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throw 47;//throw a exception,可以是内建类型
throw t; //也可以是自定义的异常类的对象。
} catch(int i){
}catch(T t){ //父类可以捕获子类异常
1. 在构造函数内部捕获异常(这样就能正常调用析构函数了)
2. 使用一个<模板>类进行资源分配与回收。
template<class T, int sz = 1> class PWrap {
T* ptr;
class RangeError {}; // Exception class
PWrap() {
ptr = new T[sz];
delete[] ptr;
};//This method is called Resource Acquisition Is Initialization(RAII for short)
异常规约(Exception specifications):函数声名后列出所有可能抛出的异常(void f() throw(A,B,C);)如果不列出(void f();)表明可以抛出任何异常,如果为空(void f() throw();)表明不允许抛出异常。在模板类中不要使用异常规约。
1. 不是给自己赋值,如果是的话,go to 6。
2. 为指针数据成员分配新的空间
3. 将数据从旧的空间拷贝到新的空间
4. 删除旧的空间
5. 更新对象状态:指派新的堆指针指向指针数据成员。
6. 返回 *this
The best advice for deciding when to use exceptions is to throw exceptions only when a function fails to meet its specification.
1. 同步事件
2. Not for benign error conditions(you have enough information to handle an error)
3. 流程控制
4. 不被迫使用的情况(如打开文件失败)
5. 没有使用异常的已有代码
1. Fix the problem and retry the function that caused the exception.
2. Patch things up and continue without retrying the function.
3. Do whatever you can in the current context and rethrow the same exception to a higher context.
4. Do whatever you can in the current context and throw a different exception to a higher context.
5. Terminate the program.
6. Wrap functions (especially C library functions) that use ordinary error schemes so they produce exceptions instead.
7. Simplify. If your error handling scheme makes things more complicated, it is painful and annoying to use. Exceptions can be used to make error handling simpler and more effective.
8. Make your library and program safer. This is a short-term investment (for debugging) and a long-term investment (for application robustness).
1. 减少复制造成的性能损失。
2. 避免upcasting的切割。
#include<cassert>宏assert(),返回当前情形文件名和行数,可以用编译器选项禁用它,编译器程序 –DNDEBUG myfile.cpp(全局性禁用,assert主要用于测试)。也可以在程序中#define NDEBUG
Testing + programming is faster than just programming.
#define TRACE(ARG) cout << #ARG << endl; ARG//跟踪宏,如:
TRACE(for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++))
TRACE( cout << i << endl;)
cout << "for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)" << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
cout << "cout << i << endl;" << endl;
cout << i << endl;
可以使用Trace file代替所有的cout输出,只要包含头文件Trace.h并#define TRACEON即可。
//: C03:Trace.h
// Creating a trace file.
#ifndef TRACE_H
#define TRACE_H
#include <fstream>

#ifdef TRACEON
std::ofstream TRACEFILE__("TRACE.OUT");
#define cout TRACEFILE__

#endif // TRACE_H ///:~
//: C02:MemCheck.h
#ifndef MEMCHECK_H
#define MEMCHECK_H
#include <cstddef> // For size_t

// Usurp the new operator (both scalar and array versions)
void* operator new(std::size_t, const char*, long);
void* operator new[](std::size_t, const char*, long);
#define new new (__FILE__, __LINE__)

extern bool traceFlag;
#define TRACE_ON() traceFlag = true
#define TRACE_OFF() traceFlag = false

extern bool activeFlag;
#define MEM_ON() activeFlag = true
#define MEM_OFF() activeFlag = false

#endif // MEMCHECK_H ///:~
//: C02:MemCheck.cpp {O}
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
using namespace std;
#undef new

// Global flags set by macros in MemCheck.h
bool traceFlag = true;
bool activeFlag = false;

namespace {

// Memory map entry type
struct Info {
void* ptr;
const char* file;
long line;

// Memory map data
const size_t MAXPTRS = 10000u;
Info memMap[MAXPTRS];
size_t nptrs = 0;

// Searches the map for an address
int findPtr(void* p) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < nptrs; ++i)
if(memMap[i].ptr == p)
return i;
return -1;

void delPtr(void* p) {
int pos = findPtr(p);
assert(pos >= 0);
// Remove pointer from map
for(size_t i = pos; i < nptrs-1; ++i)
memMap[i] = memMap[i+1];

// Dummy type for static destructor
struct Sentinel {
~Sentinel() {
if(nptrs > 0) {
printf("Leaked memory at:/n");
for(size_t i = 0; i < nptrs; ++i)
printf("/t%p (file: %s, line %ld)/n",
memMap[i].ptr, memMap[i].file, memMap[i].line);
printf("No user memory leaks!/n");

// Static dummy object
Sentinel s;

} // End anonymous namespace

// Overload scalar new
operator new(size_t siz, const char* file, long line) {
void* p = malloc(siz);
if(activeFlag) {
if(nptrs == MAXPTRS) {
printf("memory map too small (increase MAXPTRS)/n");
memMap[nptrs].ptr = p;
memMap[nptrs].file = file;
memMap[nptrs].line = line;
if(traceFlag) {
printf("Allocated %u bytes at address %p ", siz, p);
printf("(file: %s, line: %ld)/n", file, line);
return p;

// Overload array new
operator new[](size_t siz, const char* file, long line) {
return operator new(siz, file, line);

// Override scalar delete
void operator delete(void* p) {
if(findPtr(p) >= 0) {
assert(nptrs > 0);
printf("Deleted memory at address %p/n", p);
else if(!p && activeFlag)
printf("Attempt to delete unknown pointer: %p/n", p);

// Override array delete
void operator delete[](void* p) {
operator delete(p);
} ///:~
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