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POSIX pthread线程库的封装-主动对象

2009-02-25 13:56 363 查看
// oamRunner.h 对POSIX pthread 线程库进行面向对象封装

#ifndef OAMRUNNER_H_
#define OAMRUNNER_H_

/// @file oamRunner.h
/// @brief This file contains the OamRunner class declaration.
/// Related files: The implementation is in oamRunner.cc
/// Other related files are:

#include <pthread.h>

class OamRunner;

/// @class OamThreadRunner
/// Description: The ThreadRunner class is the helper of the Runner class
class OamThreadRunner
// the definition of the thread status

/// Name: OamThreadRunner::OamThreadRunner.
/// @brief Constructor

/// Name: OamThreadRunner::~OamThreadRunner.
/// @brief Destructor
virtual ~OamThreadRunner();

/// Name: OamThreadRunner::stop.
/// @brief Method to stop the thread.
/// @returns - true if OK, false if error.
bool stop();

/// Name: OamThreadRunner::start.
/// @brief Method to start the thread.
/// @param runner - input - Runner object pointer.
/// @returns - true if OK, false if error.
bool start(OamRunner * runner);

/// Name: OamThreadRunner::suspend.
/// @brief Method to suspend the thread.
/// @returns - true if OK, false if error.
bool suspend();

/// Name: OamThreadRunner::resume.
/// @brief Method to resume the thread.
/// @returns - true if OK, false if error.
bool resume();

/// Name: OamThreadRunner::wait.
/// @brief Method to wait the thread.
/// @returns - true if OK, false if error.
bool wait();

/// Name: OamThreadRunner::isRunning.
/// @brief Method to check the status of the thread.
/// @returns - true if running, false if not running.
bool isRunning();

/// Name: OamThreadRunner::self.
/// @brief Method to get the id of the thread.
/// @returns - the thread id.
pthread_t self();

static void * threadFunc(void * args);

// the thread id
pthread_t tid_m;

// the status of the thread
int status_m;

/// @class OamRunner
/// Description: The OamRunner class is the thread interface which is provided to the
/// application.
class OamRunner
friend class OamThreadRunner;

/// Name: OamRunner::OamRunner.
/// @brief Constructor

/// Name: OamRunner::~OamRunner.
/// @brief Destructor
virtual ~OamRunner();

/// Name: OamRunner::stop.
/// @brief Method to stop the thread.
/// @returns - true if OK, false if error.
virtual bool stop();

/// Name: OamRunner::start.
/// @brief Method to start the thread.
/// @returns - true if OK, false if error.
virtual bool start();

/// Name: OamRunner::suspend.
/// @brief Method to suspend the thread.
/// @returns - true if OK, false if error.
virtual bool suspend();

/// Name: OamRunner::resume.
/// @brief Method to resume the thread.
/// @returns - true if OK, false if error.
virtual bool resume();

/// Name: OamRunner::wait.
/// @brief Method to wait the thread.
/// @returns - true if OK, false if error.
virtual bool wait();

/// Name: OamRunner::isRunning.
/// @brief Method to check the status of the thread.
/// @returns - true if running, false if not running.
virtual bool isRunning();

/// Name: OamRunner::self.
/// @brief Method to get the id of the thread.
/// @returns - the thread id.
pthread_t self();


/// Name: OamRunner::run.
/// @brief this is implemented by the application, it is the thread method.
/// @returns - this could be designated by the application.
virtual int run();


// the object of the runner helper.
OamThreadRunner runner_m;


// oamTask.h 利用oamRunner实现主动对象类

#ifndef OAMTASK_H_
#define OAMTASK_H_

/// @file oamTask.h
/// @brief This file contains the OamTask class declaration.
/// Related files: The implementation is in oamTask.cc
/// Other related files are:

#include "oamRunner.h"

/// @class CommonData
/// Description: The CommonData class is used to store the raw data.
class CommonData
/// Name: CommonData::CommonData
/// @brief Constructor

/// Name: CommonData::CommonData
/// @brief Constructor
/// @param rawData - input - the buffer address
/// @param length - input - the length of the rawData
CommonData(char * rawData , int length);

/// Name: CommonData::~CommonData
/// @brief Destructor
virtual ~CommonData();

/// Name: CommonData::getLength
/// @brief Method to get the length of the raw data
/// @returns - the length of the raw data.
int getLength() const;

/// Name: CommonData::setLength
/// @brief Method to set the length of the raw data
/// @param length - input - The length of the raw data.
void setLength(int length);

/// Name: CommonData::getData
/// @brief Method to get the raw data
/// @returns - the pointer of the raw data.
char * getData() const;

/// Name: CommonData::setData
/// @brief Method to set the raw data
/// @param rawData - input - The pointer of the raw data.
void setData(char * rawData);

// the length of the raw data
int length_m;

// the pointer of the raw data
char * rawData_m;

/// @class OamTask
/// Description: The OamTask class is the active object class

class OamTask:public OamRunner
/// Name: OamTask::OamTask
/// @brief Constructor

/// Name: OamTask::~OamTask
/// @brief Destructor
virtual ~OamTask();

/// Name: OamTask::initialize
/// @brief Method to initialize the oam task
/// @returns - 0 if success, else -1.
int initialize();

/// Name: OamTask::putq
/// @brief Method to put the data into the queue
/// @param commonData - input - the common data object which will be enqueue.
/// @returns - 0 if success, else -1.
int putq(CommonData & commonData);

/// Name: OamTask::getq
/// @brief Method to put the data into the queue
/// @param commonData - input - the common data reference
/// @param commonData - output - the common data which carries the data
/// @returns - 0 if success, else -1.
int getq(CommonData & commonData);

// the logic handler which is implemented by the derived-class
virtual int handle(CommonData * pData);

// the definition pf the pipe type.
FD_READ = 0,

// the thread method.
virtual int run();

// the FD of the queue.
int queue_m[FD_MAX];


// oamRunner.cc
/// Related files: The definition is in oamRunner.h
/// Other related files are:

#include "oamRunner.h"

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.

// This is a protected API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
int OamRunner::run()
return 0;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
bool OamRunner::stop()
return runner_m.stop();

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
bool OamRunner::start()
return runner_m.start(this);

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
bool OamRunner::suspend()
return runner_m.suspend();

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
bool OamRunner::resume()
return runner_m.resume();

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
bool OamRunner::wait()
return runner_m.wait();

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
pthread_t OamRunner::self()
return runner_m.self();

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
bool OamRunner::isRunning()
return runner_m.isRunning();

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
OamThreadRunner::OamThreadRunner():tid_m(0) , status_m(STOP)

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
status_m = STOP;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
bool OamThreadRunner::stop()
if (status_m != STOP)
status_m = STOP;

return true;

return false;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
bool OamThreadRunner::start(OamRunner * runner)
if (status_m == STOP &&
pthread_create(&tid_m , 0 , OamThreadRunner::threadFunc , runner) != 0)
return false;

if (status_m == STOP)
status_m = RUN;

return true;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
bool OamThreadRunner::suspend()
return true;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
bool OamThreadRunner::resume()
return true;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
bool OamThreadRunner::wait()
return ((pthread_join(this->self() , 0) == 0)?true:false);

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
pthread_t OamThreadRunner::self()
return tid_m;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamRunner.h for details.
bool OamThreadRunner::isRunning()

return (status_m == STOP? false:true);

/// Name: OamThreadRunner::threadFunc
/// @brief This is the thread method, pthread will run this method when
/// it is started.
/// @param args - input - Parameter which will be passed by the pthread_create.
/// @returns - if the thread is exit, return 0, else some error occur.
void * OamThreadRunner::threadFunc(void * args)
OamRunner * runner = (OamRunner *)args;


return 0;

// oamTask.cc
/// Related files: The definition is in oamTask.h
/// Other related files are:

#include "oamTask.h"

#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>

// This is a public API. Refer to oamTask.h for details.
CommonData::CommonData():length_m(0) , rawData_m(0)

// This is a public API. Refer to oamTask.h for details.
CommonData::CommonData(char * rawData , int length)
:length_m(length) , rawData_m(rawData)

// This is a public API. Refer to oamTask.h for details.
rawData_m = 0;
length_m = 0;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamTask.h for details.
int CommonData::getLength() const
return length_m;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamTask.h for details.
void CommonData::setLength(int length)
length_m = length;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamTask.h for details.
char * CommonData::getData() const
return rawData_m;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamTask.h for details.
void CommonData::setData(char * rawData)
rawData_m = rawData;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamTask.h for details.
queue_m[FD_READ] = -1;
queue_m[FD_WRITE] = -1;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamTask.h for details.
if (queue_m[FD_READ] != -1)
queue_m[FD_READ] = -1;

if (queue_m[FD_WRITE] != -1)
queue_m[FD_WRITE] = -1;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamTask.h for details.
int OamTask::initialize()
if (pipe(queue_m) == -1)
return -1;

return 0;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamTask.h for details.
int OamTask::putq(CommonData & commonData)
int length = commonData.getLength();
char * data = commonData.getData();

if (length <= 0 || data == 0)
return -1;

if (write(queue_m[FD_WRITE] , &length , sizeof(int)) != sizeof(int))
return -1;

if (write(queue_m[FD_WRITE] , data , length) != length)
return -1;

return 0;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamTask.h for details.
int OamTask::getq(CommonData & commonData)
int length = 0;
if (read(queue_m[FD_READ] , &length , sizeof(int)) != sizeof(int))
return -1;

if (length <= 0)
return -1;

char * data = new char[length];
memset(data , 0x00 , length);

if (read(queue_m[FD_READ] , data , length) != length)
return -1;


return 0;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamTask.h for details.
int OamTask::handle(CommonData * pData)
return 0;

// This is a public API. Refer to oamTask.h for details.
int OamTask::run()
while (isRunning())
CommonData commonData;
if (getq(commonData) == -1)
return -1;

if (handle(&commonData) == -1)
char * data = commonData.getData();
delete [] data;
data = 0;

return -1;

char * data = commonData.getData();
delete [] data;
data = 0;

return 0;
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