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Siebel Symbolic URL: How to configure Displaying External Content Outside of an Applet

2009-09-17 14:46 691 查看
How to configure Displaying External Content Outside of an Applet


Symbolic URL’s could be used to show you an open external application inside/outside Siebel Applets. This doc provides configuration steps to display external content Outside of the Applet.

Two sections will be shown:

1. Configuration in Siebel Application

2. Configuration in Siebel Tools

Configuration in Siebel Application

Now, we will define a Symbolic URL pointing to the website that will be shown outside our Applet.

1. Go to Administration Integration > WI Symbolic URL List

2. After enter the view, click Dropdown list and select ‘Host Administration’

3. Create a new host record and enter the parameters following detail:


Virtual Name: RA Host


‘Name’ is a name of the external host that will be used in Step 5.

‘Virtual Name’ is a user-defined name for your remote website.

4. Click Dropdown list again and select ‘Symbolic URL Administration’

5. Create a new Symbolic URL Record and enter following details.

Name: RA URL Demo


[The URL which you want to display it outside out Applet]

Host Name:

[The Name of the host defined in the Host Administration view that you had given in Step3]

Fixup Name: Default [It determines how you URL will appear in application]

SSO Disposition: Form Redirect [It determines the Displaying Type. For example, ‘Form Redirect’ means that the external App will be shown outside Applet.]

6. You can provide some arguments for our URL.(Optional)

Go to ‘Symbolic URL Argument List’ Applet to define some parameter.

Now our Symbolic URL is ready.

Configuration in Siebel Tools

Next, we need to do some configuration in Siebel Tools in order to define that which Applet could be used to invoke our Symbolic URL. We need two Applets. First one is a Pop-up Applet which is used for display our external App. Second one is used for active (invoke) the former one. You also need configure a Business Component that you will base your applet upon.

(Now, let’s configure the BC first.)

1. Open Siebel Tools, select the Business Component in Object Explorer. (I choose ‘Account’ for example.)

2. Expand the Business Component Section and select the ‘Field’ Section.

3. Create a new Field that associate to BC and set its parameter as following:

Name: RA URL Demo

Calculated: True

Calculated Value: "RA URL Demo" [Name of the Symbolic URL we just created in the Administration Integration > WI Symbolic URL List > Symbolic URL Administration and don’t forget to put quotes around it]

(Next, let’s create an Applet to display our External App.)

4. Choose ‘Applet’ Section in the Object Explorer.

5. Create a new Applet and set parameters as following:

Name: A Popup Applet

Project: VERT CUT Common [This value is associated with BC.]

Business Component: Account [The BC which is set in Step1]

Class: CSSFrameListPopup [It determines you want to display External App in a Popup window]

Title: RA Test URL Applet [It determines the title of the Popup window.]

Title-String Override: RA Test URL Applet [Any String is OK.]

Upgrade Behavior: Preserve

6. Expand the Control Section for this new Applet.

7. Create a new Control and set parameters as following:

Name: URL

Caption-String Override:URL

Field: RA URL Demo

Field Retrieval Type: Symbolic URL

Field Type: BC Field

HTML Type: Text

8. Back to Applet view and right-click the applet then select ‘Edit Web Layout’.(Optional)

9. In Web Layout Editor, you can design web UI to display your External App. Please note which ‘Applet Mode’ you selected.

(Now, let’s configure the Applet which is used for invoke our ‘A Popup Applet’)

10. Back to Applet View and select an applet. (I take ‘SIS Account Entry Applet’ for example) Then, expand the Control Section and create a new control as following:

Name: RA URL Link [Any String is OK.]

Caption-String Override: Open Link [Any String is OK.]

HTML Type: Button [That determines which method you want to invoke our ‘A Popup Applet’]

Method Invoked: ShowPopup [It indicates that after click Button, a popup window will be shown.]

11. Expand the ‘Control User Pop’ Section and create properties as following:






The mode you selected in Step-9.


A Popup Applet

The Applet we created in Step-5.

Popup Dimension

500* 800

It determines the Size of Popup Window.

12. Right-click ‘SIS Account Entry Applet’ then select ‘Edit Web Layout’ to enter Web Layout Editor. Drag the Control ‘RA URL Link’ and its label from ‘Controls/Columns’ List.

Then drop them to the available location.

13. Compile SRF and open Siebel App to check outcome.


Symbolic URL – Integrating Siebel ( From:http://siebelunleashed.com)

Symbolic URL (From: SiebelGuide.com)

How to Invoke Popup Applet on button click (From:Siebel Unleashed)

Siebel Portal Framework Guide Version 8.0 December 2006 (From: BookShelf)

Configuring Siebel Business Applications Version 8.0, Rev. A June 2007 (From: BookShelf)

If you have any question, please contact me.


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