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2008-12-03 12:58 393 查看
When you walk into your boss' office for your performance review, you need a Game plan. Documenting your accomplishments is a good starting point. But just as important, you need to know how to come out of the meeting with the information you need.
Experts offer these tips for handling this sometimes tricky conversation:
* Ask questions.
Always press for details, says Gail Ginder, an executive coach with the Claros Group.
来自Claros 集团的执行教练Gail Ginder说,永远都要努力去获得细节。
If your boss says you're doing a great job, this could mean you're about to be promoted. It could also mean that your performance is just OK, but your boss didn't want to take the time to do a more thoughtful review. To find out which is the case, ask for details. What aspects of your performance stand out to your boss?
Asking questions becomes even more important when the review is negative. "Often feedback is given without specifics," Ginder said. "Ask for specific examples of times when your performance didn't meet expectations. Then ask, 'And what would great performance have looked like? What would you have wanted me to do in that situation?'"
* Tell your story.
If you disagree with your boss' assessment of your performance, ask if you can tell your side of the story.
"Say, 'I have a different perspective on this situation. Would you like to hear it?'" Ginder said. Make sure your tone of voice is not defensive. "You want to make your boss curious," not annoyed, about what you have to say. Then explain, calmly, why you didn't make the choice your boss now says you should have.
Ginder说:“可以这样说‘我对这个情况看法不一样。你想听听吗?’”不要带着自卫的语气。 “你是想让让老板(对你要说的)感到好奇”,而不是生气。然后,镇定地解释为什么没做出老板认为本该做出的表现。
Don't feel you need to give an explanation like this in every case, though. "It's perfectly fine to say, 'I hadn't looked at it that way. I'd like to try that next time,'" Ginder said.
* Play it by ear. 见机行事
It's generally a good idea to discuss your future with your boss at your review. But if you're blindsided by criticism of your performance, it may be better to save that for another day. 通常在考核面谈中和老板讨论你的未来是一个好主意。但是如果没料到遭到的是批评,那么也许最好留到以后再谈。
"Only have the big-picture discussion about where you want your career to go if your review is going well," said Janet Scarborough Civitelli, founder and president of Bridgeway Career Development. Bridgeway Career Development创始人、主席Janet Scarborough Civitelli说:“只有在你考核顺利时,才该讨论关于职业方向的大局。”
* Don't sweat the small stuff. 不要面面俱到
You don't have to explain or discuss every minor improvement your boss thinks you could make. 不需解释或讨论老板认为你该做出的每一个微小改善。
The key is to know when the issue is something that could put your job or promotion prospects at risk. Once again, the best way to find out is to ask. 关键是知道哪些情况下某件事情会危及你的工作或提拔。同样地,最好的方法就是询问。
Ginder suggests saying to your boss, "'I need a little perspective here. How serious is this?'" Ginder建议人们对老板说:“我需要了解具体情况,这有多重要?”
* Follow up. 事后跟进
If you are surprised by a negative review and want some time to reflect before discussing it, ask your boss for more time. "Your boss knew it was coming," Civitelli said. "You may have to say, 'I need some time to think about these things.'" 如果业绩考核的负面评价让你感到惊讶,想在讨论之前有段时间反省的话,那就要求老板给你更多的时间。Civitelli说:“你的老板早会料到会出现这个情况。你也许得说‘我需要一些时间考虑这些事情。’”
If your boss wants you to improve your performance, ask if you can talk again in a few weeks to see if you're succeeding. 如果你的老板希望你改善工作表现,那么问一问能否几周后再谈谈,看看到那时你的工作表现是否有所改善。
In some cases, if your review is very negative and you feel it's unfair, you may want to ask if there's a way to avoid having the review made part of your permanent record until you have had a chance to rectify the situation. 有些时候,如果你的考核评价很糟糕,你感觉不公平,你可能会想问问能否有机会来改善情况,能否不让它计入永久工作业绩记录。
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