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2009-08-04 13:35 330 查看
当大家自定义对象时,无论你返回Ilist 还是 自定义集合, 当绑定到datagridview 或者其他对象。 都无法实现标题排序。(即:click列头,自动排序), 我们需要怎么做才能排序呢, 需要继承什么接口呢。答案是继承 IBindingList 接口。

public class model


public int Id

{ get; set; }

public string Name

{ get; set; }


public class ModelCollection:IList,IBindingList, IEnumerator


private ArrayList fileLists = new ArrayList();

private ListSortDirection _direction;

private PropertyDescriptor _property;

public ModelCollection()



#region IList Members

public int Add(object value)


throw new NotImplementedException();


public int Add(int id, string name)


model m = new model();

m.Id = id;

m.Name = name;

return fileLists.Add(m);


public int Add(model value)


return fileLists.Add(value);


public void Clear()




public bool Contains(object value)


throw new NotImplementedException();


public int IndexOf(object value)


throw new NotImplementedException();


public void Insert(int index, object value)


throw new NotImplementedException();


public bool IsFixedSize


get { return IsFixedSize; }


public bool IsReadOnly


get { return fileLists.IsReadOnly; }


public void Remove(object value)


throw new NotImplementedException();


public void RemoveAt(int index)


throw new NotImplementedException();


public object this[int index]




if ((index >= 0) && (index < fileLists.Count))


return fileLists[index];




throw new System.Exception("Index must be between 0 and " +

fileLists.Count.ToString() + ".");





fileLists[index] = value;




#region ICollection Members

public void CopyTo(Array array, int index)


throw new NotImplementedException();


public int Count


get { return fileLists.Count; }


public bool IsSynchronized


get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }


public object SyncRoot


get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }



#region IEnumerable Members

public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()


return new FileListCollectionEnumerator(this);


// Inner class implements IEnumerator interface:

private class FileListCollectionEnumerator : IEnumerator


private int position = -1;

private ModelCollection p;

public FileListCollectionEnumerator(ModelCollection p)


this.p = p;


// Declare the MoveNext method required by IEnumerator:

public bool MoveNext()


if (position < p.Count - 1)



return true;




return false;



// Declare the Reset method required by IEnumerator:

public void Reset()


position = -1;


// Declare the Current property required by IEnumerator:

public object Current




return p[position];





#region IBindingList Members

public void AddIndex(PropertyDescriptor property)


throw new NotImplementedException();


public object AddNew()


model m = new model();


return m;


public bool AllowEdit


get { return true; }


public bool AllowNew


get { return true; }


public bool AllowRemove


get { return true; }


public void ApplySort(PropertyDescriptor property, ListSortDirection direction)


_property = property;

_direction = direction;

fileLists.Sort(new Comparer(property, direction));


public int Find(PropertyDescriptor property, object key)


throw new NotImplementedException();


public bool IsSorted


get { return _property != null; }


public event ListChangedEventHandler ListChanged;

public void RemoveIndex(PropertyDescriptor property)


throw new NotImplementedException();


public void RemoveSort()


_property = null;


public ListSortDirection SortDirection


get { return _direction; }


public PropertyDescriptor SortProperty


get { return _property;}


public bool SupportsChangeNotification


get { return true; }


public bool SupportsSearching


get { return true; }


public bool SupportsSorting


get { return true; }



internal class Comparer : IComparer


private PropertyDescriptor _sortProperty;

private ListSortDirection _sortDescription;

public Comparer(PropertyDescriptor sortProperty, ListSortDirection sortDescription)


_sortProperty = sortProperty;

_sortDescription = sortDescription;


public int Compare(object x, object y)


Type propType = _sortProperty.PropertyType;

int sort = 0;

if (propType == typeof(string))


sort = string.Compare((string)_sortProperty.GetValue(x).ToString(),



else if (propType == typeof(DateTime))


sort = DateTime.Compare((DateTime)_sortProperty.GetValue(x),



else if (propType.IsEnum)


sort = (int)_sortProperty.GetValue(x) - (int)_sortProperty.GetValue(y);


else if (propType == typeof(int))


sort = (int)_sortProperty.GetValue(x) - (int)_sortProperty.GetValue(y);


else if (propType == typeof(Type))


sort = string.Compare((string)_sortProperty.GetValue(x).ToString(),



else if (propType == typeof(bool))


sort = string.Compare((string)_sortProperty.GetValue(x).ToString(),





throw new NotSupportedException();


if (_sortDescription == ListSortDirection.Ascending)


sort = -sort;


return sort;



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