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2009-05-27 15:58 211 查看


A:Well, I am not much of a techie, but let me see what I can do to help.


A:Well that I can help with. Where shall we start?

C:昨天有个客户打电话询问一件商品的情况,我只知道那个部门的经理是Mary Jo, 所以就把电话转了过去。

A:What happened?

C:没过几分钟,那个客户又打了回来,特别生气,因为Mary Jo没在办公室,客户只能电话留言。她说一定得找到管事的人,不愿意对着留言机讲话。

A:I don't blame her, do you?


A:It is simple. Before you transfer a call, you need to put the caller on hold, and contact the person whom you believe can help. When you do that, you learn two things.

C:What are the two things then?

A:First, you find out if the person you need is in the office and is answering the phone. Next you ask if that person, in this case, Mary Jo, can assist the caller.


A:There are a few other suggestions I have to help you handle transfer calls courteously and efficiently, but I don't have time to explain right now.


A:Before you transfer the caller, let the person know to whom you are sending the call. Give the person's name, title and direct line to the caller.


A:In addition to giving the caller the name and number of the person to whom you are connecting the call, give your name and repeat your number as well.


A:You do that to assure the caller that if anything goes wrong or if the caller does not get the help she needs, she can get in touch with you and you will do all you can to help.


A:Not only that you have a client who feels valued by the company.
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