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2009-03-02 11:27 417 查看


The Art of Application Performance Testing, 1st Edition
by Ian Molyneaux
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Pub Date: February 2, 2009
Print ISBN-13: 978-0-596-52066-3
Pages: 160
This practical book provides a step-by-step approach to testing mission-critical applications for scalability and performance before they're deployed -- a vital topic to which other books devote one chapter, if that. Businesses today live and die by network applications and web services. Because of the increasing complexity of these programs, and the pressure to deploy them quickly, many professionals don't take the time to ensure that they'll perform well and scale effectively. The Art of Application Performance Testing explains the complete life cycle of the testing process, and demonstrates best practices to help you plan, gain approval for, coordinate, and conduct performance tests on your applications. With this book, you'll learn to:

Set realistic performance testing goals

Implement an effective application performance testing strategy

Interpret performance test results

Cope with different application technologies and architectures

Use automated performance testing tools

Test traditional local applications, web-based applications, and web services (SOAs)

Recognize and resolves issues that are often overlooked in performance tests

Written by a consultant with 30 years of experience in the IT industry and over 12 years experience with performance testing, this easy-to-read book is illustrated with real-world examples and packed with practical advice. The Art of Application Performance Testing thoroughly explains the pitfalls of an inadequate testing strategy and offers you a robust, structured approach for ensuring that your applications perform well and scale effectively when the need arises. "Ian has maintained a vendor-agnostic methodology beautifully in this material. The metrics and graphs, along with background information provided in his case studies, eloquently convey to the reader, 'Methodology above all, tools at your discretion...' Ian's expertise shines through throughout the entire reading experience." -- Matt St. Onge, Enterprise Solution Architect, HCL Technologies America / Teradyne

这本实用的书提供了一个循序渐进的方法,帮助您在关键应用程序发布前对其进行可扩展性和性能方面的测试—这是一个重要的议题,在其他[计算机1] 的书籍中往往是用单独的一章进行探讨。当前,企业的生存越来越多地依赖于网络应用和网络服务。由于开发程序的日益复杂,以及迫于产品短时间内发布的压力,许多IT从业人员不会花时间去保证应用系统的性能和有效扩展。《应用系统性能测试的艺术》一书解释了测试过程的完整生命周期,并给出帮助您计划、获得批准、协调以及对应用系统实施性能测试的最佳实践。
l     设定切合实际的性能测试目标
l     实施有效的应用系统性能测试策略
l     解析性能测试结果
l     配合不同的应用技术和基础架构
l     使用自动化性能测试工具
l     测试传统的本地应用系统、基于Web的应用系统和Web服务
l     识别和解决在性能测试中常被忽略的一些问题
本书的作者是一名有着30年IT从业经验和超过12年性能测试经验的顾问。本书通俗易懂,书中配以大量实例和图片,并给出许多实用的建议。《应用系统性能测试的艺术》一书充分地解释了在一个不适当的测试策略中一些常见的错误,并为您提供了一套健全的、系统的方法,帮助确保您的应用系统能够展现出良好的性能,而且在系统需要升级时能得到有效地扩展。“Ian提出的解决方案不依赖于任何工具厂商,他在书中所提到的度量、图表以及背景资料无一不是来自于他在大量实际案例中的研究,并以极其富于表现力的形式地充分展现给读者。‘最重要的是方法,而工具可以灵活选择……’在本书的整个阅读过程中处处都可以体会到Ian在这个领域(性能测试领域)的专业性。”----Matt St.Onge,企业级解决方案架构师,HCL Technologies America / Teradyne。

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