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SCJP: Sun Certified Java Programmer

2009-08-09 22:10 260 查看
As we all know, java certification exam certification exam certification exam with its unique open, cross-platform and interactive network for sweeping the globe, its safety, ease of use and the characteristics of a short development cycle, rapidly from the initial programming language developed into the world's first two software development platform. These advantages of the computer industry at home and abroad has aroused great concern; java certification exam certification exam certification exam utility specification (PAS) has been the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that, java certification exam certification exam certification exam technology has been classified as information technology in today's world, one of the three points.
According to an authoritative department's forecast: By 2008, China's demand for java certification exam certification exam certification exam technology staff will be as high as 200 million. To date, however, certification of our trainees to participate in the rapid growth, and to participate in the examination and certification of personnel certification 20,000. This figure and 200 million people falls far short of demand. Therefore, as soon as possible to master java certification exam certification exam certification exam technology, for each interested in the development of IT industry is particularly important. We are convinced that java certification exam certification exam certification exam technology usage and penetration, will become the irresistible trend of rapid development in the world.
Sun java certification exam certification exam certification exam certification is the industry's only authorized by the Sun's java certification exam certification exam certification exam Certification. Examination covering all java certification exam certification exam certification exam-related knowledge, programming concepts and development techniques applet. Sun Certified java certification exam certification exam certification exam Programmer exam designed to observe the distribution of your software through the application of complex programming capabilities. You have to test after the completion of the required programming knowledge. Each examination includes 65 multiple-choice questions over time about 90 minutes.
Course: SL-275 java certification exam certification exam certification exam Programming Language
This course so that students master how to use the standard java certification exam certification exam certification exam Development Kit, V1.1 (JDK) to develop applications and applets. In this course you will learn the syntax of java certification exam certification exam certification exam language, how to use java certification exam certification exam certification exam to create a graphical user interface (GUI), event handling mechanisms, exception handling, design and development through a variety of procedures to obtain the actual java certification exam certification exam certification exam programming experience. You will also learn file input / output (I / O), multi-threaded and network knowledge. This course applies to familiar with C or C + + programming staff, but also to want to participate in Sun java certification exam certification exam certification exam certification exam training.
Prior knowledge: learning in this course must have the following capabilities:
Be able to compile C or C + + program or have participated in SL-110 course; to create and compile a simple procedure; the use of WWW (World wide web) browser, such as: Netscape; able to use vi or the OpenWindows File Editor; the use of basic UNIX order.
Upon completion of this course will have the following capabilities:
java certification exam certification exam certification exam programming language used to create java certification exam certification exam certification exam applications and applets;
Definition and description of garbage collection, security, and java certification exam certification exam certification exam Virtual Machine (JVM);
Description and use of java certification exam certification exam certification exam language features of object-oriented;
The development of graphical user interface (GUI), the use of java certification exam certification exam certification exam to support a variety of layout management;
Description and use of the java certification exam certification exam certification exam 1.1 event handling model;
The use of java certification exam certification exam certification exam language mouse input, text, window and window menu;
The use of java certification exam certification exam certification exam's exception handling to control program execution and an exception to the definition of the user's own case;
The use of java certification exam certification exam certification exam language's advanced object-oriented features, including method overloading, method coverage, abstract class, interface, etc.;
File input / output (I / O);
java certification exam certification exam certification exam language using the built-in threaded mode to control the multi-threaded;
The use of java certification exam certification exam certification exam-Sockets for network communication mechanism.
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