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2008-11-10 08:42 288 查看

Congratulations! You wowed your
prospective employers on your first interview and have been called back
for an encore. So, how will the second interview be different from the
first? 祝贺你!你在初试时的表现让雇主们啧啧称赞。你接到进行复试的电话通知。那么,复试和初试有什么不同呢?

This time around, expect to spend more
time at the company, talk to more people, individually and
collectively, and have your skills and personality scrutinized more
closely. 这一轮,你要准备在公司呆更久,与更多的人或单独或集体进行交流。你的各项能力要接受更为严格的检验。

The Employer's Point of View 雇主对复试的观点

From an employer's perspective, the
second interview is a chance to closely evaluate a candidate's
abilities and interpersonal skills. Your prospective employer wants to
see that you can do the job and work well with colleagues.

Be aware that many employers bring in
several candidates on the same day to streamline the second interview
process. Your challenge is to distinguish yourself from the other
candidates. 要知道,许多的雇主会让多名候选人一同进行复试以简化程序。 你的挑战是如何让自己从众多候选者中脱颖而出。

To show you're a good fit with the
company, focus on explaining how your abilities and experiences would
enable you to do the job. Be specific. Offer concrete examples that
highlight your competence and compatibility.

(to be continued)
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