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Unable to build project output group 'Content Files from ThisProjectName (Active)’

2009-08-20 20:07 543 查看
When I try to build an application for web deployment I get an error;
Unable to build project output group 'Content Files from ProjectNET (Active).
The error is prefixed by;
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\VSWebCache\MAINCOMP002\ProjectNET\ProjectNetDeploy\ProjectNetDeploy.vdproj
Any ideas. The project builds OK by itself withoug using the "Web Setup Project" Template


如果为 Web 应用程序的依赖项文件是缺少项目就会出现此问题


I had the same problem when I try to compile my setup project.
From what I found out the problem is rising when you ask the setup
Project to be deployed as Release and the web project is compile in debug mode
All you have to do is make sure they share the same build instruction, first compile
Your web project and then compile your web setup project



a) Remove all the referenced files in the project that are not present in the designated physical path. These files have a yellow icon displayed next to it in Solution explorer. Expand all your project related folders like Images, Docs, References etc. and exclude all the files with yellow icon next to it from the project.

b) Rebuild the Application and then Rebuild the Setup and Deployment Project.

c) You should be able to build the setup successfully now.




内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息