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来自Scott博客的 Starter Project Templates (VS 2010 and .NET 4.0 Series)

2009-09-02 13:11 555 查看
This is the second in a series of blog posts I’m doing on the upcoming VS 2010 and
.NET 4 release.

Today’s post is about another small, but I think nice, change coming with VS
2010 and ASP.NET 4 when you create new ASP.NET Web projects – which is the
ability to create both “Empty projects” as well as to create projects that
already have some layout and common functionality included in them, and which
can help you get started when building a new application.

Creating New Projects

When you use the File->New Project or File->New Web Site
menu commands within VS 2010, you’ll see a “New Project” dialog like below
that allows you to filter by language and application type and select different
project templates to use when creating new projects:

VS 2010 ships with “empty” project templates for creating new ASP.NET
applications – which will create minimal projects with just the bare essentials
needed to get going. My last post in this series included a screenshot that shows what
the “Empty ASP.NET Web Application” project template creates when you use it to
start a new application.

Creating a New Project using a Starter Template

VS 2010 also ships with starter template projects that allow you to create a
new ASP.NET application that has some layout/CSS structure and common
functionality already implemented within it.

We first tried this concept with ASP.NET MVC 1.0 – whose project template
provides a master page, CSS file, JavaScript libraries, login system, and a
“home” and “about” page already wired up and implemented. VS 2010 adds support
for this idea when creating new ASP.NET Web Forms projects as well.

When you choose the default “ASP.NET Web Application” project template,
you’ll find that the ASP.NET Web Forms project created already has some
directories and files contained within it:

It includes a Site.Master master page file that provides an overall layout
for the site (with headers, footers, etc), and which uses a CSS stylesheet for
all styles. It has a “Scripts” directory that contains jQuery within it
(ASP.NET AJAX is available via the script manager control). It includes a
“default.aspx” and “about.aspx” pages in the root directory that are based on
the master page and include some boiler plate content. And it includes an
“Account” directory that has some pages that implement a forms-based
authentication system for users to log-in, register and change their

You can run the project without having to write any code or configure
anything, and get a nice site up and running:

The site has full support for forms based security authentication, and is
pre-wired up to use the ASP.NET Membership system for password management:

All of the styles and content within the site are configured using CSS, and
take advantage of some of the new features with Web Forms in ASP.NET 4 –
including clean client-side “id” names (no more ctrl_ mangled names – ASP.NET 4
gives you complete control over the client id), and CSS based rendering instead
of table based rendering for the built-in server controls. I’ll discuss these
new Web Forms features in a lot more depth in later posts in this series (along
with a lot of other features being added).

Online Template Gallery

In addition to the built-in project templates, VS 2010 also support the
ability when inside the “New Project” and “Add Item” dialogs to search an online
gallery of additional templates to use. You can contribute your own templates
to the gallery, rate and review submissions of others, and search and filter
them by project type, keyword and community rating. You can then easily
download and install any template locally directly within the dialog:

This will hopefully facilitate the creation of lots of useful project starter
kits (of all types of projects – not just web) that people can easily discover
and use to quickly get going when building solutions.

Hope this helps,


P.S. In addition to blogging, I have been using Twitter more recently to-do
quick posts and share links. You can follow me on Twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/scottgu (@scottgu is my twitter
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