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Functional And Object Oriented Analysis And Design: An Integrated Methodology

2008-11-16 21:41 429 查看
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Functional and Object Oriented Analysis and Design: An Integrated Methodology teaches students of information systems, software engineering, computer science and related areas how to analyze and design information systems using the FOOM methodology. FOOM combines the object-oriented approach and the functional (process-oriented) approach. It makes a clear distinction between the analysis and design development phases, and enables a smooth transition from the former to the latter. The methodology in Functional and Object Oriented Analysis and Design: An Integrated Methodology is very structured. As a result, it provides step-by-step guidelines on what to do and how to do each of the analysis and design activities. Many examples make the learning and utilization of the methodology easy.
http://rapidshare.com/files/17610094/_2006-06__1599042029_Functional_And_Object_Oriented_Analysis_And_Design_-_An_Integrated_Methodology.rar http://mihd.net/n4wths http://rapidshare.com/files/18632732/Functional_And_Object_Oriented_Analysis_And_Design_-_An_Integrated_Methodology.rar
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