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DB2 Backup and Recovery for LiveCycle ES

2009-09-17 15:12 330 查看

DB2 Backup and Recovery for LiveCycle ES

0This article outlines one
method for performing a backup and recovery on a IBM DB2 database. This
article is not intended as a comprehensive technical guide of specific
database backup and recovery features, but is meant to be an outline of
basic DB2 commands needed for a database administrator to create a
reliable database backup strategy for LiveCycle ES.Caution: As with any other aspect of your LiveCycle ES implementation,
your backup and recovery strategy needs to be developed and tested in a
development or staging environment before being used in production in
order to ensure that the entire solution is working as expected with no
data loss.

DB2 database documentation

The information provided in this article is a summary of the steps
required to perform the tasks described. For detailed information,
consult the manufacturers documentation provided with your database.

DB2 backup

To maintain synchronization between the database backup and the GDS
backup, it is important that you do not deploy any long-lived process
during a backup or run DDL activities that would create, alter, or
delete tables or objects in the database. DB2 will force you to roll
forward to the completion time of these DDL activities, which can be
later than the time you exit out of LiveCycle backup mode. There is a
very small chance that this can occur, but it is better to avoid the
problem.[b] Configuring the LiveCycle ES database for backup
Prior to backing up the database, you must set specific database parameters such as:

: This parameter specifies the media type of the primary destination for archived logs.

This parameter specifies the media type of the secondary destination
for archived logs. If this path is specified, log files will be
archived to both this destination and the destination specified by the
logarchmeth1 database configuration parameter.

: (Deprecated) This parameter needs to be set to ON for Archival Logging strategy.

This parameter indicates the number of primary log files to be
allocated. The total log file size default limit on active log space is
256 GB.

: This parameter indicates the maximum number of secondary log files that can be allocated.

This parameter is used to specify the size of a log file (in number of
4 KB pages). The size of the log file has an impact on performance
because there is a cost for switching from one log to another. This
value also indicates the log file size for archiving. Even though the
larger log file size improves the performance of the database, it also
increases the chance of failure. When considering the active log space,
it may be better to have a larger number of smaller log files.

: This parameter enables Incremental
and Delta backup. If you dont turn this configuration to on, you will
get SQL2426N message error when you try to perform an incremental
backup.To update the number of primary log files, run:update database configuration for <database name> using LOGPRIMARY <num of primary log files>To update the number of secondary log files, run:update database configuration for <database name> using LOGSECOND <num of secondary log files>To change the physical location of the log files, run:update database configuration for <database name> using NEWLOGPATH <new log path>To turn on the track modification pages, run:update database configuration for <database name> using TRACKMOD ONTo enable archival logging mode for LiveCycle DB2 database, run:update database configuration for EDC using LOGRETAIN RECOVERYNote: You must take a full offline database backup right after configuration, for example:
db2 => backup db adobe online to c:/lcbackup/db2

SQL2413N Online backup is not allowed because the database is not recoverable or a backup pending condition is in effect.

db2 => backup db adobe to c:/lcbackup/db2

Backup successful. The timestamp for this backup image is: 20080102171058

db2 =>
To query your current settings, run:
get database configuration for <database name>
For detailed discussion of DB2 logging, see the article at the following location: www.ibm.com/developerworks/db2/library/techarticle/0301kline/0301kline.html[b] DB2 archive logs

configured, the archive log files are located at the path specified by the logarchmeth1 parameter.With

configured, and if you are not configuring your system to use UserExit
to archive logs into a different directory, archive log files stay in
the same directory where active log files are located.To find the location of the logs, run:
db2 => get database configuration for edc
Examine the Path to log files and the First active log file results of this command.[b] Infinite Active Logging and UserExit (deprecated)
[/b]If you chose to move log files not containing any non-committed or
non-externalized transactions to a different storage location, DB2
offers a user exit, which is called by DB2 if a log file reaches this
state.The user-supplied

will be invoked each time a log file is closed and this program can
move unneeded log files to another location for permanent storage.[b] To prepare the userexit:
[/b]Copy db2uext2.cdisk from C:/Program Files/IBM/SQLLIB/samples/c to a working directory and rename the file to db2uext2.c.Verify and modify the Installation Defined Variables to match with
your environment. The default will backup the log files to C:/mylogs/.Compile userexit using: cl db2uext2.c. You need to have a C++ compiler, such as Microsoft Visual C++, installed.Copy the created EXE file to the c:/Program
Files/IBM/SQLLIB/bin directory on Windows. On Unix, this program should
be copied to the sqllib/adm directory.

Backing up the LiveCycle ES database

backup image of a DB2 UDB database (or of a tablespace within a DB2 UDB
database) can be created by executing the BACKUP command. The basic
syntax for this command is:
BACKUP [DATABASE | DB] [DatabaseName],br /> <USER [UserName] <USING [Password]>>

<TABLESPACE ( [TS_Name],...)



<TO [Location]>

<WITH [NumBuffers] BUFFERS>

<BUFFER [BufferSize]>

<PARALLELISM [ParallelNum]>

where:DatabaseName- Identifies the name assigned to the database that a backup image is to be created for.UserName - the name assigned to a specific user whose authority the backup operation is to be performed under.Password - the password that corresponds to the name of the user that the backup operation is to be performed under.TS_Name- the name assigned to one or more specific tablespaces that are to be backed up.Location- the directory or device where the backup image created is
to be stored. (If no location is specified, the current location is
used as the default.)NumBuffers- the number of buffers that are to be used to perform
the backup operation. (By default, two buffers are used if this option
is not specified.)BufferSize- the size, in pages, that each buffer used to perform
the backup operation will be. (By default, the size of each buffer used
by the BACKUP utility is determined by the value of the backbufsz DB2
Database Manager configuration parameter.)ParallelNum- the number of tablespaces that can be read in parallel during a backup operation.If the INCREMENTAL option is specified, an incremental backup
image will be produced. An incremental backup image is a copy of all
data that has changed since the last successful, full backup image was
produced. Likewise, if the DELTA option is specified, a delta backup
image will be produced. A delta backup image is a copy of all data that
has changed since the last successful backup image of any type (full,
incremental, or delta) was produced. DB2 will force you to make a full
offline backup after enabling LOGRETAIN and/or USEREXIT to avoid error
on the subsequent connection to the database. The following example
shows how to create a full backup image of a database named EDC and
store the image created in a directory named LCBACKUP/DB2 on logical
disk drive C:. The following command connects to the EDC database as db2admin
and pas$w0rd:
db2 => connect to edc user db2admin using pas$w0rd

Database Connection Information

Database server = DB2/NT 8.2.0

SQL authorization ID = DB2ADMIN

Local database alias = EDC
This command forces all the active applications to disconnect from the
database. You may need repeat this command or stop and restart the
database to force all users off the system.
db2 => force application all

DB20000I The FORCE APPLICATION command completed successfully.

DB21024I This command is asynchronous and may not be effective immediately.
This command starts the offline backup of the database. The target directory must already exist.
db2 => backup db edc to c:/lcbackup/db2

Backup successful. The timestamp for this backup image is : 20080110153958
Once a full backup of the database is performed, the target database
can be backed up online (full or incremental). The following snippets
show how an online backup is obtained. The first command lists the
active applications connecting to the database. The second command
performs a hot backup of the EDC database, including the logs ready to
be archived, to c:/lcbackup/db2 directory. The third command performs
an incremental hot backup of the EDC database. Note that we don't
provide user name and password because we already connect to the EDC
database previously. Furthermore, unless you are utilizing user exit
feature, you should always perform your backup with the include logs
option. This allows you to recover your database in the case your disk
media is corrupted.
List active applications

db2 => list applications
Auth Id Application Appl. Application Id DB # of

Name Handle Name Agents

-------- -------------- ------ -------------------------- -------- -----

DB2ADMIN db2jccIDPSched 35 NF000001.HD0B.080110235001 EDC 1

DB2ADMIN db2jccSimpleTh 34 NF000001.HC0B.080110235000 EDC 1

DB2ADMIN db2jccSimpleTh 20 NF000001.HA0A.080110234200 EDC 1

DB2ADMIN db2jccIDPSched 19 NF000001.G40A.080110234128 EDC 1

Hot backup edc database

db2 => backup db edc online to c:/lcbackup/db2 include logs

Backup successful. The timestamp for this backup image is : 20080110155632

Hot incremental backup edc database

db2 => backup db edc online incremental to c:/lcbackup/db2 include logs

Backup successful. The timestamp for this backup image is : 20080110155709
The first command lists the active applications connecting to the
database. The second command performs a hot backup of the EDC database,
including the logs ready to be archived, to c:/lcbackup/db2 directory.
The third command performs an incremental hot backup of the EDC
database. Note that we don't provide user name and password because we
already connect to the EDC database previously. Furthermore, unless you
are utilizing user exit feature, you should always perform your backup
with the include logs option. This allows you to recover your database
in the case your disk media is corrupted.[b] Backup listing
[/b]You can view the contents of a database's recovery history file by
executing the LIST HISTORY command from the DB2 Command Line Processor
(CLP). The basic syntax for this command is:




[ALL | SINCE [Timestamp] |

CONTAINING <SchemaName.>ObjectName]

FOR [DATABASE | DB] [DatabaseName]
- Identifies a timestamp that is to be used as search criteria when
retrieving entries from the recovery history file; only entries with
timestamps that are greater than or equal to the timestamp provided are
retrieved and displayed.SchemaName- Identifies the name assigned to the schema that is to
be used as search criteria when retrieving entries from the recovery
history file; only entries that are associated with the schema name
specified are retrieved and displayed.ObjectName - Identifies the name assigned to an object that is to
be used as search criteria when retrieving entries from the recovery
history file; only entries that are associated with the object
specified are retrieved and displayed.DatabaseName- Identifies the name assigned to the database that
recovery history file information is to be retrieved and displayed for.Listing of a database edc would look something like this:
db2 => list history backup all for database edc

List History File for edc

Number of matching file entries = 2

Op Obj Timestamp+Sequence Type Dev Earliest Log Current Log Backup ID

-- --- ------------------ ---- --- ------------ ------------ --------------

B D 20080110155632001 N D S0000019.LOG S0000019.LOG


Contains 4 tablespace(s):



00003 EDC_DATA_8K




Start Time: 20080110155632

End Time: 20080110155705

Status: A


EID: 25 Location: c:/lcbackup/db2/EDC.0/DB2/NODE0000/CATN0000/20080110

Op Obj Timestamp+Sequence Type Dev Earliest Log Current Log Backup ID

-- --- ------------------ ---- --- ------------ ------------ --------------

B D 20080110155709001 O D S0000019.LOG S0000020.LOG


Contains 4 tablespace(s):



00003 EDC_DATA_8K




Start Time: 20080110155709

End Time: 20080110155730

Status: A


EID: 26 Location: c:/lcbackup/db2/EDC.0/DB2/NODE0000/CATN0000/20080110
Note: If you want to redirect your backup history listing into a text
file, you can issue this command from the DOS command line as shown
D:/Program Files/IBM/SQLLIB/BIN>db2 list history backup all for database edc > history.txt
[b] Pruning backup
You can delete a recovery history file entry by executing the PRUNE HISTORY command. The basic syntax for this command is:

where,Timestamp - Identifies a timestamp that is to be used as search
criterion when removing entries from the recovery history file; only
entries with timestamps that are less than or equal to the timestamp
provided are deleted, provided they are not part of the most recent
restore set.If the WITH FORCE OPTION option is
specified, entries with timestamps that are less than or equal to the
timestamp specified are deleted regardless of whether or not they are
part of the most recent restore set.
This is an example of the pruning command:
db2 => prune history 20080111DB20000I The PRUNE command completed successfully.

Restoring a DB2 database

The most common way to restore DB2 database is by executing the RESTORE command. The basic syntax for this command is:
RESTORE [DATABASE | DB] [DatabaseName]

<USER [UserName] <USING [Password]>>


TABLESPACE ( [TS_Name] ,... ) <ONLINE> |



<FROM [SourceLocation]>

<TAKEN AT [Timestamp]>

<TO [TargetLocation]>

<INTO [TargetAlias]> <NEWLOGPATH [LogsLocation]>

<WITH [NumBuffers] BUFFERS>

<BUFFER [BufferSize]>



<PARALLELISM [ParallelNum]>

Identifies the name assigned to the database that is associated with
the backup image that is to be used to perform a recovery operation.UserName- Identifies the name assigned to a specific user that the recovery operation is to be performed under.Password - Identifies the password that corresponds to the name of
the user that the recovery operation is to be performed under.TS_Name - Identifies the name assigned to one or more specific tablespaces that are to be restored from a backup image.ONLINE - is keyword, applicable only when performing a table
space-level restore operation, is specified to allow a backup image to
be restored online. This means that other agents can connect to the
database while the backup image is being restored, and that the data in
other table spaces will be available while the specified table spaces
are being restored.HISTORY FILE- this keyword is specified to restore only the history file from the backup image.INCREMENTAL- Without additional parameters, INCREMENTAL specifies a
manual cumulative restore operation. During manual restore the user
must issue each restore command manually for each image involved in the
restore. Do so according to the following order: last, first, second,
third and so on up to and including the last image.INCREMENTAL AUTO - Specifies an automatic cumulative restore operation.INCREMENTAL ABORT - Specifies abortion of an in-progress manual cumulative restore operation.SourceLocation - Identifies the directory or device where the backup image to be used is stored.Timestamp - Identifies a timestamp that is to be used as search
criterion when looking for a particular backup image to use for
recovery. The time stamp is displayed after successful completion of a
backup operation, and is part of the path name for the backup image. It
is specified in the form yyyymmddhhmmss. A partial time stamp can also
be specified. For example, if two different backup images with time
stamps 19971001010101 and 19971002010101 exist, specifying 19971002
causes the image with time stamp 19971002010101 to be used. If a value
for this parameter is not specified, there must be only one backup
image on the source media.TargetLocation - Identifies the directory where the database that
will be created is to be stored, if the backup image is to be used to
create a new database.TargetAlias - Identifies the alias to be assigned to the new database to be created.LogsLocation - Identifies the directory or device where log files for the new database are to be stored.NumBuffers - Identifies the number of buffers that are to be used
to perform the recovery operation. (By default, two buffers are used if
this option is not specified.)BufferSize - Identifies the size, in pages, that each buffer used
to perform the backup operation will be. (By default, the size of each
buffer used by the RESTORE utility is determined by the value of the
restbufsz DB2 Database Manager configuration parameter.)ParallelNum - Identifies the number of tablespaces that can be read in parallel during a backup operation.When restoring to an existing database, you should
not be connected to the database that is to be restored: the restore
utility automatically establishes a connection to the specified
database, and this connection is terminated at the completion of the
restore operation. When restoring to a new database, an instance
attachment is required to create the database. When restoring to a new
remote database, you must first attach to the instance where the new
database will reside. Then, create the new database, specifying the
code page and the territory of the server.You
must have SYSADM, SYSCTRL, or SYSMAINT authority to restore to an
existing database from a full database backup. To restore to a new
database, you must have SYSADM or SYSCTRL authority.When a backup image is used to restore a damaged or corrupted database,
the database can only be returned to the state it was in at the time
the backup image was made. All changes that were made to the database
after the backup image was created will be lost when a recovery
operation is performed. To return a database to the state it was in at
any given point in time, roll-forward recovery must be used instead.When a recoverable database is restored from a backup image, it is
automatically placed in "Roll-forward pending" state unless the WITHOUT
ROLLING FORWARD option is used with the RESTORE command ; while a
database is in "Roll-forward pending state, it cannot be accessed by
users and applications. At that point, the database can either be taken
out of "Roll-forward pending" state (in which case all changes made to
the database since the backup image used for recovery was made will be
lost), or information stored in the database's transaction log files
can be replayed to return the database to the state it was in at any
given point in time. The rollforward command syntax is:

< USER [UserName] < USING [Password] > >

< TO [PointInTime] < AND COMPLETE | STOP > |







TABLESPACE < ( [TS_Name] ,... ) > < ONLINE > >

< OVERFLOW LOG PATH ( [LogDirectory],...) >

where:DatabaseName - Identifies the name assigned to the database to be rolled forward.UserName- Identifies the name assigned to the user under whose authority the roll-forward recovery operation will be performed.Password - Identifies the password that corresponds to the name of the authorizing user.PointInTime - Identifies a specific point in time, identified by a
timestamp value in the form yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.nnnnnn (year, month,
day, hour, minutes, seconds, microseconds) to roll the database forward
to. (Only transactions that took place before and up to the time
specified will be reapplied to the database.)TS_Name - Identifies the name assigned to one or more tablespaces
to be rolled forward. (Use the db2logsforrfwd command to find out which
log files are needed for a tablespace roll-forward recovery operation.)LogDirectory - Identifies the directory that contains the offline
archived log files used to perform the roll-forward recovery operation.TableID - Identifies a specific table (by ID) that is to be restored as part of the roll-forward operation.Location - Identifies the directory where files containing data
stored in the tables that were dropped will be written to when the
table is restored.Note: Parameters shown in angle brackets (< >) are
optional; parameters or options shown in normal brackets ([ ]) are
required and must be provided; a comma followed by ellipses (...)
indicates that the preceding parameter can be repeated multiple times.
To view the complete syntax for the ROLLFORWARD command, see IBM DB2
Universal Database, Version 8 Command Reference. If you want to perform
a roll-forward recovery operation on a database named EDC by reapplying
all transactions that were committed at or before 01/01/2008, you would
execute a ROLLFORWARD command that looks like this:
It's important to note that the time value specified is interpreted as
a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) - otherwise known as Greenwich Mean
Time (GMT) - value. If you want to specify the local time, then you
need to use the following format:

In general, you rollforward the database after you recover the database
to the end backup time, and DB2 will provide the correct time that you
need to rollforward to.If you wanted to restore a database named EDC, (which already
exists and uses archive log), using a backup image stored in the
LCBackup directory on logical disk drive C:, you could do so as shown
db2 => disconnect all

DB20000I The SQL DISCONNECT command completed successfully.

db2 => force applications all

DB20000I The FORCE APPLICATION command completed successfully.

DB21024I This command is asynchronous and may not be effective immediately.


SQL2540W Restore is successful, however a warning "2539" was encountered

during Database Restore while processing in No Interrupt mode.

db2 => rollforward database edc user db2admin using pas$w0rd to 2008-02-12- and stop

SQL1275N The stoptime passed to roll-forward must be greater than or equal to

"2008-02-12-", because database "EDC" on node(s) "0" contains

information later than the specified time.

db2 => rollforward database edc user db2admin using pas$w0rd to end of logs and stop

Rollforward Status
Input database alias = edc

Number of nodes have returned status = 1

Node number = 0

Rollforward status = not pending

Next log file to be read =

Log files processed = S0000035.LOG - S0000036.LOG

Last committed transaction = 2008-02-12-

DB20000I The ROLLFORWARD command completed successfully.

In the example above, we rollforward twice, the first time using the
end of the backup time as the point in time of the rolling forward;
this time is never correct, but it allows us to get the correct time
from DB2.If you are archiving your logs to a different directory using
user exit, you need to use OVERFLOW LOG PATH to specify the directory
where the user exit saves archived logs:
db2 => rollforward database edc to end of logs and stop overflow log path (c:/logs)

Rollforward Status
Input database alias = edc

Number of nodes have returned status = 1

Node number = 0Rollforward status = not pendingNext log file to be read =Log files processed = S0000013.LOG - S0000017.LOGLast committed transaction = 2008-01-30-

Incremental recovery

As mentioned in the previous section, you need to set your database
TRACKMOD option to YES in order for you to take incremental backup your
database. To rebuild the database or the table space to a consistent
state, the recovery process must begin with a consistent image of the
entire object (database or table space) to be restored, and must then
apply each of the appropriate incremental backup images. For an
automatic incremental restore, the RESTORE command is issued only once
specifying the target image to be used. DB2 then uses the database
history to determine the remaining required backup images and restores
them. For example:
db2 restore db sample incremental automatic taken at 20080114152133
Refer to the DB2 manual if you need to incremental recover your database manually.

Additional resources

This section provides references to articles relevant to database administration and back up tasks.Note: The web sites referenced here were valid at the time of publication.[b] DB2 documentation
There are several good reference guides available from the IBM DB2 Information Center
web site. You can search for the following documents or articles from this site:Backing up DB2 with IBM Tivoli Storage Management (IBM form number SG24-6247-00)High Availability and Scalability Guide for DB2 on Linux, UNIX, and Windows (IBM form number SG24-7363-01)In addition, the following article provides valuable information:DB2 Universal Data Base V8.1 Certification: Backup and Recovery available at www.informit.com[b] Ntbackup for Windows Server 2003 references
[/b]Ntbackup command reference for Windows Server 2003Utilizing the Built-in Windows Backup (ntbackup.exe) for Windows at www.fishbrains.com
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