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2009-03-20 00:28 183 查看
###LinuxCBT Packet Capture | Analysis Edition###
Topics of coverage:
1. Topology
2. Features of Ethereal
3. Explore Interface
4. TCPDump - default format and capture filter syntax (BPFs) used in Ethereal
5. Snort NIDS - produce TCPDump-compliant binary file
6. Sun Snoop - comes with Solaris
7. Capture ARP, Layer-2(MAC), ICMP and ICMPv6 with Ethereal and analyze
8. Capture UDP for IPv4 & IPv6 and analyze
9. Capture TCP for IPv4 & IPv6 and analyze
10. Analyze captures using 'Display Filters' - used during post-processing of packets
11. Statistics
12. Capture packets using Tethereal - TTY version - used in shell
13. Capture and analyze Intranet & DMZ traffic
14. Capture and analyze Internet traffic
15. Capture and analyze wireless traffic
16. Ethereal Windows 2003 Server
Topology Overview:
Primary Host: - linuxcbtsuse1 - linuxcbtsuse1.linuxcbt.internal
Common DNS Suffix: linuxcbt.internal
Internal Subnet IPv4:
DMZ Subnet IPv4:
Both subnets (Internal(Intranet)/DMZ) are RFC-1918 compliant
Note: linuxcbtsuse1 box has a dedicated sniffing/port monitoring interface - eth1
Note: eth0 can be used simultaneously to sniff traffic linuxcbtsuse1
Identify connections router of various boxes:
1. SSH or connect to router/switch
2. list ports using - sh int status
3. Match server to port - sh mac-address-table address 0011.435A.BCE5
4. Navigate to global config mode - config t
5. Navigate to interface configuration mode - int fa5
6. Assign a description to the interface - Description linuxcbtsuse1 eth0

Ethereal Features:
rpm -qa | grep -i ethereal - lists whether Ethereal is installed
rpm -ql ethereal
1. Modular - functionality can be added via modules
2. Provides primary 'ethereal' binary - GUI
3. Runs multiple platforms:
a. Linux
b. Unix - Solaris, AIX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD
c. Windows
4. Supports over 750 networking protocols - i.e. IPv4, TCPv4, UDPv4, ICMPv4, ICMPv6, IPv6, IPX/SPX, Netbeui, NETBIOS, AppleTalk, Ethernet
5. Captures Packets - However, excels at analyzing packets
6. Supports Berkeley Packet Filters (BPFs) - uses primitives to parse traffic
8. Supports binding to specific or all interfaces
9. Ability to display packets as they're captured - use when packet-loss is not an issue
Note: subject to packet loss
10. Supports 'Display Filters' language for post-processing packets
11. Includes an expression builder to help build 'Display Filters'
12. Ability to save expressions(Display Filters) for reuse
13. Displays packets in fractions of a second:
a. Second
b. Decisecond - tenth - 3.5
c. Centisecond - hundredth - 3.55
d. Millisecond - thousandth - 3.555
e. Microsecond - millionth - 3.654321
f. Nanosecond - billionth - 3.987654321
14. Provides numerous statistics
15. Color-codes protocols in the packet list display
16. Reconstructs TCP sessions - i.e. connecting to an FTP server
17. Ability to spread captured data across multiple files based criteria
a. Useful in long-term capturing
18. Ability to stop capture based criteria:
a. packet count - i.e. stop capture after 500 packets
b. size of capture
c. Time (min,hour,days)
19. Performs name resolution at various OSI layers:
a. Layer-2 (MAC) - i.e. 00:11:43:5A:BC:E5
b. Layer-3 (IPv4/IPv6) - i.e. -> linuxcbtsuse1.linuxcbt.internal - /etc/hosts or DNS
20. Imports 3rd party captures:
a. TCPDump
b. Sun Snoop - Solaris
c. Sniffer
d. MS Network Monitor
21. Ability to import GZ compressed captures - requires Zlib library
22. Exports captures to 3rd party formats - i.e. Sun Snoop
23. Ability to merge capture files - i.e. import multiple dump/capture files
24. Ability to print captures in TXT or Postscript formats
25. Includes the text/TTY version - Tethereal - used from shell
26. Extensible via plug-ins
27. Highly-customizable GUI
Explore Etheral GUI:
Launch using: ethereal - which is located in /usr/bin
Note: MUST be root to place network interface(s) into promiscuous mode, providing a view of packets NOT destined for sniffing system
Note: You may sniff packets without promiscuous mode, however, will ly obtain traffic sourced or destined to sniffing host
Note: MUST alter X.org permissions to permit 'root' to write to ethereal to screen
execute from shell: 'xhost +' - permits ALL users to write to current screen

Main GUI Components:
1. 3 Display windows
a. Packet List - reveals the chronological order of captured packets
b. Packet Details - reveals details of packet
c. Packet Bytes - reveals the actual HEX sent/received across the wire
Note: TCPDump is the default supported format of Ethereal
1. Captures, by default, packets to and from the machine default eth0 interface
2. Able to sniff in promiscuous mode if root or equivalent invokes it

1. tcpdump -v - capture ALL packets to and from the machine in verbose mode
Note: captures to screen usually yield dropped packets
2. tcpdump -v -w tcpdump.capture.all.1.out - writes output of ALL layers to file
3. tcpdump -D - returns usable interfaces
4. tcpdump -v -c 50 - captures 50 packets and then exits
5. tcpdump -i eth1 | lo | eth0 | any | interface_name - binds tcpdump to a specific interface
6. tcpdump -n - disables layer-3 name resolutions (/etc/hosts and/or DNS)
Berkeley Packet Filters (BPFs)
1. Define Qualifiers (3 Exist):
a. Type - host|net|port - i.e. host OR net OR port 21
b. Dir - src, dst, src or dst, src and dst -i.e. src and dst
c. Proto - ip, ip6, icmp, icmp6, tcp, udp, ether, etc.
1. tcpdump -w tcpdump.capture.SSH.1.out src host and dst port 22
2. tcpdump -w tcpdump.capture.FTP.2.out dst port 21

1. TCPDump for Windows
2. Supports virtually identical switches to TCPDump
1. WinPcap
2. WinDump.exe - EXE
Note: Use CTRL-C to kill
1. windump - binds to default interface and sniffs ALL packets
2. windump -D - returns usable interfaces
3. windump -i 2
4. windump -i 2 dst port 80
5. windump -w filename -i 2 dst port 80

Snort NIDS:
1. Packet Logger
2. Packet Sniffer
1. pcre-devel*
2. GCC - c compiler
3. libpcap
Download: www.snort.org
1. snort*gz - contains source code
2. MD5SUM - confirms integrity
3. SIG file - confirms integrity
4. download and import P/GPG key used to sign the latest release of Snort
Note: Copy and paste appropriate key after running: 'gpg --import'
5. Verify SIG downloaded: gpg --verify snort*sig snort*.gz
6. Confirm MD5SUM: md5sum snort*gz
Compile & Install Snort:
1. tar -xzvf snort*gz
2. ./configure - checks for pre-requisites
3. make - creates the binaries - including 'snort'
4. make install - as 'root' - to copy binaries to public directories - /usr/local/bin
Note: Snort supports Berkeley Packet Filters (BPFs)
1. snort -v - binds to default 'eth0' interface
2. snort -v -i lo - binds to non-default interface
3. snort -v -b -l ./ -L snort.capture.SSH.5.out src host and dst port 22
4. snort -v -b -l ./ -L snort.capture.FTP.6.out dst port 21
Note: when logging using binary logging, Snort captures ALL OSI layers
Note: use CTRL-C to terminate

Sun Solaris Snoop:
1. Packet Capturing
2. Replays captured packets
3. Snoop supports a language similar to BPFs
4. Supports writing output to binary, Snoop file - parseable by Ethereal
1. snoop - sniffs ALL traffic in promiscuous mode - similar to tcpdump
2. snoop -o output_file tcp port 22
3. snoop -o output_file tcp port 80
4. snoop -o output_file tcp port 21
5. snoop -o output_file host tcp port 21
Ethereal Capturing - ARP, Layer-2(MAC), ICMP and ICMPv6, IP6 Multicast
ARP - relies upon broadcasts to ALL FFs address, which ALL hosts listen to:
1. ether broadcast
Ethereal returns useful information in its 3 main windows:
1. packet number - Packet List window
2. Frame number - Packet Details window
3. OSI layers are represented from frame(layer-1) to Application(layer-7)
a. This is a representation of the Protcol Data Unit (PDU)
1. ether host mac_address ; ethere host 0:e:a6:1e:61:53 - sniffs where MAC is in packet
1. icmp
2. icmp and src host
1. icmp6

UDP Traffic:
Network Time Protocol (NTP):
1. Same source and destination port number (123)
2. Synchronizes clocks


TCP Captures for IPv4 & IPv6:
Note: The overwhelming majority of packets any LAN/WAN consists of TCP packets because more applications are designed to use TCP
1. Guaranteed delivery of packets
a. Acknowledgements
b. Connection-oriented services
Capture Filter Usage:
1. ip - captures ALL IP packets: ICMPv4, IP, TCP, UDP, SSH, FTP, HTTP
2. ip and tcp - captures IPv4 and TCPv4
3. tcp
Note: Pseudo-device 'any' does NOT operate in promiscuous mode because e of its members does NOT have real network access: lo = loopback adapter, which is an in-memory device
Note: Ethereal supports TCP streams reassembly - 'Follow TCP Streams'
Note: Follow TCP Stream allows you to track:
1. bytes used from client to server
2. bytes used from server to client
3. total bytes betwen client and server - in both directions
Note: 'Follow TCP Stream' builds a 'Display Filter'
Note: TCP sessions employ a 3-way handshake:
1. SYN - synchronization - Client
2. SYN-ACK - synchronization acknowledgement - Server
3. ACK - acknowledgement - Client
Display Filters:
1. The ability to post-process packets, providing filtration
2. Includes a GUI expression builder
3. Ability to save display filters in profiles
General Syntax:
1. protocol.field search criteria
a. ip.src == IP_ADDR - i.e. ip.src ==
Note: 3 methods are available to define useful 'Display Filters':
1. Manually
2. Context menu in 'Packet List' view
3. Using the expression builder
1. tcp.port == 21
2. udp.port == 53
3. tcp.port == 80 - filters based HTTP traffic
4. tcp.dstport == 21 - filters where destination port is equal to 21
Note: Display Filters can NOT be used to capture traffic
Ideal Data Capturing/Analysis Strategy:
1. Define useful capture filters: i.e. using BPFs
2. Apply capture filters to the utility: Snort, Snoop, TCPDump, WinDump, Ethereal
3. Post-process data with Ethereal, using Display Filters
1. Myriad statistics or views of data that's listed in the 'Packet List' window
a. Provides myriad info. related to capture; i.e. filename, length, duration, etc.
Protocol Hierarchy Statistics:
1. Represents OSI layers from 1(Physical) to 7(Application);
Layer-1 - Frame
Layer-2 - Ethernet
Layer-3 - Internet Protocol
Layer-4 - TCP | UDP
Layers 5-7 - FTP | HTTP | etc. - Represents Packet Payload

Note: Execute 'tethereal' as 'root' to be able to capture data
Note: 'root' access is NOT required to post-process data
1. Ability capture
2. Ability post-process (Analyze) data
3. Default behaviour is to capture data default 'eth0' interface
4. Defaults to creating dump file (TCPDump-compliant) in '/tmp/ether*'
1. tethereal - defaults to capturing data 'eth0'
2. tethereal -D - dumps usable interfaces
3. tethereal -i interface_name - i.e. tethereal -i lo
4. tethereal -w file_name - dumps data to file AND screen
5. tethereal -c packet_count - captures n number of packets
6. tethereal -f udp
7. tethereal -r capture_file - reads supported capture file
8. tethereal -r capture_file -R "display_filter" - reads supported capture file and post-processes using display filter

Intranet Snooping/Sniffing:
Note: Switched traffic can ly be intercepted if the following is true:
1. Traffic is unicast - traffic to and fro the sniffing box
2. Traffic is broadcast - Switches flood broadcasts to all VLAN members
3. Port mirroring/SPAN is enabled layer-2 switch - permits the copy of traffic from source(port or VLAN) to destination(port or VLAN)
4. Hub

Configure port mirroring for 'eth1' SUSE10 box:
1. Configure interface to be up SUSE10 box
a. ifup eth1 - brings interface up and makes it usable by programs (Snort/TCPDump/Ethereal)
b. tcpdump -D OR tethereal -D or ethereal -D
Note: Configure 'eth1' and other sniffing interfaces to NOT use TCP/IP
2. Confirm the configuration of the Cisco Router/Switch
a. sh int status - returns interface status
b. config t
c. monitor session 1 source interface fa6 both
d. monitor session 1 destination interface fa9
3. Begin sniffing using - Ethereal, Snort, TCPDump, etc.

Internet Snooping/Sniffing:
Configure port mirroring for 'eth2' SUSE10 box:
1. Configure interface to be up SUSE10 box
a. ifup eth2 - brings interface up and makes it usable by programs (Snort/TCPDump/Ethereal)
b. tcpdump -D OR tethereal -D or ethereal -D
Note: Configure 'eth2' and other sniffing interfaces to NOT use TCP/IP
2. Confirm the configuration of the Cisco Router/Switch
a. sh int status - returns interface status
b. config t
c. monitor session 1 source interface fa2 both
d. monitor session 1 destination interface fa8
3. Begin sniffing using - Ethereal, Snort, TCPDump, etc.

Wireless Capturing - WLAN
1. Support is included by indicating correct adapter
2. wlan display filters provide reports
Note: - is a dual-homed machine
a. Wired connection - eth0 -
b. Wireless connection - eth1 - unconfigured
ssh -X root@ - this will redirect X11 to our local system
ifup eth1 - brings wireless, eth1 interface up remote system
/etc/sysconfig/network - stores configuration files for NICs
iwconfig - provides configuration information and configuration of wireless interfaces

Ethereal Windows:
1. Same features, for the most part, as Nix-based Ethereal

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