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Xtrabackup:MySQL DBA的必备工具

2009-07-06 13:10 465 查看
Xtrabackuppercona开发的产品,可以看做是InnoDB Hotbackup的免费替代品。


wget http://www.percona.com/mysql/xtrabackup/xtrabackup-0.8.tar.gz tar zxf xtrabackup-0.8.tar.gz
cd xtrabackup-0.8

进行到这里时,千万别惯性使然接着make install,那样就会接着安装MySQL了,正确方法是接着:

cd innobase/xtrabackup/
make install




innobackup [--sleep=MS] [--compress[=LEVEL]] [--include=REGEXP] [--user=NAME]
[--password=WORD] [--port=PORT] [--socket=SOCKET] [--no-timestamp]
[--ibbackup=IBBACKUP-BINARY] [--slave-info] [--stream=tar]
[--databases=LIST] [--remote-host=HOSTNAME] BACKUP-ROOT-DIR
innobackup --apply-log [--use-memory=MB] [--uncompress] [--defaults-file=MY.CNF]
innobackup --copy-back [--defaults-file=MY.CNF] BACKUP-DIR


The first command line above makes a hot backup of a MySQL database.
By default it creates a backup directory (named by the current date
and time) in the given backup root directory. With the --no-timestamp
option it does not create a time-stamped backup directory, but it puts
the backup in the given directory (which must not exist). This
command makes a complete backup of all MyISAM and InnoDB tables and
indexes in all databases or in all of the databases specified with the
--databases option. The created backup contains .frm, .MRG, .MYD,
.MYI., .TRG, .TRN, .opt, and InnoDB data and log files. The MY.CNF
options file defines the location of the database. This command
connects to the MySQL server using mysql client program, and runs
ibbackup (InnoDB Hot Backup program) as a child process.


The command with --apply-log option prepares a backup for starting a MySQL
server on the backup. This command expands InnoDB data files as specified
in BACKUP-DIR/backup-my.cnf using BACKUP-DIR/ibbackup_logfile,
and creates new InnoDB log files as specified in BACKUP-DIR/backup-my.cnf.
The BACKUP-DIR should be a path name of a backup directory created by
innobackup. This command runs ibbackup as a child process, but it does not
connect to the database server.


The command with --copy-back option copies data, index, and log files
from backup directory back to their original locations.
The MY.CNF options file defines the original location of the database.
The BACKUP-DIR is a path name of a backup directory created by innobackup.

Xtrabackup还可以用来moving InnoDB tables between servers,更多的内容可以参考官方文档例子

参考链接:Xtrabackup online backup for InnoDB/XTraDB(pdf)
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