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How to access a Window XP Remote Destop in a ipv6 network

2008-12-27 01:29 465 查看
As we know, the original windows remote desktop client does not support ipv6 connection, so here, I provide a method to enable ubuntu user to access window  remote desktop in a ssh tunnel on a ipv6 network. This method also supports windows-to-windows connection.

Sever Configuation: (Windows end)
First, install openssh on Windows XP.

and install (the default install path is C:/program files/openssh)

enter terminal (run cmd):

cd C:/program files/openssh/bin

run the commands below:

mkgroup -l >> ../etc/group

mkpasswd -l -u >> ../etc/passwd

note: should be substitued into your username.

Second, setup a port proxty for ssh. (because windows ssh server can not suport ipv6)

netsh interface portproxy add v6tov4 listen listenport=22 connectionport=22

Client Configuation: (Linux or Windows)
install ssh.

sudo apt-get install ssh

install putty. (use this powerful tools to setup ssh tunnel).

sudo apt-get install putty


session: (image)

SSH->Tunnel: (image)

click "open", open the ssh connection.

input usrname and passwd to login.

Now, we can use window remote Desktop
terminal server client (image)

click "Connect", we can access remote Windows Destop now.

The other method to support ssh tunnel on Linux Client:

ssh -L 3389/localhost/3389 wrsh1983@2001:da8:bf:0:20a:ebff:fe99:78da

we do not need putty in this way.
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