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【ASP.NET Step by Step】之 开篇 Scott Mitchell

2008-11-21 13:39 351 查看

孤陋寡闻了,昨天才知道 Scott Mitchell 这个牛人。



Hello! My name is Scott Mitchell, and I am the editor, founder, and primary contributor to 4GuysFromRolla.com. In addition to founding 4GuysFromRolla.com, I also created ASPFAQs.com and ASPMessageboard.com. I work as a freelance writer, trainer, and consultant from San Diego, California. If you are in need of my services, please check out my experience, skillsets and rates. I can be reached at mitchell@4guysfromrolla.com if you have any questions.


My education has been comprised of both classroom experience through top universities as well as through professional classes, seminars, conferences, and meetings.

Masters Degree in Computer Science (University of California - San Diego, September 2001-June 2003)

In June 2003 I completed my Masters Degree in Computer Science, with an emphasis on Database and Information Retrieval Systems. Graduated with highest honors (GPA 3.92).

Bachelors of Science in Computer Science (University of Missouri - Rolla, August 1996-May 2000)

In May 2000, I completed my undergraduate degree with a major in Computer Science and minors in both Mathematics and Psychology. Graduated with highest honors (GPA 3.98).

Mitchell 2000年本科毕业,算起来比我们大不了多少。真是没得比啊。。。

Scott Mitchell at 4guysfromrolla


Scott Mitchell at MSDN


Scott Mitchell's article at ASP.NET


cnbolgs 翻译


翻译的有的看起来更加难以理解 还是看原文舒服。

这个系列就以Scott Mitchell的系列为蓝本,重新开展ASP.NET的研究。并不写成翻译的形式,只是记录自己的一些理解体会, 希望大家多多指教!
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息