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2009-09-02 19:58 411 查看
在AQTime中,支持以3种线程运行模式执行程序并分析和收集结果,分别是Win32 Threads、CLR Threads和COM Threads。
the operating system threads differ from the managed threads that may exist in .NET applications.
Managed threads are controlled by the common language runtime. It can create one or several operating system threads to run a single managed thread.
If you select the Win32 Threads value for this option, the Performance and Coverage profilers will group results by the operating system threads. The Function Trace, Allocation and Resource profilers will trace the stack of function calls by operating system threads.
If you select CLR Threads, the profilers will gather results and trace the call stack by managed threads. The profiling results for these threads are displayed in the same way as results of the operating system threads: the Explorer panel holds a list of the threads (but these are not operating system threads, these are managed threads).
There is one more value for the Thread model option: COM Threads. It means that AQtime should analyze logical threads that occur when a COM server works with several COM clients simultaneously. 
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