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2009-01-14 13:01 344 查看
开发环境win下面配置使用Memcached方法概述  再简单的事情没有做一遍都不能明白其中时候如此,今天配置Memcached就发现这个问题。帮助很全,先是在memcached for Windows获取到了需要的win下面的Memcached,按照方法:  引用
Unzip the binaries in your desired directory (eg. c:memcached)
Install the service using the command: 'c:memcachedmemcached.exe -d install' from the command line
Start the server from the Microsoft Management Console or by running the following command: 'c:memcachedmemcached.exe -d start'
Use the server, by default listening to port 11211
  然后  在php.ini 加入一行 'extension=php_memcache.dll'  然后到 http://pecl4win.php.net/ext.php/php_memcache.dll获取php_memcache.dll   并复制到 ext 中(记住版本不要错了!)  重启Apache,发现PHPInfo就是提示出不来memcache,真是无语了,代码测试总是提示  引用  Fatal error: Class 'Memcache' not found in D:xampplitehtdocsmemcacheindex.php on line 20  开始觉得奇怪,于是搜索在官方网站发现了http://www.php.net/manual/zh/ref.memcache.php
Hi there:For run memcached in a windows box: (tested with latest php,apache and memcache in xp sp2)a) download the php_memcache.dll it can be found in the pecl file.b) put the dll in the extension folder (c:/php/extension for example). You cannot miss this folder because they are filled with php*.dll files. In some cases the extension folder used is the system32, a non-standard way to put dll but still works.c)configure the php.ini; i put this like the latest extensionextension=php_memcache.dll; i'm not sure about this but don't hurts..[Memcache]memcache.allow_failover = 1memcache.max_failover_attempts=20memcache.chunk_size =8192memcache.default_port = 11211d)This is important, memcached works with a EXTERNAL service. This service must be downloaded and installed prior to use the memcache. I use: http://jehiah.cz/projects/memcached-win32/e)Remember to install the service and to start the service memcached.exe -d install for install and run services.msc for start the memcached service (or restart the system).f) check the firewall ports.Finally restart the apache/iis and runs some test. At least in phpinfo must show some info about the memcache.Final notes :The "awe" about memcache is not only can help for speed some process (or reduce the cpu use), also can be used like a global session for store a whole object also this "global session" is shared among all the users, like APPLICATION used in ASP. So (for example) it's possible to do a user counter without needing of database or writing a file.
 试试态度加上看了一下,看到了熟悉的东西了:  view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
$mem = new Memcache;$mem->connect('', 11211);$mem->set('key', 'This is a test!', 0, 60);$val = $mem->get('key');echo $val;
  在浏览器输出了  This is a test!  另外作为服务器开发者,自然很关注的一个问题就是这个Memcached的原理问题,在老农如是想,如是说,如是为博客中提到:  引用  Memcached 本身的启动过程,在 memcached.c 的 main 函数中顺序如下:  1 、调用 settings_init() 设定初始化参数  2 、从启动命令中读取参数来设置 setting 值  3 、设定 LIMIT 参数  4 、开始网络 socket 监听(如果非 socketpath 存在)( 1.2 之后支持 UDP 方式)  5 、检查用户身份( Memcached 不允许 root 身份启动)  6 、如果有 socketpath 存在,开启 UNIX 本地连接(Sock 管道)  7 、如果以 -d 方式启动,创建守护进程(如上调用 daemon 函数)  8 、初始化 item 、 event 、状态信息、 hash 、连接、 slab  9 、如设置中 managed 生效,创建 bucket 数组  10 、检查是否需要锁定内存页  11 、初始化信号、连接、删除队列  12 、如果 daemon 方式,处理进程 ID  13 、event 开始,启动过程结束, main 函数进入循环。
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