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To find the differences between 2 Excel sheets in the same file

2009-03-04 09:10 609 查看
Option Explicit


'Purpose: To find the differences between 2 Excel sheets in the same file

' and mark:

' Green - match

' Red - don't mathch

' Black - items were not tested because in the expected results sheet, these cells do not contain data

'Inputs: strFilePath

' strFirstSheetName

' strSecondSheetName


Sub Compare2ExcelSheetsInTheSameFile(strFilePath, strFirstSheetName, strSecondSheetName)

Dim objExcelApplication

Dim rngActualSheetData 'Will hold a MS Excel range object

Dim rngExpectedSheetData

Dim intRowIndex

Dim intColumnIndex

Dim intAreDifferent

'1 - there are no diferences between the sheets, 0 - the sheets are different

intAreDifferent = 1

Set objExcelApplication = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

objExcelApplication.Workbooks.open (strFilePath)

Set rngActualSheetData = objExcelApplication.Worksheets(strFirstSheetName).UsedRange

Set rngExpectedSheetData = objExcelApplication.Worksheets(strSecondSheetName).UsedRange

'Initiallization of the sheets so that it will be possible to understand what went wrong

objExcelApplication.Worksheets(strFirstSheetName).UsedRange.Font.Color = vbBlack

objExcelApplication.Worksheets(strSecondSheetName).UsedRange.Font.Color = vbBlack

For Each Cell In rngActualSheetData.Cells

intRowIndex = Cell.Row

intColumnIndex = Cell.Column

If Cell.Value <> rngExpectedSheetData.Cells(intRowIndex, intColumnIndex).Value Then

Cell.Font.Color = vbRed

rngExpectedSheetData.Cells(intRowIndex, intColumnIndex).Font.Color = vbRed

intAreDifferent = 1


Cell.Font.Color = vbGreen

rngExpectedSheetData.Cells(intRowIndex, intColumnIndex).Font.Color = vbGreen

End If


If intAreDifferent = 0 Then

Reporter.ReportEvent 1, "Compare Excel Sheets in file: " & strFilePath, "There are differences between the actual and expected results, see Excel file for details"

End If



Set objExcelApplication = Nothing

End Sub
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