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银行金融 词汇 简写 中英文对照

2009-04-06 14:23 1136 查看

TC=total cost总费用
FC=fixed cost常设费用
FX=Foreign Exchange
VC=variable cost变动费用

MC=marginal cost费用差额
GM=gross margin毛利
MR=marginal revenue利润差额
AR=acount receivable  应收款(销售后,记账以后收取。)
AP=account payable   应付款(花费后记账,以后付费。)
NI=net income纯收入

BL - billing of lading 提货单

ITR - accounting Entries

Recon -Reconciliation 对帐 

LC - letter of credit 信用证

MM - Money Market 货币市场

PBV - Position book Verification 外汇头寸簿核实

L&D - Loans & Deposit  存贷款

GA / GL - general accounts / general ledger 总帐

MIS - Management Info. System.

EL: Expected Loss 预期损失

CDS : credit default swap 信用违约掉期

P&L - profit & loss 盈亏帐目


Collateral / security 抵押品
CAR – Capital Adequacy Ratio 资金充足率
Capital the regulator (Big Daddy)
RWA : Risk Weighted Asset  风险 加权资产
PD : probability of Default 违约率
LGD : Loss Given Default 违约损失率
EAD : Exposure at Default 风险敞口
M : effective Maturity 有效期限
EL : Expected Loss 预期损失
UL: Unexpected loss 非预期损失
S&P, Moody’s, Fitch(惠誉)
IRB : Internal-Ratings Based Approach 内部评级法
ECA  : Credit Assessment Ageneses  出口信用机构
ECAI : External Credit Assessment Institution 外部信用评级机构
Preferential Treatment 优惠待遇
Off-balance sheet items 资产负债表外项目
Past Due Loans / Overdue loans 逾期贷款
On-balance sheet netting 表内净扣
CRM – Credit Risk Mitigation 信用风险缓释技术
RWA  - Risk Weighted Asset  风险 加权资产
Volatility Haircut 波动减扣/折扣
FX haircut  外汇波动减扣
Maturity Mismatch Adjustment 到期错配调整
Derivatives : 衍生品
P&L : profit and Loss 盈亏账目
EC – economic capital 经济资本
RC – Regulatory Capital 监管资本
RA  - Risk Assets 风险资产
EAD : Exposure at Default 风险敞口
RW : Risk Weight  风险权重 (来自资产评级)
RC = RA * 8% = EAD * RW * 8%
信用衍生工具(Credit Derivatives)
CDS  -  Credit Default Swaps   信用违约掉期/互换
TRS  -  Total Return Swaps    总收益互换
CLN -  Credit linked notes   信用联系票据
CST  -  Credit spread Tools  信用利差工具
ELF  -  Eligible Liquidity Facility 合理的流动性融通
Regulatory Capital = Minimum Capital   监管资本=最少资本,
ROA  - Return on Asset 资产净收益
ROE  -  Return on Equity 资产收益率
PAROC  资产回报率指标
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