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HP Mercury QTP 10的下载、破解和新功能

2009-02-17 09:53 441 查看
HP Mercury的QTP 10已放出下载了(下面是我的用户名下载的链接,直接Copy到迅雷中就可以,有效期30天):

T6510-15063.zip 1.37G



New Supported Operating Systems and Environments

QuickTest Professional 10.00 now offers support for the operating systems, browsers,
and development environments listed below.
For a complete list of all supported operating systems, browsers, and development
environments, see the HP QuickTest Professional 10.00 Product Availability Matrix.

Microsoft Windows 2008 Server 32-bit Edition

Microsoft Windows 2008 Server 64-bit Edition

Microsoft Windows Vista, Service Pack 1, 32-bit Edition

Microsoft Windows Vista, Service Pack 1, 64-bit Edition

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 32-bit Edition—Service Pack 3(9.5下也可以用,不过我发现先开Foxmail,再开QTP会报错,但先开QTP,再开Foxmail没有问题)

Citrix Presentation Server 4.5

Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, Beta 2

Mozilla Firefox 3.0.x

Delphi: IDE, versions 6, 7, and 2007 (for controls based on the Win32 VCL library)

SAP: CRM 2007 (For controls that support test mode enhancements. Requires SAP notes: 1147166,
1066565, and 1002944. Later SAP notes related to test mode enhancements are not supported.)

Java: IBM 32-bit JDK 1.5.x, SWT toolkit version 3.4

Java Extensibility: Eclipse IDE 3.4

.NET: .NET Framework 3.5—Service Pack 1

New Features

QuickTest 10.00 now offers the following new features. Click a link to view more
details about the selected item.

Centrally Manage and Share Testing Assets, Dependencies, and Versions in Quality Center 10.00

New resources and dependencies model for storing and managing shared assets

Support for asset versioning and baselines

Asset Comparison Tool for comparing versions of individual QuickTest assets and Asset Viewer for viewing an earlier version of a QuickTest asset

A special tool for Quality Center administrators that upgrades all QuickTest assets to use these new features.

Perform Single-User Local System Monitoring While Running Your Tests

The new
local system monitoring feature (File > Settings > Local System Monitor) enables you to monitor the local (client-side) computer resources used by the application instance you are testing during a run session.

Improve Portability by Saving Copies of Tests Together with Their Resource Files

You can save a standalone copy of your test and its resource files to a local drive or to another storage device using the
File > Save Test with Resources command. When you save a test in this manner, QuickTest creates a copy of your test, all associated resource files, and any called actions.

Call Actions Dynamically During the Test Run
Generally, when you insert a call to an external action, the action call becomes part of the test, and the called action is loaded each
time you open the test.
In some situations, you may want to take advantage of the new LoadAndRunAction statement to load an action only when
the step runs, and then run that action.
This is useful, for example, if you use many conditional statements that call external actions, and you do not want
to load all of these actions each time you open the test, since these actions may not be necessary during the run session.

Develop Your Own Bitmap Checkpoint Comparison Algorithm

You (or a third party) can now develop
custom comparers for bitmap checkpoints. A custom comparer is a COM object that performs the bitmap comparison for the checkpoint according to your testing requirements. For example, you could define a custom comparerthat allows a bitmap checkpoint to pass even if the image in the application shifts by an amount specified when the checkpoint is defined.

Centrally Manage Your Work Items and ToDo Tasks in the To Do Pane
The new To Do pane that is now available in the QuickTest IDE, enables you to create and manage self-defined tasks, and to view a compiled
set of the TODO comments from your tests, components, and associated function libraries.

For example, you can use the Tasks tab to provide instructions to someone else during a handover, or to create reminders
for yourself. The Tasks tab provides check boxes in which you can mark off each task as you complete it. In the Comments tab, you can view and sort all your TODO comments. You can also jump directly to a selected TODO comment in the testing document.

You can also export your tasks and TODO comments from the To Do pane to an XLS (Excel), CSV (comma separated), or XML file.

Improve Test Results Analysis with New Reporting Functionality
QuickTest 10.00 includes a powerful set of new reporting options that help you analyze and manage your run results more thoroughly and
efficiently. These include:
Jump to step
Export Test Results to Microsoft Word or PDF Formats
New Image Reporting Options
Additional Quality Center Details

Test Standard and Custom Delphi Objects Using the Delphi Add-in and Delphi Add-in Extensibility
The new Delphi Add-in enables you to test Delphi controls that were created in the Delphi IDE and are based on the Win32 VCL library.

QuickTest Professional Delphi Add-in Extensibility is an SDK (Software Development Kit) package that enables you
to develop support for applications that use third-party and custom Delphi controls that are not supported out-of-the-box by the QuickTest Professional Delphi Add-in.
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