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A Brief Summary of My Blog System

2009-08-22 11:14 369 查看
A Brief Summary of My Blog System
By void main

My sincere thanks to Yuki for her support, to Zhang shuai && Wan Lipeng for the homework that they left to us.

After kind of a month, my Blog System is finally PAUSED. Instead of FINISHED, I’d rather use PAUSED simply because there are still so many defects to be removed, so many functions to be improved. But anyway, I’ve finished most of the system. Frankly speaking, this is the first time for me to build such a system. A WEB System. So, at the beginning, everything was extremely tough. What the hell is IIS? Why should I setup it first? How to use Visual Studio? How to configure it? And there are even more obstacles standing right in front of me. So what? First lesson that I learnt during the project, not a lesson on technique, is if you want to learn something, set your heart down. You may have to read 300 to 400 pages of books to understand some concept that can help you with your work. And I think by the time I learn Java, OS or anything else, this lesson will help me a lot!
So like a month ago, I started my preparation work for the site, and today, I finally finished it. This is the exactly reason for me to write this summary. If you are an expert in ASP.NET based on C#, I really appreciate it if you could spend some time, read this ugly passage and spend some time guiding me to further development in this area. If you, like me, are a beginner of this area, I would like to contact you so that we can communicate and develop!If you have no interest in this area, well, thank God, you have saved your time by avoiding reading such a boring passage!
As the last word before the main part of the passage, I’d quote the famous saying “Good good study, day day up!”. Wish you’d like this essay. So that’s all, let’s get started!

I : Getting to Know Visual Studio 2008
I confess that VS2008 is the largest program that I have ever tried to download from Internet with my poor 1MB/s broadband at home. Downloading it from the Net cost me 2days, not to mention the time spent on installing it on my laptop.(for my defense, I downloaded it for about 8 hours a day, not 24hours…)

Figure1 Visual Studio 2008
Downloading this cost me 2 days…
Well, I have to commit that the 2 days’ time is really of great value.After a few trials, I found out that Visual Studio 2008 is a very simple, compact, convient and beautiful IDE(short for Intergrated Development Environment). First of all, VS2008 is very convient. Here’s an example to illustrate this. Look at figure2 below:

Figure2 Create an Windows Application project with C# in VS2008

By a few clicks on the left button of the mouse, Visual Studio generates a windows form application all of itself. Without writing even a line of code, we can build and run it, what you will get is a resizable, movable form. This is an aspect of VS2008’s convinence. Besides, VS2008 is also very beautiful! I mean, look at the layout and the color of the IDE, don’t you think it very beautiful? At least, I think it is! That is why I have such great fun writing codes with it!
Getting familiar with Visual Studio 2008 is such a pleasure for me. By draging some controls, I can work out a perfect layout of a web page, or a windows form. At the same time, I also planned to study Java. Because of time, I haven’t read much on Java. But in order to write something, I have to choose a IDE. According to the Bible-like book Core Java, I decided to try my hand on Eclipse. But in my own opinion, Eclipse is to ugly to be used compared to Visual Studio 2008. Well, I have to say that since I’m not used to Eclipse right now, so my view may be changed if I could get a more detailed view of Eclipse, but at this very moment, I have to say that VS2008 is really really beautiful, especially when you compare it to other IDEs!

II: C# as My Love
Some of my friends has kept asking me the question, “Hey, there!Which programming language have you decided to choose are your major programming language?” And my answer has always been “Sorry, I don’t know…” But today, I have a firm answer to that question, that is C#! Yes, I love C#!
First of all, I’d like to show you a figure:

Figure3 A C# program
Look at the figure, all you get is a class named as INeverUseFuckYouAsClassName, and three gray rectangles with “Field”, “Property”, “Methods”. So, when you write C# programs, all you need to do is draw three rectangles and type in the three magical words Field, Property and Methods, the brilliant IDE will generate the perfect codes for you? Definitly NOT! This is not April 4th!! Look carefully at the right bottom corner of the figure above, it shows that this program has 45 lines of code? Why all that you see is 3 lines of codes in a class? Actually, those are not codes! Those are Regions. I love C#, because it allows us programmers to set out own Regions! This is such a strong function! (To be continue…)
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