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OpenGL Programming Guide (Red Book)——坐标变换

2009-08-12 21:40 246 查看
This chapter explains how to use OpenGL to accomplish these tasks: how to position and orient models in three-dimensional space and how to establish the location – also in three-dimensional space – of the viewpoint. All of these factors help determine exactly what image appears on the screen.
You want to remember that the point of computer graphics is to create a two-dimensional image of three-dimensional objects (it has to be two-dimensional because it’s drawn on a flat screen), but you need to think in three-dimensional coordinates while making many of the decisions that determine what is drawn on the screen. A common mistake people make when creating three-dimensional graphics is to start thinking too soon that the final image appears on a flat, two-dimensional screen. Avoid thinking about which pixels need to be drawn, and instead try to visualize three-dimensional space. Create your models in some three-dimensional universe that lies deep inside your computer, and let the computer do its job of calculating which pixels to colour.
A series of three computer operations converts an object’s three-dimensional coordinates to pixel position on the screen:
· Transformations, which are represented by matrix multiplication, include modelling, viewing, and projection operations. Such operations include rotation, translation, scaling, reflecting, orthographic projection, and perspective projection. Generally, you use a combination of several transformations to draw a scene.
· Since the scene is rendered on a rectangular window, object (or parts of objects) that lie outside the window must be clipped. In three-dimensional computer graphics, clipping occurs by throwing out objects on one side of a clipping plane.
· Finally, a correspondence must be established between the transformed coordinates and screen pixels. This is known as a viewport transformation.
· 转换——一般由矩阵乘法来表示。包含了旋转、位移、放大/缩小、反射、正交投影和透视投影。我们通常用的好几个转换的集合来绘制一个场景。
· 因为场景是被渲染到一个矩形窗口,所以不再窗口范围内的物体或者物体的一部分都将被剪切。在三维计算机图形学中,剪切通过把物体放到剪切面板的另一边来实现。
· 最后,需要建立一个转换坐标与屏幕像素的联系。这就是所谓的视口转换。
Overview: The Camera Analogy
The viewing transformations must precede the modelling transformations in your code, but you can specify the projection and viewport transformations at any point before drawing occurs.

Viewing Transformation
gluLookAt: the arguments for this command indicate where the camera (or eye position) is placed, where it is aimed, and which way is up.

Modeling Transformation
Use the modeling transformation to position and orient the model.

Projection Transformation
It is like choosing a lens for a camera.
You can think of this transformation as determining what the field of view or viewing volume is and therefore what objects are inside it and to some extent how they look. This is equivalent to choosing among wide-angle, normal, and telephoto lenses.
In addition to the field-of-view considerations, the projection transformation determines how objects are projected onto the screen, as the term suggests. (Perspective or Orthographic)

Viewport Transformation
Together, the projection transformation and the viewport transformation determine how a scene is mapped onto the computer screen. The projection transformation specifies the mechanics of how the mapping should occur, and the viewport indicates the shape of the available screen area into which the scene is mapped. Since the viewport specifies the region the image occupies on the computer screen, you can think of the viewport transformation as defining the size and location of the final processed photograph – for example, whether the photograph should be enlarged or shrunk.
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