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The New Six Sigma: A Leader's Guide to Achieving Rapid Business Improvement and Sustainable Results

2008-11-05 19:30 423 查看
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Six Sigma transformedMotorola's breakthrough approach to maximizing business value.

*The definitive guide to the New Six Sigma -by its inventors at Motorola

*Beyond defect reduction-discover how to optimize your entire business!

*Learn from state-of-the-science techniques and detailed global case studies

*An essential resource for every leader, quality expert, and Six Sigma Black Belt
Six Sigma has come a long way since Motorola invented it as a breakthrough approach to reducing product defects. Now Motorola has thoroughly revamped Six Sigma to reflect today's core business challenges: the challenge to execute and the challenge to maximize value. In this book, leaders of Motorola Six Sigma offer the first comprehensive guide to the New Six Sigmaand show how to use it for sustainable competitive advantage.

*Six Sigma and shareholder value: key lessons from first-generation Six Sigma

*The four elements of the New Six Sigma: Align, Mobilize, Accelerate, and Govern

*A step-by-step approach to New Six Sigma implementation and management

*Understanding the leadership governance enhancements that are key to success

*Refocusing Six Sigma tools on innovation and strategic business improvement

*Global case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the New Six Sigma

*Tomorrow's Six Sigma: new innovations in financial accounting, customer needs assessment, and asset management

*The future of the Six Sigma Black Belt
The original Six Sigma transformed the business world. The New Six Sigma will have an even more powerful impact. Discover these techniques todayand start reaping the results tomorrow.
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标签:  motorola tools 出版