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2009-03-27 转发VB生成GUID的两个方法

2009-03-27 18:17 375 查看
今天在http://access911.net/fixhtm/76FAB41E.htm (作者:朱亦文,爱狐狸,cg1)看到了VB生成GUID的两个方法,在这里转发下。同时,也谢谢作者朱亦文的分享。


Debug.Print CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib").Guid


' --------------------------------------------------------------------

'  Following Functions for Guid_Operation in this Module


'   Function: CreateGuid() as string

'   Function: StringToGuid(sGuid As String) As GUID

'   Function: GuidToString(tGuid As GUID) As String


'                     Guid_OP by 等爱的狐狸

'                       02/2/18


Option Explicit

Public Type GUID

 Data1 As Long

 Data2 As Integer

 Data3 As Integer

 Data4(0 To 7) As Byte

End Type

Private Declare Function CoCreateGuid Lib "ole32.dll" (tGUIDStructure As GUID) As Long

Private Declare Function StringFromGUID2 Lib "ole32.dll" (rguid As Any, ByVal lpstrClsId As Long, ByVal cbMax As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function CLSIDFromString Lib "ole32.dll" (pstCls As Long, clsid As GUID) As Long

Public Function CreateGUID() As String

  Dim sGuid As String 'store result here

  Dim tGuid As GUID  'get into this structure

  Dim bGuid() As Byte 'get FORMatted string here

  Dim lRtn As Long

  Const clLen As Long = 50 ' In some Documents and BBs's the len may be short to 39


  If CoCreateGuid(tGuid) = 0 Then 'use API to get the GUID

   bGuid = String(clLen, 0)

   lRtn = StringFromGUID2(tGuid, VarPtr(bGuid(0)), clLen) 'use API to FORMat it

   If lRtn > 0 Then 'truncate nulls

     sGuid = Mid$(bGuid, 1, lRtn - 1)

   End If

   CreateGUID = sGuid

  End If

End Function

Public Function StringToGuid(sGuid As String) As GUID

  Dim lRet As Long

  lRet = CLSIDFromString(StrPtr(sGuid), StringToGuid)

End Function

Public Function GuidToString(tGuid As GUID) As String

  Dim bGuid() As Byte

  Dim lRtn As Long

  Const clLen As Long = 50

  bGuid = String(clLen, 0)


  lRtn = StringFromGUID2(tGuid, VarPtr(bGuid(0)), clLen) 'use API to FORMat it

  If lRtn > 0 Then 'truncate nulls

   GuidToString = Mid$(bGuid, 1, lRtn - 1)

  End If

End Function
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