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2009-05-29 21:23 369 查看
原 文:What Language Do I Use
  译 者:Sunlxy
  版 本:the first edition(Ver 1.0)

  This is a question that belongs in every game programming FAQ. It seems to be asked in a game development forum several times a week. It's a good question, though, and not one with an easy answer. There are computer languages that work better for some applications than others. Here is a list of the major programming languages used to write games along with descriptions, advantages, and disadvantages. Hopefully this list will help you make a decision.

  如果说FORTRAN和COBOL是第一代高级编译语言,那么C语言就是它们的孙子辈。C语言是Dennis Ritchie在七十年代创建的,它功能更强大且与ALGOL保持更连续的继承性,而ALGOL则是COBOL和FORTRAN的结构化继承者。C语言被设计成一个比它的前辈更精巧、更简单的版本,它适于编写系统级的程序,比如操作系统。在此之前,操作系统是使用汇编语言编写的,而且不可移植。C语言是第一个使得系统级代码移植成为可能的编程语言。
  If FORTRAN and COBOL were the first compiled high-level languages, then C is their grandchild. It was created in the 70's by Dennis Ritchie as a tighter and more coherent successor to ALGOL, which was a structured successor to COBOL and FORTRAN. It was designed to be a smaller and simpler version of its predecessors, suitable for writing system-level programs, like operating systems. Before then, operating systems were hand-coded in assembly and were not portable. C was the first programming language that made portability a reality for system-level code.

  C is a language that supports structured programming. That is to say that C programs are written as collections of disconnected function calls that run top-down rather than a single monolithic block of code with program control-flow happening via GOTO statements. Hence, C programs are generally easier to follow than monolithic FORTRAN and COBOL spaghetti-code. Actually, C still has a GOTO statement, but its functionality is limited and it is only recommended as a last resort if structured solutions are much more complicated.

  True to its system-programming roots, it is fairly easy to interface C with assembly languages. The function-calling interface is very simple, and assembly language instructions can be embedded within C code, so linking in separate assembly-language modules is not necessary.

  Advantages: Good for writing small fast programs. Easy to interface with assembly language. Very standardized, so versions on other platforms are similar.

  Disadvantages: Does not easily support object-oriented techniques. Syntax can be difficult and lends itself to abuse.

  Portability: While the core of the language and the ANSI function calls are very portable, they are limited to control-flow, memory management, and simple file-handling. Everything else is platform-specific. Making a program that's portable between Windows and the Mac, for instance, requires that the user-interface portions be using system-specific function calls. This generally means that you need to write the user-interface code twice. There are libraries, though, that make the process a bit easier.

  Games Written in C: Lots and lots.

  资料:C语言的经典著作是《The C Programming Language》,它经过多次修改,已经扩展到最初的三倍大,但它仍然是介绍C的优秀书本。一本极好的教程是《The Waite Group's C Primer Plus》。
  Resources: The classic book about C is [The C Programming Language].It's gone through several iterations and has expanded to about three times its original size, but it's still a good introduction to the language. An excellent tutorial is [The Waite Group's C Primer Plus].
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