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2009-07-29 20:38 253 查看
According to a new study, this means I likely have significantly higher career satisfaction than if my wife earned the same or more than me. Pamela Tolbert, the co-author of 'The Impact of Relative Earnings Among Dual-Earner Couples on Career Satisfaction and Family Satisfaction' and a professor at Cornell University's ILR School, looked at 485 middle-class married couples in New York State between 1999 and 2002. They were all dual-earner couples -- both husband and wife held full-time jobs.

一项最新研究表明,与妻子挣的和我一样多甚至比我还多的情况相比,我很可能对事业更满意。《双职工家庭相对收入对事业满意度和家庭满意度的影响》一文的合著者之一、康乃尔大学劳工关系学院(ILR School)教授帕梅拉•托尔博特在1999至2002年间对纽约州485对中产阶级夫妇进行了研究。研究对象都是双职工,即夫妇二人都有全职工作。

Ms. Tolbert classified as 'equal-earner' couples those in which both spouses contributed between 40% and 60% of total family income. Those in which the men contributed more than 60% of total family income she classified as 'traditional' couples. Ms. Tolbert examined how satisfied men and women in these arrangements were with both their careers and their family lives.


It turns out, not too surprisingly, that men really do like making more than their wives. The study found that men who earn a lot more than their wives report significantly higher career satisfaction than men who earn about the same as their spouses, according to Ms. Tolbert and her co-author, Ronit Waismel-Manor of Israel's Netanya Academic College. 'Husbands feel concerned when wives make more than them,' says Ms. Tolbert. 'We still have these kinds of models in our head.'


But, interestingly, although pay levels affect husbands' career satisfaction, money doesn't seem to matter much when it comes to the home front. Whether men earn less, the same or more than their wives has little effect on their reported level of family satisfaction, which tends to be high, the researchers found. The reasons for that are open to speculation, they added。


Meanwhile, women who earn the same as their husbands report significantly higher levels of career satisfaction than do women in traditional couples, but significantly lower family satisfaction. The take-home message of her findings, says Ms. Tolbert, is that too many people still cling to outdated gender roles。

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