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2009-04-02 16:06 288 查看

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using Excel=Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;

using System.Reflection;

namespace ExcelOp


class Program


static void Main(string[] args)


string[] files={"c:\\芙蓉区.xls","c:\\天心区.xls"};

Mege m = new Mege(files, "c:\\aaa.xls", "C", 1);

Console.WriteLine("Start Merge");


Console.WriteLine("End Merge");




class Mege


Excel.Application app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass();

//destination book

Excel.Workbook bookDest = null;

Excel.Worksheet sheetDest = null;

//source book

Excel.Workbook bookSource = null;

Excel.Worksheet sheetSource = null;

//source files path

string[] sourceFiles = null;

//destination file

string destFile = string.Empty;

//end column eg:A-C c is the end column

string columnEnd = string.Empty;

//the header rows'count

int headerRowCount = 1;

//which row the pointer pointed

int currentRowCount = 0;

public Mege(string[] sFiles,string dFile,string cEnd,int hCount)


//create a new excel file, sheet1 sheet2 and sheet3 work sheet will be created

bookDest = (Excel.WorkbookClass)app.Workbooks.Add(Missing.Value);

//create a new work sheet

sheetDest = bookDest.Worksheets[1] as Excel.Worksheet;

//or we can create a new work sheet like :

/*sheetDest = bookDest.Worksheets.Add(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value) as Excel.Worksheet;

sheetDest.Name = "Sheet4";*/

sourceFiles = sFiles;

destFile = dFile;

columnEnd = cEnd;

headerRowCount = hCount;


protected void OpenBook(string filename)


//open the source excel file

bookSource = app.Workbooks._Open(filename, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);

//open the sheet in the source workbook

sheetSource = bookSource.Worksheets[2] as Excel.Worksheet;


protected void CloseBook()


//close the excel file

bookSource.Close(false, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);


protected void CopyHeader()


//get the range eg:from A1 to C5

Excel.Range range = sheetSource.get_Range("A1",columnEnd+headerRowCount.ToString());

//copy the sheet header from source excel file

range.Copy(sheetDest.get_Range("A1", Missing.Value));

//move the record pointer

currentRowCount += headerRowCount;


protected void CopyData()


//compute the Row Count Of the Sheet

int sheetRowCount = sheetSource.UsedRange.Rows.Count;

//get the Rows that has Record

Excel.Range range = sheetSource.get_Range(String.Format("A{0}", headerRowCount + 1), columnEnd + sheetRowCount);

//copy the record to destination excel sheet


//move the record pointer

currentRowCount += sheetRowCount;


protected void Save()


//sace the destination excel file

bookDest.Saved = true;



/// <summary>

/// 退出进程

/// </summary>

protected void Quit()


//current application quit



public void DoMerge()


//add sheet header only once

bool b = false;

//Iteration the source files

foreach (string strFile in sourceFiles)


//open the excel


if (b == false)



b = true;


//copy the data


//close the excel







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