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rsyncd - 模块常用配置说明

2009-01-30 23:22 204 查看

rsyncd - 模块常用配置说明

# 本文件的默认位置是/etc/rsyncd.conf


motd file = /var/rsync/welcome.msg

pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid


use chroot = no

max connections = 20

log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log

lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock

uid = nobody

gid = nobody


# After the global parameters you should define a
number of modules, each module exports a directory tree as a symbolic
name. Modules are exported by specifying a module name in square
brackets [module] followed by the parameters for that module. The
module name cannot contain a slash or a closing square bracket. If the
name contains whitespace, each internal sequence of whitespace will be
changed into a single space, while leading or trailing whitespace will
be discarded.

# 在全局参数之后需要定义一些模块,每个模块将一个目录树导出成一个符号名。在方括号[模块名]中指定模块名称并跟随该模块的参数来导出模块。模块名称不能包含斜线和右方括号,每个内部的空白序列将转换成单独的空格,忽略首尾的空白。


# comment

# This parameter specifies a description string
that is displayed next to the module name when clients obtain a list of
available modules. The default is no comment.

# 该参数指定一个在客户端获取有效模块列表时显示在模块名称旁边的描述字符串。默认值是无备注。

comment = module comment

# path

# This parameter specifies the directory in the
daemon's filesystem to make available in this module. You must specify
this parameter for each module in rsyncd.conf.

# 该参数指定守护进程的文件系统中该模块有效的文件夹。在rsyncd.conf中的每个模块都必须指定该参数。

path = /path/to/module/

# read only

# This parameter determines whether clients will
be able to upload files or not. If "read only" is true then any
attempted uploads will fail. If "read only" is false then uploads will
be possible if file permissions on the daemon side allow them. The
default is for all modules to be read only.

# 该参数指示客户端是否能上传文件。如果"read only"是true则任何尝试上传都将失败。如果read only"是false则在守护进程端的文件权限允许时可以上传文件。所有模块的默认值都是read only

read only = yes

# list

# This parameter determines if this module should
be listed when the client asks for a listing of available modules. By
setting this to false you can create hidden modules. The default is for
modules to be listable.

# 该参数指示当客户端询问有效模块列表时是否列出该模块。通过设置该值为false可以创建一个隐藏模块。模块的默认值是可列出的

# no和false代表隐藏, yes和true代表列出

list = no

# hosts allow

# This parameter allows you to specify a list of
patterns that are matched against a connecting clients hostname and IP
address. If none of the patterns match then the connection is rejected.

# 该参数允许指定一个匹配客户端主机名称和IP地址的模式列表。如果任何一个模式都不匹配则关闭链接。

hosts allow =

# ignore errors

# This parameter tells rsyncd to ignore I/O
errors on the daemon when deciding whether to run the delete phase of
the transfer. Normally rsync skips the --delete step if any I/O errors
have occurred in order to prevent disastrous deletion due to a
temporary resource shortage or other I/O error. In some cases this test
is counter productive so you can use this parameter to turn off this


ignore errors

[rsync - 官方网站]


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