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VCS(Veritas Cluster Server)4.0软件安装介绍

2009-10-20 23:51 447 查看
VCS(Veritas Cluster Server)4.0软件安装介绍(一)


# cd cluster_server


# ./installvcs



Copyright (c) 2003 VERITAS Software Corporation. All rights reserved.

VERITAS, the VERITAS Logo and all other VERITAS product names and slogans are trademarks or registered trademarks of VERITAS Software Corporation. VERITAS and the VERITAS Logo Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. Other product names and/or slogans mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

4. 输入需要加到同一集群内的各系统主机名.

Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to install

VCS: north south


5.VCS安装工具需要验证用户指定的系统是否满足VCS的安装需求,以及它们是否配置了系统远程连接(ssh或者 rsh). 如果VCS安装工具检测到了ssh, 则直接执行ssh(缺省不需要root口令)。

Checking OS version on north ......................... SunOS 5.9

Checking VRTSvcs package ........................ not installed

Verifying communication with south ............ ping successful

Attempting rsh with south ....................... rsh successful

Attempting rcp with south ....................... rcp successful

Checking OS version on south ........................ SunOS 5.9

Checking VRTSvcs package ........................ not installed

Creating log directory on south .......................... Done

Logs for installvcs are being created in


Using /usr/bin/rsh and /usr/bin/rcp to communicate with remote systems.

Initial system check completed successfully.



Installing VERITAS Infrastructure packages on north:

Checking VRTSvlic package .................... not installed

Checking VRTScpi package ..................... not installed

Checking file system space ........ required space available

Installing VRTScpi 4.0.4 on north ..................... Done

Installing VRTSvlic 3.02.005d on north ................ Done

Installing VERITAS Infrastructure packages on south:

Checking VRTSvlic package .....................not installed

Checking VRTScpi package ..................... not installed

Checking file system space ........ required space available

Copying VRTScpi package to south....................... Done

Installing VRTScpi 4.0.4 on south...................... Done

Copying VRTSvlic.tar.gz to south ...................... Done

Installing VRTSvlic 3.02.005d on south ................ Done

VERITAS Infrastructure packages installed successfully.


7.VCS安装工具会检查当前每个系统中Licenses的情况,用户可以在此时输入VCS的license和添加一些附加功能(比如全球集群选项(lobal Cluster Option))的license.

Each system requires a VCS product license before installation.

License keys for additional product features should also be added at this time.

Some license keys are node locked and are unique per system. Other license keys, such as demo keys and site license keys, are registered on all systems and must be entered on the first system.

VCS Licensing Verification:

Checking VCS license key on north .................. not licensed

Enter a VCS license key for north: [?] XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX

Registering XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX on north ........ Done

Note You can add other licenses, such a for the Global Cluster option, at this time.

注意: 此时你可以再添加其它附加功能的license, 比如全球集群选项(Global Cluster Option).

Do you want to enter another license key for north? [y,n,q,?] (n)

Registering XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX on south

Checking VCS license key on south ..................Cluster Server

Do you want to enter another license key for south? [y,n,q,?] (n)

VCS licensing completed successfully.

Press [Return] to continue:


8.VCS安装工具提示用户安装可选项,用户可以从中选择自己需要的包, 例如:

installvcs can install the following optional VCS packages:

VRTSobgui VERITAS Enterprise Administrator

VRTSvxfen VERITAS I/O Fencing

VRTSvcsmn VERITAS Cluster Server Man Pages

VRTSvcsdc VERITAS Cluster Server Documentation

VRTScssim VERITAS Cluster Server Simulator

VRTScscm VERITAS Cluster Server Cluster Manager

1) Install all of the optional packages

2) Install none of the optional packages

3) View package description and select optional packages

Select the optional packages to be installed on all systems?

[1-3,q,?] (1)

9.在你确定所选包后, VCS安装工具会列出所有要安装的包:

installvcs will install the following VCS packages:

VRTSperl VERITAS Perl 5.8.0 Redistribution

VRTSob VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Service

VRTSmuob VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Service Localized Package

VRTSobgui VERITAS Enterprise Administrator

VRTSllt VERITAS Low Latency Transport

VRTSgab VERITAS Group Membership and Atomic Broadcast

VRTSvxfen VERITAS I/O Fencing

VRTSvcs VERITAS Cluster Server

VRTSvcsmg VERITAS Cluster Server Message Catalogs

VRTSvcsag VERITAS Cluster Server Bundled Agents

VRTSvcsmn VERITAS Cluster Server Man Pages

VRTScspro VERITAS Cluster Server VEA Provider

VRTSvcsdc VERITAS Cluster Server Documentation

VRTSjre VERITAS Java Runtime Environment Redistribution

VRTScutil VERITAS Cluster Utilities

VRTScssim VERITAS Cluster Server Simulator

VRTScscw VERITAS Cluster Server Configuration Wizards

VRTSweb VERITAS Java Web Server

VRTSvcsw VERITAS Cluster Manager (Web Console)

VRTScscm VERITAS Cluster Server Cluster Manager

Press [Return] to continue:

10.VCS安装工具继续检查系统,以确保没有已安装的VCS软件包、 磁盘空间是否够用、没有与VCS相关的进程或驱动程序存在或正在运行.

Checking VCS installation requirements on north:

Checking VRTSperl package .................... not installed

Checking VRTSob package ...................... not installed

Checking VRTSmuob package .................... not installed

Checking VRTSobgui package ................... not installed

Checking VRTSllt package ..................... not installed

Checking VRTSgab package ..................... not installed

Checking VRTSvcs package ..................... not installed

Checking VRTSvcsmg package ................... not installed

Checking VRTSvcsag package ................... not installed

Checking VRTSvcsmn package ................... not installed

Checking VRTScspro package ................... not installed

Checking VRTSvcsdc package ................... not installed

Checking VRTSjre package ..................... not installed

Checking VRTScutil package ................... not installed

Checking VRTScssim package ................... not installed

Checking VRTScscw package .................... not installed

Checking VRTSweb package ..................... not installed

Checking VRTSvcsw package .................... not installed

Checking VRTScscm package .................... not installed

Checking VERITAS patch 115209 ................ not installed

Checking VERITAS patch 115212 ................ not installed

Checking VERITAS patch 115210 ................ not installed

Checking file system space ..... required space is available

Checking had process ........................... not running

Checking hashadow process ...................... not running

Checking CmdServer process ..................... not running

Checking notifier process ...................... not running

Checking vxsvc process ......................... not running

Checking vxfen driver .......................... not running

Checking gab driver ............................ not running

Checking llt driver ............................ not running

The same checks are made on south and the following message displays:


Installation requirement checks completed successfully.

In some cases, packages may already be installed on a system. If the current version of a package is installed, it is removed from the package installation list for the system. If a previous version of a package is installed, it is removed and the current version is installed.

如果VCS软件包已安装且和当前需要安装的版本一致,那么这些已经安装的软件包就会从安装列表里删除; 如果已安装的版本比当前低,那么先删除,再安装当前版本的VCS。

VCS(Veritas Cluster Server)4.0软件安装介绍(二)


11.在VCS能使用之前,必须先配置。当然你可以选择现在就安装和配置VCS,或者只安装软件包,以后配置,那么需要运行installvcs -configure命令去完成VCS的配置。

It is optional to configure VCS now. If you choose to configure VCS later, you can either do so manually or run the installvcs -configure command. Are you ready to configure VCS? [y,n,q] (y) y


To configure VCS the following is required:

A unique Cluster name

A unique Cluster ID number between 0-255

Two or more NIC cards per system used for heartbeat links

One or more heartbeat links are configured as private links

One heartbeat link may be configured as a low priority link

All systems are being configured to create one cluster

Enter the unique cluster name: [?] vcs_cluster2

Enter the unique Cluster ID number between 0-255: [b,?] 7


Discovering NICs on north ...discovered hme0 qfe0 qfe1 qfe2 qfe3

The installer presents questions about configuring the discovered heartbeat NICS:

Enter the NIC for the first private heartbeat NIC on north: [b,?] qfe0

Would you like to configure a second private heartbeat link? [y,n,q,b,?] (y)

Enter the NIC for the second private heartbeat NIC on north: [b,?] qfe1

Would you like to configure a third private heartbeat link? [y,n,q,b,?](n)

Do you want to configure an additional low priority heartbeat link? [y,n,q,b,?] (n)

Are you using the same NICs for private heartbeat links on all systems? [y,n,q,b,?] (y)

Note When answering “Y,” be sure that the same NICs are available on each system; the installer does not verify this.

Notice that in this example, hme0 is not selected for use as a private heartbeat NIC because it already in use as the public network interface. The default responses are chosen.



Cluster information verification:

Cluster Name: vcs_cluster2

Cluster ID Number: 7

Private Heartbeat NICs for north: link1=qfe0 link2=qfe1

Private Heartbeat NICs for south: link1=qfe0 link2=qfe1

Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)

◆ If the information is not correct, answer “n.” The installer prompts you to enter

the information again.

◆ If the information is correct, press Return.



The following information is required to add VCS users:

A user name

A password for the user

User privileges (Administrator, Operator, or Guest)

Do you want to set the password for the Admin user (default password=’password’)? [y,n,q] (n) y

Enter New Password:******

Enter Again:******

Do you want to add another user to the cluster? [y,n,q] (y)

Enter the user name: [?] smith

Enter New Password:*******

Enter Again:*******

Enter the privilege for user smith (A=Administrator, O=Operator, G=Guest): [?] a

Would you like to add another user? [y,n,q] (n)

User: admin Privilege: Administrators

User: smith Privilege: Administrators

Passwords are not displayed

Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)

VCS(Veritas Cluster Server)4.0软件安装介绍(三)

配置集群管理(Cluster Manager)

16.安装工具需要以下信息来配置集群管理(Cluster Manager)。1)集群中每个系统使用的公共网卡。2)集群管理(Cluster Manager)使用的虚拟IP地址和子网掩码。

The following information is required to configure Cluster Manager:

A public NIC used by each system in the cluster

A Virtual IP address and netmask for Cluster Manager

Do you want to configure Cluster Manager (Web Console) [y,n,q](Y)

Press Return to configure Cluster Manager (Web Console) on the systems. Enter “n”

to skip configuring Cluster Manager and advance to configure SMTP notification.

回车确认。否则输入“n”跳过集群管理(Cluster Manager)安装,到配置SNMP通知安装步骤。


17. 在第一台主机,确定是否使用已找到的公共网卡,按回车选中。否则输入另一块公共网卡后按回车。

Active NIC devices discovered on north: hme0

Enter the NIC for Cluster Manager (Web Console) to use on north:[b,?](hme0)

Press Return if the discovered NIC is the one to use. Otherwise, type the name of a NIC to use and press Return.

Is hme0 to be the public NIC used by all systems [y,n,q,b,?] (y)

Press Return if all systems use the same public NIC. You are prompted to enter a NIC for each system if unique NICs are used.

如果 hme0是所有主机都使用的公共网卡,按回车选择yes,否则为每台主机指定一块公共网卡

18.为集群管理(Cluster Manager)指定一个虚拟IP。

Enter the Virtual IP address for Cluster Manager: [b,?]

19.为集群管理(Cluster Manager)指定一个子网掩码,你可以使用默认子网掩码,或手工指定另外一个。

Enter the netmask for IP [b,?] (


Cluster Manager (Web Console) verification:

NIC: hme0



Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)

◆ If the information is not correct, answer “n.” The installer prompts you to enter the information again.

◆ If the information is correct, press Return.



21. 安装程序需要下面的信息来配置VCS的SNMP邮件通知特性。1)基于域的SMTP服务器的主机名。2) 每个SNMP接收器的EMAIL地址。3) 发送到每个SNMP接收器的最小事件严重级别。你可以输入“n”跳过SNMP配置。

The following information is required to configure SMTPnotification:

The domain-based hostname of the SMTP server

The email address of each SMTP recipient

A minimum severity level of messages to send to each recipient

Do you want to configure SMTP notification? [y,n,q] (y) y

You can enter “n” and skip configuring SMTP notification. The program advances you to the screen enabling you to configure SNMP notification (see step 24).

22.必需提供下面的信息来配置SNMP通知。1) 基于域的SMTP服务器的主机名。2)SMTP接收器的完整EMAIL地址 。3)给指定的接收器选择最小事件严重级别。

Enter the domain-based hostname of the SMTP server (example: smtp.yourcompany.com): [b,?] smtp.xyzstar.com

Enter the full email address of the SMTP recipient (example: user@yourcompany.com ): [b,?]ozzie@xyzstar.com

Enter the minimum severity of events for which mail should be sent to ozzie@xyzstar.com I=Information,W=Warning,E=Error, S=SevereError]: [b,?] w

Would you like to add another SMTP recipient? [y,n,q,b] (n) y

Enter the full email address of the SMTP recipient(example: user@yourcompany.com ): [b,?] harriet@xyzstar.com


Enter the minimum severity of events for which mail should besent to harriet@xyzstar.com [I=Information,W=Warning,E=Error, S=SevereError]: [b,?] E


Would you like to add another SMTP recipient? [y,n,q,b] (n) 

23. 安装工具要你核对输入的信息是否正确,如果不对,选“n”重新输入上述信息,否则回车确认。

SMTP Address: smtp.xyzstar.com

Recipient: ozzie@xyzstar.com receives email for Warning or higher events

Recipient: harriet@xyzstar.com receives email for Error or higher events

Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)

◆ If the information is not correct, answer “n.” The installer prompts you to enter the information again.

◆ If the information is correct, press Return.

配置SNMP trap通知  

24.安装程序需要下面的信息去配置VCS的SNMP trap通知特性。1)接收VCS trap信息的SNMP控制台主机名。2)每个控制台SNMP trap守护进程的端口。3)发送到每个控制台的最小事件严重级别。如果没有配置SNMP,跳到第27步,配置Global Cluster option。

System names of SNMP consoles to receive VCS trap messages

SNMP trap daemon port numbers for each oonsole

A minimum severity level of messages to send to each console

Do you want to configure SNMP notification? [y,n,q] (y)

You can enter “n” and skip configuring SNMP notification. The program advances you to the screen enabling you to configure the Global Cluster option.

25.必需提供下面的信息来配置SNMP trap通知。1) 基于域的SMTP服务器的主机名。2)SMTP接收器的完整EMAIL地址 。3)给指定的接收器选择最小事件严重级别。

Enter the SNMP trap daemon port: [b,?] (162)

Enter the SNMP console system name: [b,?] Saturn

Enter the minimum severity of events for which SNMP traps should be sent to saturn [I=Information, W=Warning, E=Error,S=SevereError]: [b,?] E

Would you like to add another SNMP console? [y,n,q,b] (n) y

Enter the SNMP console system name: [b,?] Jupiter

Enter the minimum severity of events for which SNMP traps should be sent to saturn [I=Information, W=Warning, E=Error,S=SevereError]: [b,?] S

Would you like to add another SNMP console? [y,n,q,b] (n)

26. 安装工具要你核对输入的信息是否正确,如果不对,选“n”重新输入上述信息,否则回车确认。

SNMP Port: 162

Console: saturn receives SNMP traps for Error or higher events

Console: jupiter receives SNMP traps for SevereError or higher events

Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)

◆ If the information is not correct, answer “n.” The installer prompts you to enter the information again.

◆ If the information is correct, press Return.

VCS(Veritas Cluster Server)4.0软件安装介绍(四)

配置全球集群选项(Global Cluster Option)

27. 必需提供下面的信息来配置全球集群选项(Global Cluster option)。1)每个主机使用的公共网卡。2)一个虚拟IP地址和子网掩码。你可以输入“n”跳过全球集群选项(Global Cluster option)配置

The following is required to configure the Global Cluster Option:

A public NIC used by each system in the cluster

A Virtual IP address and netmask

The Virtual IP address and netmask may be the same as those configured for Cluster Manager (Web Console)

Do you want to configure the Global Cluster Option? [y,n,q](y)

You can enter “n” and skip configuring the Global Cluster Option. The installation program starts installation of the packages; see step 30.

28.如果你选择了配置全球集群选项(Global Cluster option),输入虚拟IP地址和子网掩码,你可以使用与集群管理(Cluster Manager)相同的虚拟IP地址和子网掩码,否则手工指定。

Enter the Virtual IP address for Cluster Manager: [b,?](

Press return to accept the default, which is the virtual IP address, NIC, and netmask used by Cluster Manager (see step 20). If you enter another IP address, the installer prompts you for a NIC and value for the netmask.

29. 安装工具要你核对输入的信息是否正确,如果不对,选“n”重新输入上述信息,否则回车确认。

Global Cluster Option configuration verification:

NIC: hme0IP:

Matching Cluster Manager (Web Console) Virtual IP configuration

Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)

◆ If the information is not correct, answer “n.” The installer prompts you to enter the information again.

◆ If the information is correct, press Return.



VCS packages can be installed on systems consecutively or simultaneously. Installing packages on systems consecutively takes more time but allows for better error handling.

By default, installation occurs on systems consecutively.

Would you like to install Cluster Server packages on allsystems simultaneously? [y,n,q,?] (y) n

Installing Cluster Server 4.0 on north:

Installing VRTSperl 4.0 on north .........Done 1 of 70 steps

Installing VRTSob 3.2.503.0 on north.....Done 2 of 70 steps

Installing VRTSmuob 3.2.514.0 on north.Done 3 of 70 steps

Installing VRTSobgui 3.2.514.0 on north.Done 4 of 70 steps

Installing VRTSllt 4.0 on north.......... Done 5 of 70 steps

Installing VRTSgab 4.0 on north.......... Done 6 of 70 steps

Installing VRTSvxfen 4.0 on north........ Done 7 of 70 steps

Installing VRTSvcs 4.0 on north...........Done 8 of 70 steps

Installing VRTSvcsmg 4.0 on north........ Done 9 of 70 steps

Installing VRTSvcsag 4.0 on north....... Done 10 of 70 steps

Installing VRTSvcsmn 4.0 on north...... Done 11 of 70 steps

Installing VRTScspro 4.0 on north....... Done 12 of 70 steps

Installing VRTSvcsdc 4.0 on north....... Done 13 of 70 steps

Installing VRTSjre 1.4 on north......... Done 14 of 70 steps

Installing VRTScutil 4.0 on north....... Done 15 of 70 steps

Installing VRTScssim 4.0 on north....... Done 16 of 70 steps

Installing VRTScscw 4.0 on north........ Done 17 of 70 steps

Installing VRTSweb 4.0 on nort.......... Done 18 of 70 steps

Installing VRTSvcsw 4.0 on north.........Done 19 of 70 steps

Installing VRTScscm 4.0 on north........Done 20 of 70 steps

Adding patch 115209-05 on north........Done 21 of 70 steps

Adding patch 115212-05 on north........Done 22 of 70 steps

Adding patch 115210-05 on north........Done 23 of 70 steps

The same packages are installed on each machine in the cluster:

Installing Cluster Server 4.0 on south:

Copying VRTSperl.tar.gz to south.......Done 24 of 70 steps

Installing VRTSperl 4.0.2 on south.......Done 25 of 70 steps

Copying VRTSob.tar.gz to south.......... Done 26 of 70 steps

Installing VRTSob 3.2.514.0 on south...Done 27 of 70 steps


31. 安装程序在每台主机创建配置文件。

Creating Cluster Server configuration files ........... Done

Copying configuration files to north................... Done

Copying configuration files to south................... Done

Cluster Server configured successfully.



Do you want to start Cluster Server processes now? [y,n,q] (y)

Starting Cluster Server:

Starting LLT on north .............................. Started

Starting LLT on south .............................. Started

Starting GAB on north .............................. Started

Starting GAB on south .............................. Started

Starting Cluster Server on north ................... Started

Starting Cluster Server on south ................... Started

Confirming Cluster Server startup ........ 2 systems RUNNING

Cluster Server was started successfully.Press [Return]to continue:

33. 至此,Cluster Server 4.0 已成功安装完成,你将看到下面的信息: 安装摘要文件、日志文件、响应文件保存的位置。这些文件为这次安装和将来安装提供了有用信息。

Installation of Cluster Server 4.0 has completed successfully.

The installation summary is saved at:


The installvcs log is saved at:


The installation response file is saved at:


These files provide useful information that can assist you with this and future installations:

◆ The “summary” file lists packages installed on each system, describes the cluster and its configured resources, and provides information for managing the cluster.

◆ The “log” file details the entire installation.

◆ The “response” file contains configuration information that can be used to perform secure or unattended installations on other systems (see “Example Response File” on page 45).

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息