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Outlook 2007 Issues for Developers

2009-09-04 19:26 435 查看
最近在看outlook 2007开发的问题,发现真是一团糟。现整理一些问题如下:


1. 在Inspector Active事件中访问WordEditor


The WordEditor property is only valid if IsWordMail returns True and the EditorType is olEditorWord. The returned WordDocument object provides access to most of the Word object model except for the following members:

* Tables.Add

* Range.ConvertToTable

* InlineShapes.AddChart

* Shapes.AddChart

* Range.InsertXML

* Selection.InsertXML

* Range.ImportFragment

言外之意是说:In Outlook 2007, the Inspector.WordEditor property does not work in the
NewInspector event. To work around this issue, implement the
Inspector.Activate event, and then use the Inspector.WordEditor
property in the Inspector.Activate event.

2. 监听outlook 2007 SP2中的Quit事件

参见:Application Shutdown Changes in Outlook 2007 SP2

3. 如何判断编辑模式

a. Check the value of the MailItem.Sent property. If it is False, the item is unsent and thus will appear in compose mode.

b. If the value of Word::Document.ProtectionType is WdProtectionType.wdAllowOnlyReading (index is 3)

4. 失效的方法和属性

升级到2007后,一些方法和属性已经不再适用Outlook 2007了,详见:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929593/en-us/
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