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Why c++ has friend members while C# does not have this?

2009-07-05 11:38 519 查看
First, let us examine how the Controlling Access to Class Members is defined:

Member-Access Control

Type of AccessMeaning
privateClass members declared as private can be used only by member functions and friends (classes or functions) of the class.
protectedClass members declared as protected can be used by member functions and friends (classes or functions) of the class. Additionally, they can be used by classes derived from the class.
publicClass members declared as public can be used by any function.
seems,protected is directly related with friend classes or functions.

[摘自wikipedia] A friend function is used in object-oriented programming to allow access to private or protected data in a class from outside the class. Normally a function which is not a member of a class cannot access such information; neither can an external class. Occasionally such access will be advantageous for the programmer; under these circumstances, the function or external class can be declared as a friend of the class using the friend keyword. The function or external class will then have access to all information – public, private, or protected – within the class.

This procedure should be used with caution. If too many functions or external classes are declared as friends of a class with protected or private data, necessary data security may be compromised, as well as the encapsulation of separate classes in object-oriented programming.

example 1: Matrix 可以与Vector相乘,由于Matrix和Vector都会把数据隐藏起来,Multiply这个函数又不能定义为某个类的成员函数,因为定义在任何一个类中都无法访问另外一个类的private数据,这时就可以使用友元来定义。 当然在C#和Java中可以使用接口来实现。

example 2: 使用friend可以实现定制用户的使用习惯,比如Matrix m的转置矩阵可以用m.inv(),但是如果用户想用inv(m)来表示转置矩阵怎么办呢,就可以把inv作为friend函数就可以了。还有一种类似的情况。比如有个类X可以和整数进行四则运算,在X中重载+ - * / 四则运算符,但是这样也只能实现X x; x=x+2;x =x*3;这种类类型在运算符左边的情况,如果你想写成x=2+x;就需要用友元的帮助了。

采用类的机制后实现了数据的隐藏与封装,类的数据成 员一般定义为私有成员,成员函数一般定义为公有的,依此提供类与外界间的通信接口。但是,有时需要定义一些函数,这些函数不是类的一部分,但又需要频繁地 访问类的数据成员,这时可以将这些函数定义为该函数的友元函数。除了友元函数外,还有友元类,两者统称为友元。友元的作用是提高了程序的运行效率(即减少 了类型检查和安全性检查等都需要时间开销),但它破坏了类的封装性和隐藏性,使得非成员函数可以访问类的私有成员。


(1) 关注性能;

(2) 支持某种特定的使用习惯;


(1) 友元关系不能被继承。

(2) 友元关系是单向的,不具有交换性。若类B是类A的友元,类A不一定是类B的友元,要看在类中是否有相应的声明。

(3) 友元关系不具有传递性。若类B是类A的友元,类C是B的友元,类C不一定是类A的友元,同样要看类中是否有相应的申明
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