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Web 2.0 portlet and portal programming support for IBM WebSphere Portal Version 6.1

2009-09-11 01:29 901 查看
This article shows you how to exploit the benefits of the Web 2.0 tooling
support in IBM® Rational® Application Developer V7.5 for portlet
and portal applications running on IBM® WebSphere® Portal V6.1. In
a typical portlet application, each request to the server causes a complete
refresh of the browser page, which leads to page flickering and performance
gaps. Web 2.0 technology enables you to create more dynamic and responsive
applications with a superior user experience. The technology aims to turn
Web browsers into semi-rich clients by projecting user interface logic for
page rendering, navigation, aggregation, and cross-portlet interaction into
user's browsers.

The Web 2.0 tooling support provided with Rational Application Developer aids
and expedites the process of creating such dynamic and responsive portlet
and portal applications. Tooling support has been provided so that you

Design portlets that interact using Client-Side Click-to-Action, which
is a new event paradigm introduced in WebSphere Portal V6.1 for
cooperation between portlets.

Insert Person Menu and the capability to extend the Person

Use an Ajax proxy for portlet applications.

Use a client-side programming model to retrieve portlet preferences
efficiently, performing portlet state changes on the client side.

This article discusses the above four topics in order. For each, it begins by
describing a particular Web 2.0-based technology, followed with simple
examples that illustrate the tooling support for the same.

Who should read this:
Developers of portlet and portal-based

Goals of this article:
Describe how to develop rich, interactive, and
responsive portlet and portal-based applications, exploiting the benefits of
the tooling support for semantic tagging, Ajax proxy, and the Client-side
programming model.

Designing portlets that interact and co-operate using
Client-Side Click-to-Action

A click-to-action (C2A) event is one of the ways in which portlets can interact
with each other and share information.


Using the C2A delivery method, you can transfer data from a source portlet to
one or more target portlets with a simple click. When you click the source
element, a pop-up menu displays a list of target actions that match the
selected source. When you select a menu item, the corresponding target is
invoked, and the source data is transferred to it. After the source data is
processed, the target portlet triggers an action and displays the


Client-Side Click-to-Action is the new implementation of the C2A framework
introduced in WebSphere Portal V6.1. It is based on Web 2.0 technology, and
uses semantic tagging to define sources and targets.

The main purpose of semantic tags is to re-use the normal content of an HTML
document, and to annotate it with meta-information that is evaluated during
Document Object Model (DOM) parsing.

Semantic tagging and
the Live Object Framework

Client-Side Click-to-Action is built on the Live Object Framework (LOF), which
defines C2A sources as live objects in the system. The root element of a
semantic tag is marked by adding a specific class to the element, which is
specified by the live object framework.

The LOF also provides the basic DOM parsing and menu management services.

Advantages over the earlier
C2A technique

The new Client-Side Click-to-Action technique introduced in WebSphere Portal
has many advantages over the earlier C2A technique.

The newly introduced event-creation paradigm is available for both IBM
and Java™ Specification Request (JSR) portlets, whereas the
earlier C2A technique was only available to portlets that adhered to
the IBM Portlet API.

It supports client-side JavaScript C2A target actions in addition to
the server-side actions. For example, when you select a menu item on
the source portlet and the source data is passed to the corresponding
target, the action that is triggered at the target portlet can be a
server-side action or a JavaScript action.

With the new Client-Side Click-to-Action technique, evaluation and
execution of C2A sources and targets occurs in a browser. Source and
target matching no longer requires processing on the server, and the
technique also removes menu generation code from the server. This
results in reduced server load.

The menu markup is generated only when the C2A source menu icon is

All of these advantages lead to a highly reactive and responsive UI, without
server round trips and page flickering. All in all, they produce a superior
user experience.


Figure 1 illustrates C2A components. Table 1 lists the terminology that will be
used in this article for Client-Side Click-to-Action.

Figure 1. Client-side

Table 1. Terminology

C2A source Typed data that is
semantically tagged as a C2A source.
C2A target An action defined for
a particular C2A source type.
Source portlet A portlet that
contains one or more C2A source object definitions.
Target portlet A portlet that
contains one or more C2A target action definitions.
a portlet can be both a source and a target
C2A hover UI The icon that appears
next to a C2A source object, indicating that there is a menu
associated with that object.
C2A pop-up menu The menu that appears
when you click the C2A hover UI. It may contain an optional menu
header (see Figure 1 above).
Menu header The area at the top
of the menu that the C2A source may populate with markup. It is
generally used to provide descriptive information about the
source object.
Live Object Framework C2A is implemented as
a service in this framework.
Rational Application
Developer tooling support for Client-Side Click-to-Action

The tooling support for Client-Side Click-to-Action in Rational Application
Developer provides capabilities like intuitive wizards, palette drawer and
menu bar items, automatic code generation, and potential data type matches.
These functions help you create Client-Side Click-to-Action-enabled portlet
applications with as much ease as possible.

The tools enable you to create a portlet that can:

Send data to other portlets (source portlet).

Receive data from other portlets, and then update its own view
accordingly (target portlet).

A portlet can be both a source and target, sending data to one portlet and
receiving data from another portlet.

Back to top


This article discusses two example applications to demonstrate the features of
Client-Side Click-to-Action:

The first application shows you how to send data from a source portlet
to a target portlet, and then invoke a simple JavaScript action on the
target portlet after it receives the data.

The second example is a portlet application used by a shipping company
to maintain the details of its orders and customers. Five portlets in
this application will be discussed here.

The Orders
portlet, which maintains the monthly details of
the orders

The Order Details
portlet, which shows the details of an

The Account Details
portlet, which shows the account
details for an order

The Customer Details
portlet, which shows the details of a
particular customer

The Tracking Details
portlet, which shows the tracking
details of an order

In the shipping application, you will see how the Order Details and Tracking
Details portlets can exchange data using Client-Side Click-to-Action. In
response to that action, a server-side action can be invoked on the Tracking
Details portlet.

If you use the tools provided by Rational Application Developer, the above
tasks are simplified to a great extent.

Sample application

In this simple application, you can send your name from the source portlet to
the target portlet. Upon receiving the value, the target calls a JavaScript
that prints "Hello [your name]" on the target portlet.

Figure 2. The Display Myname

To achieve the above result, you will execute the following steps:

Create a new portlet project (C2ASource).

Create a new portlet (C2ATarget portlet) in the C2ASource portlet

Enable the C2ASource portlet to send data to C2ATarget portlet using
Client-Side Click-to-Action.

Insert a Client-Side Click-to-Action menu header onto the source pop-up

Enable the C2ATarget portlet to receive data from the C2ASource portlet
using a Client-Side Click-to-Action.

Publish the portlet application on WebSphere Portal.

Create a C2A Source Portlet project

Select File > New > Project > Portlet Project

and click Next
. The New Portlet Project wizard launches.
Enter the following information, as shown in Figure 3.

as the
Project name
of the portlet.

Select WebSphere Portal 6.1
as the Target


Select JSR 168 Portlet
(in this example), JSR 286

, or IBM Portlet
as the Portlet

Select Faces portlet
(in this example) or Basic

as the Portlet type

Click Next
, and then click Finish

Figure 3. Specify a name and
location for the new portlet project

Create the C2aTarget portlet

Create a new portlet (C2aTarget) in the C2aSource portlet project that you
created previously.

Right-click the C2ASource project in the Project Explorer.

Select New > Portlet
. The New Portlet wizard launches.
Enter the following information, as shown in Figure 4.

as the
of the portlet.

Keep the Portlet type
for the C2ATarget portlet the
same as for the C2ASource portlet.

Click Next
, and then click Finish

Figure 4. Select a portlet
project for the new portlet

Enable the C2ASource portlet to send data

Enable the C2ASource portlet to send data to the C2ATarget portlet using
Client-Side Click-to-Action

Double-click the C2ASourceView.jsp to open it in the Page

Select the Portlet
drawer in the Palette

Drag the Client-Side Click-to-Action Output Property
menu item
from the palette onto the C2ASourcePortletView.jsp, as shown in Figure

Figure 5. Drag palette item
to design tab

Alternatively, select Insert > Portlet > Client-Side
Click-to-Action Output Property

from the menu bar, as shown
in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Select menu

The Insert Client-Side Click-to-Action Output Property wizard is displayed.

You need to input the following two fields to enable a portlet to send

Data Type URI:
Type name describing the format and semantics of
the data

Actual data that is passed to the target operation

To do so, follow these steps, as shown in Figure 7:


in the
Data Type URI

Specify your name (or the value that you want to send to the target
portlet) in the Value
field, and then click Finish

Figure 7. Describe the type
of data the portlet can transfer

Save the C2ASourceView.jsp.

To see the inserted code, click the Source

The Client-Side Click-to-Action source object code shown in Listing 1 is auto
generated and inserted in the C2ASourceView.jsp.

Listing 1. Source object

<div class="C2A:source">

<span class="C2A:typename" style="display: none">http://C2Asource#MyName</span>

<span class="C2A:value" style="display: none">Charu</span>

<span class="C2A:anchor">Anchor Data</span>


As you can observe in this code, the


tags have been semantically tagged to
provide their class attributes with special meanings, which is evaluated
during DOM parsing by the LOF.

The Anchor Data is the default value inserted for the C2A hover UI String (that
is, the value that shows up in the browser), indicating a C2ASource. When
the portlet application is published on WebSphere Portal, hovering over the
Anchor Data shows you the source portlet menu. The source menu has one entry
for each target portlet that can consume the value sent by the source

You can change this value from
Anchor Data

to the
value that you want as the C2A hover UI String (preferably your name in this

Figure 8 shows the Design
view of the C2ASourceView.jsp.

Figure 8.

Insert menu header

To insert the Client-Side Click-to-Action menu header to the source pop-up
menu, follow these steps.

Double-click the C2ASourceView.jsp to open it in the Page

Select the Portlet
drawer in the Palette

Drag the Client Side click-to-action Menu Header
menu item from
the palette onto the C2ASourcePortletView.jsp, as shown in Figure

Figure 9. Drag menu item to
Design tab

Alternatively you can select Insert > Portlet >
Client-Side Click-to-Action Menu Header Property

from the
menu bar.

The Insert Menu Header wizard is displayed.

Display Myname

as the header
contents, as shown in Figure 10, and click Finish

Figure 10. Specify the menu
header contents of the source portlet

Save the C2ASourceView.jsp.

To see the inserted code, click the Source

The Client-Side Click-to-Action menu header code shown in Listing 2 is auto
generated and inserted in C2ASourceView.jsp.

Listing 2. Menu header

<p class="c2a:display" style="display: none"> Display Myname </p>

The Client-Side Click-to-Action source object code is updated, as shown in
Listing 3.

Listing 3. Source object

<div class="c2a:source">

<span class="c2a:typename" style="display: none">http://c2asource#MyName</span>

<span class="c2a:value" style="display: none">Charu</span>

<span class="c2a:anchor">Charu Malhotra</span>

<p class="c2a:display" style="display: none"> Display My name </p>


Enable the C2ATarget portlet to receive data

Enable the C2ATarget portlet to receive data from the C2ASource portlet using
Client-Side Click-to-Action.

Design the C2ATarget portlet

(You can ignore the following steps if you have selected Basic portlet
as the Portlet type
in step 1 of the section "Create a C2A Source
Portlet project

", because basic portlet already comes with a
default form, text field, and submit button.)

Double-click the C2ASourceView.jsp to open it.

Switch to the Design

Select the Form Tags
drawer in the Palette

Drag the Form
object from the palette onto the

Now, drag the Text Field
object from the palette onto this form.

The Insert Text Field dialog is displayed. Specify

in the Name
field, and click OK

Again, drag the Submit
button object from the palette onto the
previous form and next to the text field that you inserted, as shown
in Figure 11.

The Insert Submit Button dialog is displayed. Specify
my submit

in the Name field and

in the Label
field, and then
click OK

Figure 11. Design view of
C2aTarget port let before enabling it as a C2a target

Enable the C2ATarget port let to receive data

Enable the C2ATarget portlet to receive data from the C2ASource Portlet.

Select the Portlet
drawer in the Palette

Drag the Client-Side Click-to-Action Input Property
menu item
from the palette onto the Submit
button that you created using
the previous steps (or the default Submit
button for basic
portlets), as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12. Drag the Input
Property palette item

Alternatively, you can select Insert > Portlet >
Client-Side Click-to-Action Input Property

from the menu

The Insert Client-Side Click-to-Action Input Property wizard is displayed.

Three inputs are required from the user to enable a portlet to receive

Data Type URI:
Type a name describing the format and semantics
of the data. This should exactly match the Data Type URI
value for the C2A source portlet.

Action Value:
The action to be executed when the value sent by
the C2A source portlet reaches the target portlet. This can be a
server-side action or a JavaScript action.

Action Label:
The label to be displayed as the C2A pop-up menu
for this target. This label corresponds to an entry into the C2A
source portlet pop-up menu, as shown in Figure 1

The Data Type URI
field shows potential data type matches in the
drop-down list, as shown in Figure 13.

Select http://C2Asource#Myname
from the Data Type URI
field drop-down menu, as shown in Figure 14, and then click

Figure 13. Describe the
type of data that your portlet can accept

For this scenario Specify

in the Action Value
field to
avoid a round trip to the server. In the next section you will see how
a JavaScript action can be invoked on the submit event of the

Send My name to Target

in the
Action Label
field, as shown in Figure 14, and then click

Figure 14. Specify action

Save the C2ATargetView.jsp.

To see the inserted code, click the Source

The Client-Side Click-to-Action target object code shown in Listing 4 is auto
generated and inserted in the C2ATargetView.jsp.

Listing 4. Target object

<form class="c2a:target" action="javascript:void(0);">

<input type="text" name="c2aInput" size="20" class="c2a:action-param"><br>

<input type="submit" name="mysubmit" value="Submit">

<span class="c2a:typename" style="display: none">http://c2asource#MyName</span>

<span class="c2a:action-label" style="display: none"> Send My name to Target</span>


The c2aInput
text field, which has been tagged as c2a:action-param,
receives the value sent by the C2A source.

Figure 15 shows the Design view of the C2ATargetView.jsp.

Figure 15. Design view of
C2aTarget portlet after enabling it as a C2a target

Switch to the Source
view of C2ATargetView.jsp.

Add the following code and JavaScript action in the C2ATargetView.jsp
above the

tag, as shown in Listing 5.

Listing 5. JavaScript action
above the form tag

<b><div id="mydiv"></div></b>


<script type="text/javascript">

function displayName()


var name = window.ibm.portal.c2a.event.value;

var myname=document.getElementById("mydiv");

myname.innerHTML= "Hello " +name +"!!";

myname.value="Hello " +name + "!!";



This JavaScript prints "Hello [yourname]" when invoked by the target

Next, in the form tag, add the
onsubmit="displayName();return false;"


This invokes the above JavaScript when the value from the C2A source portlet
reaches the target portlet, as shown in Listing 6.

Listing 6. Value from source
to target

<form class="c2a:target" onsubmit="displayName();return false;"

action= "javascript:void(0);">

<input type="text" name="c2aInput" id=mytext size="20" class="c2a:actionparam"><br>

<input type="submit" name="mysubmit" value="Submit">

<span class="c2a:typename" style="display: none">http://c2asource#MyName</span>

<span class="c2a:action-label" style="display: none" >Send Myname to Target </span>


Save the C2ATargetView.jsp.

Publish the portlet application on WebSphere Portal

Now the portlet application is ready to be published on WebSphere Portal.

Right-click the C2ASource portlet project and select Run on Server. Figure 16
shows what the sample looks like when it is published.

Figure 16. Display Myname
sample published on WebSphere Portal V6.1

Click to enlarge

Sample application 2

You have the following portlets in the Shipping Details portlet application:

This portlet displays the summary of orders placed in a
particular month. It serves as a C2A source, sending:

Order_ID to Order Details and Account

Customer_ID to Customer Details.

Order Details:
This portlet displays the details for a
particular order. It serves as a C2A target, receiving Order_ID from
the Orders portlet. This article demonstrates how to enable this
portlet to send Tracking _ID to Tracking Details portlet using the C2A
source option.

Account Details:
This portlet displays the account details for
a particular order. It serves as a C2A target, receiving Order_ID from
the Orders portlet.

Customer Details:
This portlet displays the details for a
particular customer. It serves as a C2A target, receiving Customer_ID
from Orders portlet.

Tracking Details:
This portlet displays the details for a
particular shipment. This article demonstrates how to enable it to
receive Tracking_ID from the Order Details portlet using the C2A
target option.

To begin, download the sample available at the end of this article and run it
on WebSphere Portal.

The current scenario is that OrdersPortlet sends:

Order_ID to Order Details and Account Details

Customer_ID to Customer Details

When the sample is published on the server, perform the following steps:

Enter any month (for example,

) in
the text box displayed in OrdersPortlet, and then click Submit
.The orders for that particular month are displayed.

When the order details display, hover over any Order_ID. A menu is

Click the Show Order Details
menu item. the details of the
particular order are displayed in the Order Details

Click the Show Account Details
menu item. The account details of
the particular order are displayed in the Account Details

Now hover over any Customer_ID, and you can see a menu.

Click the Show Customer Details
menu item. The details of the
particular customer are displayed in the Customer Details

Figure 17 shows what the sample looks like when it is published (before
enabling Order Details as a C2aSource that sends Tracking_ID to Tracking

Figure 17. Shipping Details

As you can see from the published sample, currently there is no communication
between the Order Details portlet and the Tracking Details portlet.

Now you will learn how to enable the Order Details portlet as a C2A source that
sends Tracking_ID to the Tracking Details portlet. The Tracking Details
portlet in turn will be enabled as the C2A target that receives Tracking_ID
from the Order Details portlet. After it receives Tracking_ID, a server-side
action is invoked on the Tracking Details portlet that displays the details
of the particular shipment tracking, as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18. Shipping Details
sample objective

To achieve the above result, execute the following steps:

Enable OrderDetail as a C2A source

Enable TrackingDetail as a C2A target

Publish the portlet application on WebSphere Portal.

Enable OrderDetail as a C2A source

Double-click OrderDetailsView.jsp to open it in the Page

Drag Client side Click-to-Action Output Property
from the
palette onto the Tracking_ID column in the Design
view of

Figure 19. Drag property to
the Tracking_ID column

The Insert Client-Side Click-to-Action Output Property wizard is
displayed. Fill in the values for the Data Type URI
fields, as shown in Figure 20, and then click

Figure 20. Enable
OrderDetail as a C2A source

Open OrderDetailsView.jsp in the Design
view, .

Change the Anchor
value from

to the value you want as the C2A Hover UI string.
Preferably, keep the C2A Hover UI string the same as the C2A value
being passed. For example, in the current scenario, the Tracking_ID
being passed by the Order Details portlet should be displayed to the

Figure 21.

Open OrderDetailsView.jsp in the Source
view. The code shown in
Listing 7 is inserted.

Listing 7. Tracking ID


<div class="c2a:source">

<span class="c2a:typename" style="display: none">
<span class="c2a:value" style="display: none"><%=od.getTrackingId() %></span>

<span class="c2a:anchor"><%=od.getTrackingId()%></span>



Similar to the Display Myname application, you can also insert a
menu header to the source. Specify
Send Tracking
Id to Tracking Details

as the header

Save OrderDetailsView.jsp. The Client-Side Click-to-Action source
object code is updated as shown in Listing 8.

Listing 8. Updated source
object code


<div class="c2a:source">

<span class="c2a:typename" style="display: none">
<span class="c2a:value" style="display: none">

<%=od.getTrackingId() %></span>

<span class="c2a:anchor"><%=od.getTrackingId()%></span>

<p class="c2a:display" style="display: none">

Send Tracking Id to Tracking Details</p>



Enable TrackingDetail as a C2A target

Double-click and open TrackingDetailEntry.jsp in the Page

Drag the Client-Side Click-to-Action Input Property
menu item
from the palette onto the Submit
button in the Design
view of TrackingDetailEntry.jsp file, as shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22. Palette DND on

The Insert Client-Side Click-to-Action Input Property wizard is displayed.


from the Data Type URI
drop-down, as shown in Figure 23,
and then press Next

Figure 23. Enable
TrackingDetail as C2A target 1

For this scenario, leave the default value in the Action Value

Specify Show Tracking Details
in the Action Label
as shown in Figure 24, and click Finish

Figure 24. Enable
TrackingDetail as C2A target 2

Open TrackingDetailEntry.jsp in the Source
view to see the
inserted code, as shown in Listing 9.

Listing 9. Updated
TrackingDetail source code

<FORM method="POST"



class="c2a:target" action="<%= tdb.getActionURL() %>">

<LABEL class="wpsLabelText" for="<%= TrackingPortlet.TRACKING_ID %>"> Enter tracking id

to display details:</LABEL><BR/>

<INPUT name="<%= TrackingPortlet.TRACKING_ID %>" type="text"

class="wpsEditField c2a:action-param"/><BR/>

<INPUT class="wpsButtonText" name="tracking details" type="submit" value="Submit"/>

<span class="c2a:typename" style="display: none"> http://clientsidec2a#TrackingID</span> 
<span class="c2a:action-label" style="display: none">Show Tracking Details</span>


Change the name of the submit button from submit to tracking
details and save TrackingDetailEntry.jsp.

Currently in WebSphere Portal, the submit
button cannot be named
"Submit" for Client-Side Click-to-Action target code to work properly.

Repeat these steps for TrackingView.jsp.

Publish the portlet application on WebSphere Portal

Now the portlet application is ready to be published on WebSphere Portal.

Right-click the portlet project and select Run on Server
. Figure
25 shows what the sample looks like when it is published.

Figure 25. Shipping Details
sample published on WebSphere Portal

Click to enlarge

Back to top

Inserting a Person Menu and extending the Person Menu in a
portlet application

Following is some basic information about the components of the Person Menu in
Rational Application Developer and WebSphere Portal.

The Person Java™Server Page (JSP™) tag provides contextual
collaboration functionality related to a named person. It generates the HTML
that renders the specific set of actions to display on the Person Menu. It
was originally implemented as a server-side JSP tag that cannot be called
from JavaScript code. In an attempt to minimize the server load for better
performance and scalability, and in order to support Ajax clients, the
Person JSP tag has been updated in WebSphere Portal to have a JavaScript API
that can be called in the client.

The updated Person Menu displays a set of contact information about the
selected person by specifying hCard attributes (hCard is the HTML
representation of vCard).

The Person Menu extension allows you to extend the Person Menu, by enabling you
to write JavaScript for actions that can be executed, or actions that are
targeted. Rational Application Developer provides the necessary tooling
support for the same.

Live Object Framework (LOF) and
Semantic Tagging

The person names are semantically tagged using the standard hCard micro format,
and hence behave as live objects in the system. The Person service that
enables the Person Menu for hCards in the page is plugged in to the Live
Object Framework (LOF).

Advantages over the original Person JSP

The new semantic tagging-based Person Menu provides the same
functionality as the traditional JSP Person tag, but with a better
user experience:

It shows hover and pop-up on each hCard.

It provides access to actionable menu items like Show
Profile, Send E-mail, and so on.

The person information is retrieved only when the pop-up for the person
is shown on the portal, and there is minimal server load until the
person's name is clicked. Due to this on-demand data retrieval, there
is no wasteful server work for person names that never get

The Person Menu extension allows you to extend the Person Menu. You can
add more than one extension. It also allows you to customize the
look and feel and user registry.

Sample application

Now you will create a simple application to demonstrate how Rational
Application Developer simplifies the task of inserting the Person Menu, and
then extending it using the Person Menu extension in a portlet

Adding actions to the Person Menu

To design this application you will execute the following steps:

Create a WebSphere Portal targeted portlet project.

Insert a Person Menu in the portlet .jsp file.

Extend the Person Menu by inserting Person Menu extension code in the
portlet .jsp file.

Provide the JavaScript for the Person Menu extension.

After designing the portlet application, publish it on WebSphere Portal.

Portlet project creation

Select File > New > Project > Portlet

, and then press Next
. The New Portlet Project
wizard is displayed.


as the Name
of the portlet.

Select the WebSphere Portal 6.1
as the Target Runtime

Select JSR 168 Portlet
, JSR 286 Portlet
, or IBM

as the Portlet API.

Select Faces
or Basic
as the Portlet


Press Next
, and then press Finish

Insert a Person Menu

Double-click to open PersonMenuExampleView.jsp in the Page Designer.

Select the Portlet
drawer in the Palette

Drag the Person Menu
object from the Palette
view onto
the PersonMenuExampleView.jsp, as shown in Figure 26.

Figure 26. Person Menu
palette item

Alternatively you can select Insert > Portlet > Person

from the menu bar. The intuitive Insert Person Menu
wizard is displayed.

Specify the following hCard attributes, as shown in Figure 27.



Address (optional)

Phone number (optional)

Figure 27. Specify person
menu attributes

Click Finish
and save PersonMenuExampleView.jsp.

Open PersonMenuExampleView.jsp in the Source
view. The code
shown in Listing 10 has been inserted.

Listing 10. Inserted source

<div class="vcard">

<span class="fn">Charu Malhotra</span>

<span style="display: none"class="email">charumalhotra@in.ibm.com</span>


Insert the Person Menu Extension

Continue with the above scenario.

Again, select the Portlet
drawer in the Palette

Drag the Person Menu Extension
object from the Palette
view onto the PersonMenuExampleView.jsp, as shown in Figure 28.

Figure 28. Person Menu
Extension palette item

Alternatively you can select Insert > Portlet > Person
Menu Extension

from the menu bar. The intuitive "Insert
Person Menu Extension" wizard is displayed (see Figure

Figure 29. Specify person
menu extension attributes

The following inputs are required from you to insert a Person Menu Extension:

Action details ID:
The tooling support auto generates the
action id for you. It must be unique for a particular Person Menu

: The JavaScript name that has the action that will
be invoked when the menu item is selected. This should be available at
the following directory:

[WebSphere Portal Server

A label for the Person Menu Extension.

A description for the Person Menu Extension.

Specify ShowIf:
This function decides the visibility of the
Person Menu Extension.

Specify Action:
This is the function that is executed when the
Person Menu Extension is clicked. The argument of the function should


Click Finish
and save PersonMenuExampleView.jsp.

Open PersonMenuExampleView.jsp in the Source
view. The code
shown in Listing 11 is auto generated.

Listing 11. Auto-generated
source code

<div class="com.ibm.portal.action" style="display: none">

<span class="action-id">action_0</span>

<span class="action-impl">/javascript/TestAction.js</span>

<span class="action-context">person</span>

<span class="action-label">Test Action</span>

<span class="action-description">This is a test action for adding

a Person Menu Extension </span>

<span class="action-showif">javascript:TestAction.showif</span>

<span class="action-url">javascript:TestAction.execute(@@@ARGS@@@)</span>


The JavaScript for the Person Menu Extension (TestAction.js, as specified
previously) should be available at the following directory:

[WebSphere Portal Server Home]


The sample contents for TestAction.js will be like that shown in Listing

Listing 12. TestAction.js
sample contents

var TestAction = {

showif: function(person) {return true;


execute: function(person) { alert("TestAction executed for: " + person.fn);



This will simply generate an alert when the new Test Action menu item is

Publish the portlet application on WebSphere Portal

Now the portlet application is ready to be published on WebSphere Portal.

Right-click the PersonMenuExample portlet project and select Run on

. Figure 30 shows what the sample looks like when it
is published.

Figure 30. Person Menu
sample published on WebSphere Portal

Back to top

Using Ajax proxy in portlet applications

Ajax allows Web pages to load data or markup fragments from a server using
asynchronous requests that are processed in the background. Therefore, the
requests do not interfere with the Web page that is currently displayed in
the browser.

Ajax applications

You can use Ajax to increase the responsiveness and usability of a portlet
application significantly. You do this by exchanging small amounts of data
with the server, and consequently refreshing only small parts of the


Ajax-based Web applications sometimes want to do Ajax requests to servers
different from the server that served the HTML document.

For example, suppose you are designing a Web application that you want to:

Use an external representational state transfer (REST) service, such as
Google suggestions, Yahoo spell-checking, and so on.

Use some remote corporate REST service available on the

Include news feeds from an external server (like CNN).

Restriction on XMP HTTP requests

In order to prevent malicious Ajax code served from one server from using your
browser as the basis for attacking other servers, requests are only allowed
to the server that served the current document, as shown in Figure 31. This
same-origin policy prevents client-side scripts (in particular, JavaScript)
from loading content from a different origin comprising protocol, domain
name, and port.

Figure 31. Same-origin

Ajax proxy

To overcome the same-origin policy restriction, WebSphere Portal offers a
solution that is based on a server-side HTTP proxy, the Ajax proxy layer.
The Ajax proxy layer intercepts the calls, and retrieves the content from
the remote site, as shown in Figure 32. It also allows for these resources
to be cached in a central server. This security model allows administrators
to restrict access to trusted origins in a very flexible way.

Figure 32. Ajax proxy

Sample application

The AjaxProxyPortletSample application used in this article consists of a
portlet that accesses foreign domains using XMLHttpRequests. In order to
overcome the same-origin policy, the portlet uses the Ajax proxy layer to
access these domains.

Select the category (Rational
or Lotus
) from the
drop-down box, as shown in Figure 33.

Next, click the Get the articles
button. The portlet gets the
feeds of developerWorks articles (Rational or Lotus) from the IBM
Website. It then displays the links to the topics.

Figure 33. Sample Ajax

The complete sample is available for download
at the
end of this article. This article covers the Ajax proxy tooling support in
Rational Application Developer. The implementation perspective is discussed
only in brief.

The following sections discuss how you can:

Enable Ajax proxy support for a new portlet project.

Register the proxy servlet in the Web deployment

Specify Ajax proxy configuration parameters.

Send an XMP HTTP request through an Ajax proxy.

Publish the AjaxProxyPortletSample application on WebSphere

Enable Ajax proxy support for an existing portlet

Disable Ajax proxy support for an existing portlet project.

Enable Ajax proxy support for a new portlet project

Select File > New > Project > Portlet

and then press Next
. The New Portlet Project
wizard is displayed, as shown in Figure 34.


as the
of the portlet.

Select WebSphere Portal 6.1
as the Target Runtime

Select JSR 168 Portlet
, JSR 286 Portlet
, or IBM

as the Portlet API

Select Faces
, Basic
, Empty
, or Struts
the Portlet type

Figure 34. New portlet
project with Ajax proxy enabled

Click Show Advanced Settings
. The Project Facet page is

Expand Web 2.0 facet and select the Ajax proxy
check box, as
shown in Figure 35. Click OK

Figure 35. Project Facets

Press Next
, and then press Finish

Proxy servlet is registered in the Web deployment descriptor. Expand
the Web Content > WEB-INF
folders, and double-click

The Web deployment Descriptor is displayed. Click the Servlet
tab, as shown in Figure 36.

Figure 36. Web deployment
descriptor showing servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSPs)

Click to enlarge

The Ajax Proxy servlet with the class name
com.ibm.wps.proxy.servlet.ProxyServlet gets registered in the

If you need to access resources that require authentication, you
can specify a second servlet mapping that is associated with a security
constraint. To specify a new servlet mapping, click the Add
button in
the URL Mappings
section shown above in Figure 36. This invokes the
Add Servlet Mapping dialog.)

Click the Source
tab in Web Deployment Descriptor view to see
the code added in Web.xml, as shown in Listing 13.

Listing 13. Added code in









The Ajax proxy configuration file is created. Expand the Web Content

folders, as shown in Figure 37.

Figure 37. Ajax proxy
configuration file

Double click proxy-config.xml, which opens the Ajax Proxy Configuration
Editor window shown in Figure 38.

Figure 38. Specify paths
that map to a URL on a remote domain

Using the proxy-config.xml, you can specify the Ajax proxy
configuration parameters. First, you can add an item to the proxy
rules, as shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39. Add proxy

Context path mappings

A mapping element is used to map incoming requests to a target URL based on
their context path. Therefore, each mapping element needs to specify a

attribute (and optionally a URL
attribute), as shown in Figure 40.

Figure 40. Specify context
path mapping

Click to enlarge

Access policy

The policy element is used to define an access policy for a specific URL
pattern, as shown in Figure 41. It includes the following sub-elements, as
shown in Figure 42:






Figure 41. Specify an
access policy

Click to enlarge

Figure 42. Specify policy

General configuration parameters

You can specify the HTTP-related parameters, such as:





Sending an XML HTTP request

Suppose that you have created a context mapping in the proxy-config.xml file,
such as that shown in Listing 14.

Listing 14. Context

<proxy:mapping contextpath="/proxy" url="*"/>

Context path:


Now, if you want to get the response from the http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/myfeed.rss
site through the
proxy servlet, then you have to create the XHR request by constructing its
URL as follows:


This complete URL contains the encoded path of the URL http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/myfeed.rss
(that is, the http:// part has been replaced with http/)

You may achieve this encoding in your JavaScript file by constructing the
function as shown in Listing 15.

Listing 15. Replace
characters in the URL

encodeURL: function(url) {

return url.replace(/://///, "/");


This produces a context mapping, like that shown in Listing 16.

Listing 16. Context mapping
produced by the specified function

<proxy:mapping contextpath="/dw" url="http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/*"/>

Context path:



In this case, if you want to get the response from the http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/myfeed.rss
site through a proxy
servlet, then you have to create the XHR request by constructing its URL as


The proxy.js file in the AjaxProxyPortletSample contains the code that performs
the following operations:

Encoding the URL

Constructing the XHR object for this URL

Sending the XHR request to the server, and loading the

Parsing the response to display it in the
AjaxProxyPortletSampleView.jsp file

To have a complete look at the JavaScript file, expand the Web Content >
JS folders in the AjaxProxyPortletSample, and then open proxy.js.

Publish the portlet application on WebSphere Portal

Right-click the AjaxProxyPortletSample and select Run on


When the project is published, select the category (Rational
) from the drop-down list.

Next, click Get the articles
. The sample shows the links to the
latest topics in the selected category in response.

When you click the Get the articles
button, the XMLHttpRequest object is
created using a URL that corresponds to the selected topic (Rational or
Lotus). This request is then passed to the ProxyServlet, which in turn
delegates it to the target server, retrieves the response and, finally,
returns the XML response back to the client browser. The JavaScript then
parses and displays this response in a user friendly manner, as shown in
Figure 43.

Figure 43. Ajax proxy
portlet sample published on WebSphere Portal

Enabling Ajax proxy support for an existing portlet project

Right-click the project and select Properties > Project

. The Project Facet window appears.

Expand Web 2.0 and select the Ajax proxy
check box, and then
click OK.

Disabling Ajax proxy support for an existing portlet project

Right-click the project and select Properties > Project

. The Project Facet window is displayed.

On the Project Facets page, clear Ajax proxy
(as shown in Figure
44), and then press OK

Observe that the proxy-config.xml is deleted from the WEB-INF folder,
and the ProxyServlet entry is deleted from Web.xml.

Figure 44. Disabling Ajax

Back to top

Using client-side programming model support in WebSphere

Previous versions of WebSphere Portal required that a request be sent to the
server for each portlet operation. For example, if you changed the portlet
window state to minimize or maximize, a submit request had to be sent to the
server and the response sent back to your browser. This would cause a page
refresh, and only subsequently was the portlet shown in the maximized or
minimized state. Typically these types of server-side operations require
repeated round trips to the server.

To reduce this type of server traffic, WebSphere Portal now supports a
client-side programming model in which portlet state changes can be
performed more efficiently on the client side.

To achieve this, Rational Application Developer provides the necessary tooling
support for a client-side programming model.

The following sections discuss these topics:

Create a client side programming model support-enabled portlet

Use client-side programming model support to retrieve portlet
preferences in basic portlet projects.

Publish the portlet application on WebSphere Portal.

programming model support for a new portlet project

Follow these steps to create a client-side programming model support-enabled
portlet project.

Select File > New > Project > Portlet

and press Next
. The New Portlet Project
wizard is displayed.


as the Name
the portlet.

Select WebSphere Portal 6.1
as the Target Runtime

Select JSR 168 Portlet
or JSR 286 Portlet
as the
Portlet API

Select Basic
as the Portlet type

Press Next
three times. The Advanced Settings page is displayed,
as shown in Figure 45.

Figure 45. Client-side
support-enabled portlet project creation wizard

The Client Side Capabilities
check box under Web2.0 Portlet
Feature group is selected by default. Selecting this enables the
client-side programming model support for a new portlet project. Click

The ClientSideSample portlet project is created, and ClientSideSampleView.jsp
opens in the Page Designer.

To see the code that is inserted, click the Source
tab, as shown in
Listing 17.

Listing 17. Auto-generated
client-side code

<%@ taglib


prefix="portlet-client-model" %>


<portlet-client-model:require module="ibm.portal.xml.*"/>

<portlet-client-model:require module="ibm.portal.portlet.*"/>


The taglib shown in Listing 18 is added in the ClientSideSampleView.jsp file.

Listing 18. The taglib added
to ClientSideSampleView.jsp



prefix="portlet-client-model" %>

The tag shown in Listing 19 is also added in the Java™Server Page (JSP) file

Listing 19. Tag added to JSP


<portlet-client-model:require module="ibm.portal.xml.*"/>

<portlet-client-model:require module="ibm.portal.portlet.*"/>


This means that:

The taglib includes the necessary markup and artifacts needed to use
the required module on the client.


module enables you
to use PortletWindow, PortletPreference, PortletState and
XMLPortletRequest on the client.


module allows the use
of XSLT and XPath on the client.

Using client-side
programming model support to retrieve portlet preferences in basic portlet

Now you will see how to use client-side programming model support to retrieve
portlet preferences on the client side, as shown in Figure 46. This action
used to happen on the server side. Continue with the ClientSideSample
project created previously.

Open the Portlet Deployment Descriptor.

Click the Portlets
tab and select the portlet

Move to the Persistent Preference Store
section and add a
preference (name it


Give a value to this preference.

Figure 46. Add a preference
in the Portlet Deployment Descriptor

Open the ClientSideSampleView.jsp file.

Open the Page Data view.

Expand the Page Data view and select the PortletPreferences

Right-click the Preferences
node and select New >

, as shown in Figure 47.

Figure 47. Add a preference
in the Page Data view

Create a new preference variable in the Add Attribute dialog, as shown
in Figure 48. Give this preference the same name that you specified
previously for the preference created in the Portlet Deployment
Descriptor (that is, name it


Figure 48. Add an attribute
to portletPreferences

Open ClientSideSampleView.jsp.

Drag MyPreference from under the PortletPreferences node in the Page
Data view¸ as shown in Figure 49, and drop it on

Figure 49. Drag a
preference from the Page Data view

The Insert Java Bean dialog is displayed, as shown in Figure 50.

Figure 50. Configure data

Press Finish

To see the code that is inserted click the Source
tab, as shown
in Listing 20.

Listing 20. Inserted code
for MyPreference

<script type="text/javascript">

var preferenceJSONObject= {"bindings": [{




function <portlet:namespace/>_getPref(portletWindow, status, portletPrefs) {

if (status==ibm.portal.portlet.PortletWindow.STATUS_OK) {

portletWindow.setAttribute("preferences", portletPrefs);

var portletPref_ =portletPrefs;

var len = preferenceJSONObject.bindings.length;

for(var i=0; i<len ; i++)


var pref = preferenceJSONObject.bindings[i].pref;

var pref_val = portletPref_.getValue(pref,"");




else { alert("error loading feed"); }


function callOnLoad(){

<portlet:namespace/>_portletWindow =new ibm.portal.portlet.PortletWindow






The above auto-generated code retrieves portlet preferences on the client

The auto-generated code may incorrectly generate

in place of the

If the incorrect code is generated in the JSP, you have to manually correct it
so that when the application is published it runs properly on WebSphere


contents are shown in
Listing 21.

Listing 21. Contents of

var preferenceJSONObject= {"bindings": [




The HTML code shown in Listing 22 is also added in the source view.

Listing 22.
Generated HTML code




<td align="left">MyPreference:</td>


<div id="ibm__pref_MyPreference_uq_1"></div>





Similarly, you can add another preference (MyPreference2) in the
Portlet Deployment Descriptor (specifying a value for it) and also add
the same preference in the Page Data view (in the same way as you did
previously for MyPreference.

Open the Design view. Drag this preference into the JSP as you did

Now open the Source view.

You can see that the preferenceJSONObject contents are now updated, as shown in
Listing 23.

Listing 23. Updated
JSONObject contents

var preferenceJSONObject= {"bindings": [





Publish the portlet application on WebSphere Portal

Right-click the ClientSideSample Portlet
project and select
Run on Server

You can observe that the preference values that you specified in the
Portlet Deployment Descriptor Preference Store are displayed
correctly, as shown in Figure 51.

Figure 51. ClientSideSample
published on WebSphere Portal

Back to top

What you have

The tools provided by Rational Application Developer simplify the development
of rich, interactive, and responsive portlet and portal-based applications.
They exploit the benefits of the client-side programming model, Client-Side
Click-to-Action, Person Menu, Person Menu Extension, and Ajax proxy. You
need to customize only the code generated according to the requirements of your



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