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剑桥少儿英语预备级教案(上) unit6 Hide and seek

2009-07-22 15:45 399 查看
* 使学生通过游戏活动培养对英语的兴趣
* 使学生初步掌握简单的指令
* 使学生进一步熟悉所学的颜色
* 使学生掌握字母及相关单词的读音
交际句型:Show me your book , please.
Here you are
Hide your pencil.
Where is it ?
交际词汇: Pencil, crayon , eraser ,behind my back , in the desk
教师上课时首先拿给学生们看一件较新鲜的东西。教师说,Look! I’ve got something in my bag.Ah,here it is . 这时教师拿出一件特殊的玩具,让学生看完之后,教师又说,Let me show you another thing.Look,here it is .Is it good? 学生看完之后,教师又说,Look ,let me show you my new pen. This is my pen.It’s new.说到此,教师突然问,Li Ming , have you got a pen ?Show me your pen , please.(讲此话时,教师一定要用手势)Wang Fang, show me your book, please . Thank you . Now, everybody, practice it in pairs. You say ,Show me your pencil , please.’教师边说边给出节奏,这样,学生就容易上口。
在教本单元时教师不要太性急, 特别是前面的几部分,教师要一部分一部分地进行。比如,教师说,Now hide your pencil .Quick! Hide your pencil 然后教师去找.Ah ,here . Ah , in the desk. Ah, behind your back 等等。然后,教师再对大家说,.Now hide your book! Hide your book.接着教师又开始找,然后再说, Hide your pen . Hide your eraser.等等。
进行第二步骤时,教师说,Who can come here and hide my book?等到学生藏好以后,教师说Where is it? Where is it?边说边找。
接下来,教师对学生说,OK, now, let’s play a game ,Who wants to be here?当某个同学上来后,教师让他/她闭上眼睛,或者面对黑板,然后让某个人把东西藏起来.藏好后教师让这个学生问OK ,where ’s the pencil ? where’s it? 大家一起说,There it is ! There it is!教师带领大家做这个游戏时,应该练习说第4部分的内容。
大家活动了一会儿后,教师拿出字母卡片,让大家跟读发音,同时给出几个词,如,(课文中出现的)face ,flag ,foot .并让大家看跳台,同时说出该段的顺口溜-----Diving-platform, diving-platform ,Ff is the diving-platform, Boys are diving ,girls aye diving ,Ff is the diving-platform.
教学活动1 Listen and point
教师首先不让同学们看书,而是问大家Where is the door?大家用手指门.Where is the TV? Where is the table? Where is the blackboard? Where is …? Where are the windows?等等.大家对这个句型了解了之后,教师再让大家打开书,听录音,
教学活动2 Colour it !
教师让大家准备好彩色笔,然后将本单元第6部分的图片上色,但要规定时间,教师可这样对学生说Now , everyone ,pleas take out your crayons .let’s colour the pictures on page 22. We ‘ve got eight pictures. You have 3 minutes (教师指表)Let’s see who is the first and whose pictures are the best .Now ,are you ready? Start!
教学活动3 LISTEN and circle
练习2的答案是:1(d) 2(b) 3(c) 4
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