkplc_comp.properties file using


Migrate from earlier version to later version

WPmigrate.bat portal-pre-upgrade




-DgroupExport="true" -DVirtualPortal=test

WPmigrate.bat portal-post-upgrade

C:/mybackup -DPortalAdminId=wpadmin







Customized properties

Once you have your own .properties file you can ask ConfigEngine to use
that .properties file using these two command line parameters

Value of this command line parameter should be a path to the
.properties file that should be used as parent of wkplc.properties file.
If same property is present in both parentProperties file and
wkplc.properties then the value in parentProperties take precedence

If you set SaveParentProperties to true then ConfigEngine will take the
values from the parentProperties and set them in wkplc.properties file
if the configuration task is completed successfully.

ConfigEngine.bat -DparentProperties=/helper_file_directory/helper.properties -DSaveParentProperties=true

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