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S.N. Sivanandam2
1. Lecturer 2. Prof & Head 3. Professor 4. PG Student
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
PSG College Of Technology, Coimbatore 641 004
Email : mp_psg@rediffmail.com
, ramanvenkatesan@yahoo.com


Software testing is important activity in
Software Development Life Cycle. To cut down cost of manual testing and
to increase reliability of it, researchers and practitioners have tried
to automate it. One of the important activity in testing environment is
automatic test case generation - description of a test, independent of
the way a given software system is designed. This paper presents a
survey on automatic test case generation techniques that are found in
the current literature. Problems in usage of certain techniques are
identified. Areas that needed future research are presented.

Software organizations spend considerable
portion of their budget in testing related activities. A well tested
software system will be validated by the customer before acceptance.
The effectiveness of this verification and validation process depends
upon the number of errors found and rectified before releasing the
system. This in turn depends upon the quality of test cases generated.
Through the years a number of different methods have
been proposed for generating test cases. A test case is a description
of a test, independent of the way a given system is designed. Test
cases can be mapped directly to, and derived from use cases. Test cases
can also be derived from system requirements. One of the advantages of
producing test cases from specifications and design is that they can be
created earlier in the development life cycle and be ready for use
before the programs are constructed. Additionally, when the test cases
are generated early, Software Engineers can often find inconsistencies
and ambiguities in the requirements specification and design documents.
This will definitely bring down the cost of building the software
systems as errors are eliminated early during the life cycle.

Several approaches have been proposed for
test case generation, mainly random, path-oriented, goal-oriented and
intelligent approaches. Random techniques determine test cases based on
assumptions concerning fault distribution. Path-oriented techniques
generally use control flow information to identify a set of paths to be
covered and generate the appropriate test cases for these paths. These
techniques can further be classified as static and dynamic. Static
techniques are often based on symbolic execution, whereas dynamic
techniques obtain the necessary data by executing the program under
test. Goal-oriented techniques identify test cases covering a selected
goal such as a statement or branch, irrespective of the path taken.
Intelligent techniques of automated test case generation rely on
complex computations to identify test cases.
Many researchers and practitioners have been working
in generating optimal test cases based on the specifications, still
100% testing is an impossibility. Modeling languages are used to get
the specification and generate test cases. Since UML (Unified Modeling
Language) is the most widely used language, many researchers are using
UML diagrams such as state-chart diagrams, use-case diagrams, sequence
diagrams, etc to generate test cases and this has led to Model based
test case generation.
UML can be visualized as four meta-model
architecture with three logical sub packages: Foundation, Behavioral
elements and Model management. UML provides capability to explore
static and dynamic behavior and physical deployment of a system. The
possibility of using UML for software testing was addressed by Clay E.
Williams [2]. UML models are built extensively for Object Oriented
software systems. Class diagram, state diagram and OMT (Object Modeling
Technique) and unified process are used to test Object Oriented
systems. Here, the author has provided a framework to show which
diagrams can be used for which phase in the testing process. But he
claims that this knowledge is not sufficient, since it lacks detail.
So, modification is required for testers to create their own models.
Another approach could be to build standardized library or to extend
the four meta-model architecture.
Even though variety of approaches have been
proposed, with the advent of modeling tools like Rational Rose, for a
decade there has been constant research on generating test cases based
on specifications and design models. For easy understanding, we have
classified test case generation approaches mainly into two categories –
Specification based test case generation and Model based test case
In this paper survey has been done on the work
carried out during the last decade, where most of the researchers have
concentrated on Model based test case generation.
2.1 Specification Based Test case generation
Jeff Offutt et al [1, 6] have presented many
papers in the field of software testing. In [6] they have proposed a
novel technique that adapts predefined state based specification to
generate test cases from UML State-Charts. Full predicate test,
statement coverage and transition pair tests were the techniques
discussed by the authors. UMLTEST – a test data generation tool was
integrated with Rational Rose and a case study has been extensively
discussed for Cruise Control System. UMLTEST generated 34 test cases
eliminating redundancies and the Cruise Control System has 7 functions,
184 blocks and 174 decisions. 24 faults were manually injected into the
system and tested. Empirical results showed that Full predicate test
found all faults. Transition pair tests covered 18 and statement
coverage detected 16. In this work, the author have focused on UML
State-Charts to get the specifications. Atac (a data flow coverage
testing tool for C) was used to measure coverage with test cases. They
were able to cover 163 blocks i.e. 89% and 155 decisions i.e. 95%. They
wanted to extend their work to compare with multiple programs and to
address all aspects of UML.
Specification Based testing described by Marlon E
Viera et al [8] also employs UML state chart diagrams as the basis and
automatically generates test drivers and test script to validate the
component under test. The authors have implemented their approach in a
prototype called Design And Specification-Based Object-Oriented Testing
(DAS-BOOT). The Tester indicates the java class to be tested and the
corresponding state-chart specification for the class behavior, and
defines the representation mapping by associating code to the
specification. Tester then chooses test coverage criteria. DAS-BOOT
automatically generates test drivers with embedded test oracles.
Finally failures detected by test oracles as discrepancies between
behavior and state-chart specification are presented to the user. Goal
is to define improved specification based coverage criteria suitable
for testing Object Oriented systems and to develop techniques for
generating test drivers with little human interaction.
2.2 Model Based Test case generation
Constant research and challenge in Model Based
approach led Jeff Offutt et al [3, 10] to extend their work from system
level analysis using state-chart diagrams to integration level analysis
using collaboration diagram. The authors defined criteria for both
static and dynamic testing of specification level and instance level
collaboration diagrams. An algorithm has been designed to ensure that
tests satisfy the formal testing criteria and help the tester to trace
the paths. For experimental evaluation the authors have modeled
standard cell phone software, which included 6 Class diagrams, 5
State-chart diagrams and 6 Sequence diagrams with 37 alternatives. 81
test cases were generated for State-chart diagrams and 43 for Sequence
diagram. A message path coverage criterion is used to generate test
cases from sequence diagram where as full predicate coverage has been
used for State-charts. 49 faults (31 unit level and 18 integration
level) have been inserted for verifying the effectiveness. At unit
level, state charts were better compared to sequence but in integration
level it was vice-versa. To generate even stronger and reliable test
cases they planned to integrate UML specification with OCL (Object
Constraint Language).
Many new tools have been build to work with existing
tools to generate test cases. Tools such as TGV and UMLAUT were
integrated to derive test cases and were evaluated through case study
on classical electronic purse system by Lydie du Bousquet et al [4].
TGV, a conformance test generator generates test cases based on
specifications and purposes. UMLAUT is a tool dedicated to manipulate
UML models. Here, 50 test purposes were expressed with which 2100 test
suites were derived. In order to transform test suites to java program,
the authors have developed a translator "aut2Java". After performing
both manual and automated testing, they compared the result, which
showed that automation takes less effort and generates more test suites
with minimum errors when compared to manual testing.
An architecture for automated test generation using
UML profile and Test directives that consists of Test purposes, Test
constraints, and coverage criteria was proposed by Alessandra Cavarra
et al [5]. AGEDIS Modeling Language(AML) (named after AGEDIS project)
is a subset of UML. Apart from test directives, some expressions and
wildcards were presented to show direction and parameter constraints.
Intermediate Format Language has been used to transfer the system model
to state machine during compilation. Here, Object diagram and State
diagram introduce Test directives whereas Class diagram provides
information about data-types and operation. AGEDIS Test generation tool
combines the principle of TGV and Gotcha which allows user to select
test cases according to budget. This has some restrictions as software
testing is difficult due to complex design and interactions are harder
to measure. Since this project was not based on Object Oriented
principles, room for improvement was left to develop automated test
generation based on the work.
A framework for model level testing of behavioral
UML models was proposed by Andras Toth et al [7]. Planner algorithm has
been used for automatic generation of test cases. The input to this
frame work is an UML State-Chart exported to tool independent
XML(eXtensible Meta Language) format by UML tool. Transformation
program (written in java) generates a text file, which can handle a
rich subset of UML State-chart formalism by generating automatically a
planner model. A planner meta-model was constructed to provide a high
level representation of mathematical definition, in-order to keep their
methodology open for other planner tools. As a result of this project
UML designs can be tested and design flaws can be detected in modeling
phase of development process prior to any implementation activities
saving a considerable amount of cost and effort.
Matthias Riebish et al [13] presented a procedure
for iterative software development process in generating test cases.
Scenarios and Use cases fed as input for requirement engineering
provided the basis for test case generation. The usage model created
from State diagrams served as input for automated statistical testing.
The method is supported by the tool "UsageTester" that exchanges model
data with other development tools via XML. The authors have applied
their approach in an industrial project with insurance domain. From
this experience, the authors have established that obtaining test cases
systematically can help in documentation of software’s usage and
interactive behavior. This procedure helps evolution of software
development process not only in terms of functionality but also in
terms of quality.
An approach that focuses on developing effective
techniques and tools for test case generation and coupling them with
suitable execution tools for unit, integration and system testing was
proposed by Jean Hartmann et al [9]. The authors have integrated their
tool with UML to automatically generate black box conformance test
early in the development life cycle. For unit and integration testing
the authors have derived tests from State-chart diagrams and Sequence
diagrams. For system level they have used use-case and Activity
diagrams. From these diagrams test cases were derived using Test
Generation tool and executed using JUnit or system test tool. User
Interface testing tools used are Rational Rose 2003 and Compuserve test
partner 3.0. Main aim is to reduce testing cost and effort. The authors
have intended to improve performance of test case generation, by
proposing precise measurement technique for data coverage.

An approach that allows software
testers as well as developers to generate effective test cases based on
UML use case has been presented by Ahmed M. Salem et al [11]. The
authors have demonstrated their work by performing case studies on
Procurement/payment system. Use cases have been documented with
pre-condition, post condition, basic and alternate flows. With the help
of this test cases have generated in the form of matrix. This approach
offers good traceability to original requirements, to test and verify
requirements and to discover inconsistency in requirements. Further
improvement has been suggested to develop a model for non-functional
requirements. A theoretical foundation for model based formal test case
derivation using formal conformance testing for UMLSC (UML State-Chart)
has been presented by Stefania Gresi et al [12]. In this approach,
authors have used LTSs (Labeled Transition States) labeled over I/O
pairs where, a generic transition models a step of associated
State-charts. Here both specification and implementation are modeled as
IOLTS (Input/Output Labeled Transition States). Test case generation
algorithm has been presented which is a mix of process algebra and a
simplified version of lambda calculus. Conformance relation and its
test case generation algorithm are based on an operational semantics
for UMLSC.
A coherent approach that integrates Sequence and
State Diagrams for deriving a reasonably complete reference model
usable in Industrial contexts, which will then be used for
automatically deriving the test cases, has been proposed by Bertolino
A. et al [14]. The authors derived test cases based on UML
specifications both in component and object based contexts. The goal of
this paper was to produce a complete model from sequence and state
diagrams and to make Use Interaction Test (UIT) method to work with
this model. This method guarantees that all available sequences are
covered, but it cannot provide any coverage measure over the
implementation system. This approach meets some important requirements
imposed by the Industry. Advantage of this approach is that
Incompleteness in the model need not be modified leading to low testing
effort and generation of accurate test cases that are as much
informative as possible.
2.3 Other Approaches2.3.1 Path Oriented Test case generation
A formal framework using the well-known binary
search strategy in path-oriented test case generation has been
presented by Sami Beydeda and Volker Gruhn [16]. The proposed algorithm
can be classified as dynamic path oriented approach. The authors have
addressed the problem of dynamic test case generation approaches and
provided a solution with binary search based test case generation
algorithm. The path to be covered is considered step by step and test
cases are then searched to fulfill them. In this paper the binary
search used to determine test cases, requires certain assumptions but
allows efficient test case generation. Advantages of this method are
that it does not require any parameter calibration and does not need
any optimizing techniques to generate test data.
Intelligent Technique

A new method to testing that uses
combinatorial designs to generate efficient test sets was proposed by
David M. Cohen et al [15]. The authors have implemented their method in
AETG system which is used in varied applications. Here, the tester
first identifies parameters that define the space of possible test
scenarios. Then the tester uses combinatorial designs to create a test
plan that covers all pair-wise, triple or n-way combinations of test
parameters. Heuristic algorithm has been developed to generate pair
wise testing. Telephone Switch’s ability to place phone calls was taken
as a problem for testing. This had 4 parameters with 3 values leading
to 81 different scenarios. 9 Pair wise test cases were generated for
enough coverage. The number of tests required and cost of adding
additional parameter by the AETG method grows logarithmically with the
number of test parameters. With varied experiments, AETG system showed
better coverage that randomly generated test cases. Empirical results
show that pair wise testing is practical and efficient for various
types of software system.

To sum up, there are many techniques
available for generating test cases to satisfy test coverage criteria.
A random test case generator may create many test data; but might fail
to find test case to satisfy requirements. A path oriented approach
identifies path for which test case has to be generated, however the
path might be infeasible, the test data generator might fail to find an
input that will traverse the path. An intelligent approach generates
test case quickly but is quite complex. Comparing with these
techniques, Model based testing is a valuable one, since it creates
flexible, useful test automation from practically first day of
development. Models are simple to modify, generate innumerable test
sequences and allow the testers to get more testing accomplished in
shorter time. Even though varied test case generation approaches are
available, model based testing approach has attracted many researchers
and still research is being carried out to optimize the generation of
test cases with minimum human effort.

[1] Jeff Offutt, Aynur Abdurazik, October
1999, "Generating Tests from UML specifications", Second International
Conference on the Unified Modeling Language (UML99), pp. 416-429, Fort
Collins, CO.
[2] Clay E. Williams, November 1999, "Software
testing and the UML", International Symposium on Software Reliability
Engineering (ISSRE’99), Boca, Raton.
[3] Jeff Offutt, Aynur Abdurazik, October 2000,
"Using UML Collaboration diagrams for static checking and test
generation", Third International Conference on UML, York, UK.
[4] Lydie du Bousquet, Hugures Martin, Jean Marc Jezequel, 2001, "Conformance Testing from UML Specification Experience Report".
[5] Alessandra Cavarra, Charles chrichton, Jim
Davies, Alan Hartman, Thierry Jeron, Laurent Mounier, September 2000 ,
"Using UML for Automatic Test Generation", Oxford University Computing
Laboratory, Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of
Systems, (TACAS'2000).
[6] Jeff Offutt, Shaoying Liu, Aynur Abdurazik, Paul
Ammann, March 2003, "Generating Test data from State based
Specifications", The Journal of Software Testing, Verification and
Reliability, 13(1):25-53.
[7] Andras Toth, Daniel Varro, Andras Pataricca,
2003, "Model Level Automatic Test Generation for UML State-Charts",
Sixth IEEE workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits
and System, (DDECS 2003).
[8] Marlon E. Vieira, Marcio S. Dias, Debra J.
Richardson, "Object-Oriented Specification-Based Testing Using UML
Statechart Diagrams", University of California.
[9] Jean Hartmann, Marlon Vieira, Herb Foster, Axel Ruder, "UML based Test generation and Execution". www.gm.fh_koelin.de/~winter/tav/html/tav21/TAV21P6Vieira.pdf

[10] Jeff Offutt, Aynur Abdurazik, Andrea Baldini,
2004, "A Controlled experiment evaluation of Test cases generated for
UML diagram".

[11] Ahmed M. Salem, Lalitha Subramaniam, 2004,
"Utilizing UML use cases for testing requirements", International
Conference on Software Engineering research and practice, (SERP 2004).
[12] Stefania Gresi, Diego Latella, Mieke Massink,
2004, "Formal Test Case Generation for UML State-Charts", Ninth IEEE
International Conference on Engineering Complex computer system
Navigating complexity in e-Engineering Age.
[13] Matthias Riebish, Ilka Philippow, Marco Gotze, "UML Based Statistical Test Case Generation".
[14] Bertolino A., Marchetti E., 2004, "Introducing
a reasonably complete and coherent approach for model based testing",
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems,
[15] Cohen, D. M., Dalal, S. R., Fredman, M. L.,
Patton, G.C., 1997, "The AETG Design: an approach to testing based on
Combinatorial design", IEEE trans on Software Engineering, vol. 23, no.
7, pp. 437-444.
[16] Sami Baydeda, Volker Gruhn, 2003, "BINTEST – binary search-based
test case generation", In Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC),
IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003.
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