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How to develope Cmdlet in vs2008 under windows server 2008

2009-04-02 15:15 387 查看

How to Develop cmdlets under 2008

Andrew, March 10, 2009
Windows Server 2008 build 6001,sp1.
VisualStudio 2008 pro.
Powershell V2(CTP2).

1. Install Windows SDK from MSDN, or from intranet. Windows SDK contains PowerShell SDK.
2. new c# console project “MyCmdlet”. Sample code
3. add System.Configuration.Install to References.
4. add c:/Program Files/Reference Assemblies/Microsfot/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/System.Management.Automation.dll to reference.
5. Import namespace,
using System.Management.Automation; //”c:/Program Files/Reference Assemblies/Microsoft/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/System.Managment.Automation.dll”
using System.CompenentModel;
6. Add Cmdlet Attribute to your class.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace MyCmdlet
#region MyCmdlet
[Cmdlet("get","MyInfo")] // “get-myinfo” is the name of your cmdlet
public class MyCmdlet


7. Override input method. BeginProcessing, ProcessRecord,EndProcessing.
#region MyCmdlet
public class MyCmdlet :Cmdlet
protected override void ProcessRecord() // this is the key point to cmdlet

WriteObject("JiahuiTeam is a greate team", true);


8. Add Code for pssnapin

[RunInstaller(true)] //Use RunInstallerAttribute1
public class MyCmdletPSSnapin : PSSnapIn
public MyCmdletPSSnapin() //An empty constructor2
: base()

public override string Name //Override Properties3
get {
return "MyCmdlet";

public override string Vendor //Override Properties3
get {
return "Microsoft Jiahui Team";

public override string VendorResource //Override Properties3
return "GetProcPSSnapIn01,Microsoft";

public override string Description //Override Properties3
get {
return "This is Demo of Cmdlet Dev";

public override string DescriptionResource //Override Properties3
return "Description Resource:sdfjskdjfsdlfjdslfjdslkfjdslkfjdslfjsdljkfsdjklfjdso";

9. Register pssnapin.Run following code

$ref = "c:/Program Files/Reference Assemblies/Microsoft/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/System.Management.Automation.dll"
$compiler = "$env:windir/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v3.5/csc" #do not use v2.0.5027, it doesn't contains Linq
&$compiler /target:library /r:$ref MyCmdlet.cs
set-alias installutil $env:windir/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/installutil
installutil MyCmdlet.dll


project->Properties->Application->Output type = Class Library.
Compile your project, you will get MyCmdlet.dll, then run installutil.exe:
set-alias installutil $env:windir/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/installutil
installutil MyCmdlet.dll

10. in ps console

get-pssnapin –registered
add-pssnapin MyCmdlet

More topics about dev cmdlets, please see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms714598(VS.85).aspx.

Sample code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace MyCmdlet
#region MyCmdlet
public class MyCmdlet :Cmdlet
protected override void ProcessRecord()

WriteObject("JiahuiTeam is a greate team", true);



#region pssnapin
public class MyCmdletPSSnapin : PSSnapIn
public MyCmdletPSSnapin()
: base()

public override string Name
get {
return "MyCmdlet";

public override string Vendor
get {
return "Microsoft Jiahui Team";

public override string VendorResource
return "GetProcPSSnapIn01,Microsoft";

public override string Description
get {
return "This is Demo of Cmdlet Dev";

public override string DescriptionResource
return "Description Resource:sdfjskdjfsdlfjdslfjdslkfjdslkfjdslfjsdljkfsdjklfjdso";
#endregion pssnapin
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