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Creative Searching(创新搜索)

2009-02-25 15:29 330 查看

原文在这里Will the Internet Soon Outsmart Us? 刊载于何毓琦的科学网博客

In one field, the human brain still outstrips the prodigious ability of the Internet search engine to search content. that is because the brain engages in "creative searching" connecting different types of knowledge stored in different regions. Professor Weibo Gong (U.Mass and CFINS Tsinghua) in a talk on 2/23/09 at the U. of Massachusetts Amherst argued that means exist to tap the enormous capacity of the Internet to make creative connections efficiently, that this will likely happen soon, and we should be prepared for the consequences.
中国特色的词“Creative Searching”,互联网智能模型在模仿人脑知识存储管理的机制,好用的大脑不是装的多,只是找得快。
A separate note regarding given prestigious lectures: This reminded me a few years back, an American Nobel prize winner was invited at great expense to give a similar lecture in Beijing, China. It was practically the worst lecture of this kind I have heard in my life. As an American, I was ashamed. As an ethnic Chinese, I feel insulted by the disrespect to China shown by the lecturer (He apparently think that zero preparation and no content are whatChinese deserve) . Excuse me for venting my anger here. It is high time China grow out of this blind adoration and obsession for the Nobel prize.)
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标签:  搜索 互联网 创新