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Appach Cannot load mod_dav_svn.so

2009-10-10 18:32 567 查看
这篇帖子能解决这个Appach Cannot load mod_dav_svn.so问题。 今天想升级一下SVN版本,结果加载不了mod_dav_svn.so
Window 2003
The Apache service named reported the following error:
Cannot load mod_dav_svn.so into server: \xd5\xd2\xb2\xbb\xb5\xbd\xd6\xb8\xb6\xa8\xb5\xc4\xc4\xa3\xbf\xe9\xa1\xa3 官方有句:
I am trying to use mod_dav_svn with Apache on Win32 and I'm getting an error saying that the module cannot be found, yet the mod_dav_svn.so file is right there in \Apache\modules. The error message in this case is a little misleading. Most likely Apache is unable to load one or more DLLs that mod_dav_svn.so relies on. If Apache is running as a service it will not have the same PATH as a regular user. Make sure that libdb4*.dll, intl3_svn.dll, libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll are present in either \Apache\bin or \Apache\modules. You can copy them from your Subversion installation directory if they are not there. 复制过去不尽人意,依然加载不了模块文件,后来把SVN/bin目录下所有DLL全复制过去,问题解决,经过筛选发现有几个DLL冲突, apache/bin/*.DLL 最终列表:
[?]intl3_svn.dll 转帖自:http://hi.baidu.com/%D4%E7%B9%C8%C9%E7%C7%F8/blog/item/fb6535c224eaa41c0ff47789.html
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