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2009-10-10 09:11 232 查看



Hardened-PHP 最近推出了 Suhosin 測試版(beta version),這是一個從原始碼層面提升 PHP 安全性的系統,所以不論是已知和尚未發現的安全性漏洞,不論這些漏洞出現在應用程式還是在 PHP 的核心部分,Suhosin 的安全關卡都可以防止這些漏洞做成破壞。

Suhosin 是一個韓語的音譯,意思大約是守護天使,但是別誤會 Hardened-PHP 是由韓國人組成,它其實是由三名知名的 PHP 保安專家和 PHP 核心編程人員合作的網站。

Suhosin 由兩部分組成,第一部份是 PHP 核心的補丁,提供低階的安全保護,例如緩衝區溢滿等,第二部分是一個 PHP 擴充模組,提供多項保護功能,包括:

自動把 cookies 加密/解密

容許關閉 preg_replace() 中的 /e 選項

容許關閉 eval()

透過設定函式呼叫層數的限制,避免出現無窮遞歸(infinite recursion)

防止應用程式修改 memory_limit

保護 mail() 免受「newline 攻擊」

保護 preg_replace() 免受「/0 攻擊」

自動加密/解密 session 數據

保護 session 免受騎劫

若果用戶呈交的資料包含 GLOBALS、_GET、_COOKIE 等敏感名稱,一律過濾掉










當apache的errorlog出現configured request variable name length limit exceeded


之前在寫Picasa2Wordpress的時候,測試的時候,遇到一個詭異的問題,在我有權限能access的機器們上面跑,就是有一台跑不起來,後來查了一下apache2的log才發現,原來是php suhosin module的問題,預設最大的POST及GET變數名稱最大只能夠是64字元,但是Picasa POST出去的卻遠超過,所以就被檔下來了。







I've always compiled Suhosin with any of the Apache builds I've made in WHM on production/public servers. On every server CodeCall has been on, it has been there. The purpose of Suhosin is to protect servers and users from known flaws in PHP.

I never had a problem with it before. I've seen it strip variables and prevent server requests in the log files and it always seemed to help. Last night I ran into something annoying: Suhosin limits the character length for any request variable. It doesn't truncate the value as you might expect, it drops the variable completely.

I needed the ability to post considerably long string queries for ASCIIBin. For some reason the variables were being dropped and an empty BIN was being created. I couldn't figure out why. It worked fine on my test box (which didn't have suhosin) and I could see the data before actual POST using JavaScript. After some time I came to realize that Suhosin was the culprit.

The Fix
Taking a look at the documentation for Suhosin, you can figure out fairly quick that post.max_value_length is the configuration variable limiting character size.

Defines the maximum length of a variable that is registered through a POST request.

The default character limit is 65,000.

Method 1: Obviously, you can just disable Suhosin to fix the problem. Remove the suhosin.o file from your php.ini config file and restart Apache.

Method 2: You probably want to keep Suhosin around so a different approach is to edit the configuration file. The file is named suhosin.ini, following the PHP ini configuration system. I added these lines:

suhosin.post.max_vars = 5000
suhosin.post.max_value_length = 500000
suhosin.request.max_vars = 5000
suhosin.request.max_value_length = 500000

Restart apache.

Method 3: Alternatively, you can change these values per user using .htaccess. Edit the .htaccess file in the user directory and set the parameters to what you want. Here is an example:

php_value suhosin.post.max_vars 5000
php_value suhosin.post.max_value_length 500000
php_value suhosin.request.max_vars 5000
php_value suhosin.request.max_value_length 500000

I hope this helps you if you ever run into the same situation. Perhaps it will save you some time. I know if there had been a post labeled "PHP POST character limit" and was indexed by google, I would have an hour of my time saved. Alas, there isn't so I'm making one.
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