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2009-10-07 20:06 375 查看
阅兵式 military review

Starting early Saturday morning, the rehearsal featured a mass pageant involving nearly 200,000 citizens and 60 simulated floats, a gala by around 12,000 performers and a military review.


国庆“禁飞” ban on flying activities

Beijing has widened a ban on flying activities to include pigeons and kite flying in its latest efforts to beef up security ahead of the National Day celebrations, police said Tuesday.


长安街“整修” face-lift

Beijing's main road, the Chang’an Avenue, is getting a makeover ahead of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in October. The avenue received its last face-lift in 1999 for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of PRC.


人工消雨&人工降雨 artificial rain reduction/precipitation

Zhang Qiang, deputy director of the Beijing Weather Modification Office, told China Daily that "artificial rain reduction" measures were in place for the National Day celebration, during which President Hu Jintao will give a speech and the military will parade past the Tian'anmen Square.


群众欢庆游行 mass pageant

The military parade and mass pageant will be rehearsed at Tian'anmen Square several times from August 29 to September 26.


彩车 float

The Tian'anmen Square will see a massive celebration to mark the nation's 60th birthday on October 1, said a spokesperson for the 60th National Day celebration preparation committee of the Beijing municipal government Monday. A mass pageant involving about 200,000 citizens and 60 floats will follow a military parade.


地铁“安检” security check

Subway security officers are considering rapid checks for small bags, which means such bags won't have to go through X-ray machines. However, because of the huge passenger flow, passengers with small bags, such as waist packs, can actually escape security checks even now.


红袖章 red armband

Restaurant owners, barbers and shopkeepers along Beijing's streets were all given a red armband and everybody is wearing them with pride. The sea of red armbands will frighten the potential attackers, the community official explained.


游行乐队 marching band

The parade featured 22 floats, 2 dragon teams, 3 lion teams, 30 marching Groups, 8 marching bands and officials and dignitaries. The parade is a joint effort by Chicago Chinese community, Chinese Consulate in Chicago and the city of Chicago.


观礼台 viewing stand

A red carpet is decorated on the temporary viewing stand in front of the Tian'anmen Rostrum in Beijing, China, on Sept. 17 2009. The stand was set up for the upcoming National Day Parade on Oct. 1, which marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.


National Day parade 国庆阅兵
From Friday to Saturday, about 3 million people from across the country visited Tian'anmen Square in Beijing, where the National Day parade was held on Oct 1 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China, Beijing Daily reported.
flag-rising ceremony 升旗仪式
Celebrations for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China began early on October 1st in Sichuan, when thousands of people came to watch a flag-rising ceremony held at 7:00 am at Tianfu Square, the center of Chengdu, Sichuan's capital city.
The Chinese people have stood up 中国人民从此站起来了

His declaration to the world "The Chinese people have stood up" is now, more than ever before, truly echoed and felt in the country with a population of more than 1.3 billion as it becomes increasingly influential amid rapid economic and social progress.
maintain a peaceful world 维护世界和平
"It's very common for a modern country to have a modern army," she said. "A strong China can help maintain a peaceful world because we Chinese people love peace."
military brass band 军乐队
A 1,500-member military brass band, a 2,100-member adult choir, a 300-member children's choir and a 130-member folk percussion group sang and played 21 songs to accompany the parade. It was the largest number of people to make music for a National Day parade.
formation 方队
The military parade was followed by a civilian procession that featured six massive performing groups and 36 formations, comprising 100,000 people. In addition, 60 floats represented everything from China's geographic areas to last year's Olympics.
most advanced weapons 最先进的武器装备
Waves of applause were heard when the most advanced weapons were displayed for the first time to the world.
full-dress National Day Military parade 全副武装的国庆阅兵大典
phalanx 方阵
Second Artillery Force 第二炮兵
special forces 特种军
intercontinental nuclear-capable ballistic missiles 具有核能力的洲际弹道导弹
sophisticated radar 精密雷达
airborne early warning and control aircraft 空中预警与指挥飞机
unmanned aerial vehicles(U***) 无人机
satellite communication devices 卫星通讯设备
fighter-bomber echelon 战斗机梯队
"Today, a socialist China geared to modernization, the world and the future has stood rock-firm in the east of the world." “今天,一个面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的社会主义中国巍然屹立在世界东方。”(胡锦涛主席在国庆阅兵庆典上的讲话)
float 彩车
Red Flag limousine 红旗轿车
drill camp 阅兵村
civilian procession 群众游行
Greetings, comrades.
Greetings, leader.
Comrades, you are working hard.
We serve the people.
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